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(5e d&d, fantasy age, cypher system, open to others.) (LFG) Looking to join a long term game with some fun peeps on here!

Hello! I'm Az (27 he/him), looking to relax and have a fun time with tabletops. Looking to play with some great peeps. About me: •    Available Monday, Saturday, Sunday post 1 pm CST. •    I much prefer the more laid back personalities over groups the get competitive. •    I’m hard to offend and love some good humor (unless it’s a serious character moment, let’s not undermine it). •    No grimdark. I play Tabletops to smile. •    It can take me a session or so to overcome that initial shyness. For 5e: •    I’m very experienced, having played and have played most modules in 5e. •    Homebrew preferred. I’m very flexible to the setting. •    Looking for around 50/50 combat to roleplay, perhaps leaning in favor of rp. •      I prefer longer-running campaigns as I really want to delve into  how  the group interacts and their stories. I have completed a  multi-year,  level 1-20 campaign in the past. I will make commitments to  long games. •    Willing to join existing campaigns at any level, and willing to play with newer players or DM Comment or chat me if you think I'd be a good fit!
Hi Azronical I run a free long standing sci fi game on Saturday night GMT if you're not set on D&D Players have their own starship and we're looking for additional crew members Good references for our game might include Mandalorian, Firefly, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Cowboy Bebop If you'd like to know more send me a private message Best of luck in finding a game!
I am not stuck on D&D by far but sadly I'm a bit burnt out on scifi as of recently and need a break from the genre. Thanks for the offer tho hope your game goes fantastically!
Hi Azroncial, I run a campaign on Saturday Nights, 7:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern. D&D 5e. I was wondering if you might want to join - I saw your post before I made mine this morning. I think the time schedule will work out and the group is fairly laid back. I also love humor but I have to find a good way to work this into the campaign. The campaign setting pits the heroes against a lot of evil, but nothing the party cannot overcome. The module is from D& D 3.5 and I've reworked to 5E. (The game is not home brew, but I occasionally add some custom content.) I'll come out and say that the amount of role play you are looking for is probably not there in this campaign, however. The campaign has the possibility of going on for a while if we can overcome certain obstacles (my work schedule, for one). Thank you, Charles
I sincerely appreciate the honesty actually. I find if there's too little roleplay I don't quite form that attachment that is needed for the motivation to stay strong. I think you might have better luck with another player tho. Thanks for the offer Charles I do hope you find the players you are looking for.