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Quarry Selection Multi-line output.

is there a way to make a Quarry select roll to output multi line output? I kind of have it but i would like to refine it some. Below is what i have to make it put out multi line. &{template:default}{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}}{{?{Bomb Strength| Standard,Shrapnel Bomb DEX save: [[@{spell_save_dc}]] AOE: 3x3 Square Damage: [[3d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing all creatures in 3x3 square must make a DEX Save of take 3d4+WIS Slashing Damage. Targets take half damage on a successful save. | Improved,Improved Shrapnel Bomb DEX save: [[@{spell_save_dc}]] AOE: 5x5 Square Damage: [[5d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing All creatures in 5x5 square must make a DEX Save of take 5d4+WIS Slashing Damage and are knocked prove. Targets take half damage on a successful save. | Expert,Expert Shrapnel Bomb DEX save: [[@{spell_save_dc}]] AOE: 7x7 Square Damage: [[7d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing All creatures in 5x5 square must make a DEX Save of take 5d4+WIS Slashing Damage and are knocked prove. Targets take half damage on a successful save.  Targets that fain the DEX save are knocked Prone. }}} and i would like the output to look like the code below. &{template:default}{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}} {{Saving Throw = DEX Save [[@{spell_save_dc}]]}} {{AOE = 3x3 Square}} {{Damage = [[5d4+@wisdome_mod]]Slashing}} {{Effect = All creatures in 3x3 square must make a DEX Save of take 3d4+WIS Slashing Damage.  Targets take half damage on a successful save}} is there a way to do this? Also is there a way to have each use multiple ammo type?
David M.
API Scripter
Maybe the %NEWLINE% trick described here might help?
Well that did not work unless I did it wrong. &{template:default}{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}}{{?{Bomb Strength| Standard,Shrapnel Bomb %NEWLINE%DEX Save[[@{spell_save_dc}]] %NEWLINE%AOE = 3x3 Square %NEWLINE%Damage = [[3d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing %NEWLINE%all creatures in 3x3 square must make a DEX Save of take 3d4+WIS Slashing Damage. Targets take half damage on a successful save. | Improved,Improved Shrapnel Bomb %NEWLINE%DEX save: [[@{spell_save_dc}]] %NEWLINE%AOE: 5x5 Square %NEWLINE%Damage: [[5d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing %NEWLINE%All creatures in 5x5 square must make a DEX Save of take 5d4+WIS Slashing Damage and are knocked prove. Targets take half damage on a successful save.  Targets that fain the DEX save are knocked Prone. | Expert,Expert Shrapnel Bomb %NEWLINE%DEX save: [[@{spell_save_dc}]] %NEWLINE%AOE: 7x7 Square %NEWLINE%Damage: [[7d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing %NEWLINE%All creatures in 5x5 square must make a DEX Save of take 5d4+WIS Slashing Damage and are knocked prove. Targets take half damage on a successful save.  Targets that fain the DEX save are knocked Prone. }}}
David M.
API Scripter
I think the intent is to have the query remain a single line, but the output to have line breaks. I've never used it though, so YMMV.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It looks like you want to nest a template within a query. Here's what the code you are trying to make work would look like: &{template:default}{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}}{{?{Bomb Strength| Standard,{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}} {{DEX save=[[@{spell_save_dc}]]}} {{AOE= 3x3 Square}} {{Damage= [[3d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing}} {{effect=all creatures in 3x3 square must make a DEX Save of take 3d4+WIS Slashing Damage. Targets take half damage on a successful save.| Improved, improved| Expert, expert} }} This code has the Standard entered, you'll need to add Improved and Expert using the same syntax. Basically you are creating roll template syntax in an a query, like this: &{template:default}{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}}{{?{Bomb Strength| Standard,{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}} {{DEX save=[[@{spell_save_dc}]]}} {{AOE= 3x3 Square}} {{Damage= [[3d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing}} {{effect=all creatures in 3x3 square must make a DEX Save of take 3d4+WIS Slashing Damage. Targets take half damage on a successful save.| Improved, improved| Expert, expert} }} But there's a problem: any } characters cause a query to break - it sees them as the end of the query, and ends the query early. (similar brackets in an attribute call, like @{wisdom_mod} do not cause it to break in the same way.) So you have to replace them with codes that substitute for them - that's what } is doing. Give that a try for Standard, then you can try and enter improved and expert.
so i tried that and the selection works ok, but everything after the coma in the macro does not work. below is what it gives me. i tried it twice.

Edited 1654008656
al so here is what i have in the macr box. (see below) &{template:default}{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}}{{?{Bomb Strength| Standard, {{name=Shrapnel Bomb}} {{DEX save=[[@{spell_save_dc}]]}} {{AOE= 3x3 Square}} {{Damage= [[3d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing}} {{effect=all creatures in 3x3 square must make a DEX Save of take 3d4+WIS Slashing Damage. Targets take half damage on a successful save.| Improved, improved| Expert, expert} }}

Edited 1654008864
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If there's a comma, I missed that - you'll need to replace any commas as well. Replace any commas with , Not the commas needed for the query though.
what i replaced the coma with , the selection broke. below is the code and the quarry option. &{template:default}{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}}{{?{Bomb Strength| Standard, {{name=Shrapnel Bomb}}  {{DEX save=[[@{spell_save_dc}]]}} {{AOE= 3x3 Square}} {{Damage= [[3d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing}} {{effect=all creatures in 3x3 square must make a DEX Save of take 3d4+WIS Slashing Damage. Targets take half damage on a successful save.| Improved, improved| Expert, expert} }}
sorry it is there i just forgot to select when i copied it. &{template:default}{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}}{{?{Bomb Strength| Standard, {{name=Shrapnel Bomb}}  {{DEX save=[[@{spell_save_dc}]]}} {{AOE= 3x3 Square}} {{Damage= [[3d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing}} {{effect=all creatures in 3x3 square must make a DEX Save of take 3d4+WIS Slashing Damage. Targets take half damage on a successful save.| Improved, improved| Expert, expert} }}
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You replaced a comma that is needed by the query. The rrror was somewhere else. I'd included an extra {{ that wasn't needed. The correct code should be &{template:default}{{name=Shrapnel Bomb}}{{?{Bomb Strength| Standard,name=Shrapnel Bomb}} {{DEX save=[[@{spell_save_dc}]]}} {{AOE= 3x3 Square}} {{Damage= [[3d4+@{wisdom_mod}]] Slashing}} {{effect=all creatures in 3x3 square must make a DEX Save of take 3d4+WIS Slashing Damage. Targets take half damage on a successful save.| Improved, improved| Expert, expert} }}
yep that worked that you, you are amazing.  one more question. is there a way to do ammo tracking with that, or is that something that cant be done?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks :) If you mean updating the character sheet's ammo amounts, that can only be done with a Pro subscription. Normal macros can only read values from the character sheet - they can't change values in any way.

Edited 1654014004
i am getting the pro sub at the end of the week when i get payed. 
Sheet Author
API Scripter
There's an Ammo script specifically designed for adjusting ammo scores, and the ChatSetAttr script can make any desired stat modifications.
ok thank you.