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[LFP][5e][18+]The Impregnable Fortress of Dib, a beginner friendly one shot.

Several months back, Dib Halfling-Chewer and his cronies were ejected from a nearby goblin clan for indiscriminate wrestling. Their antics, though hilariously entertaining to themselves, were destructive and dangerous to the rest of the clan. The goblins spent several nights in the wilderness before discovering an abandoned wagon by the side of a trade road. There, the homeless cadre transformed the wagon into a distinctly goblinoid fortress. They have had some success in assaulting and looting travelers on the road. You will be a group of adventurers sent to stop them.  I am looking to hold a session 0 before the game where I will discuss everything in further detail but the big takeaways that I need all players on board for are the following 1.) This game will allow you accomplish complete challenges how ever you want. Will it be though hack and slash combat or through subterfuge. Join and find out.  2.)This will be on Roll20, discord(voice), and I will be sharing my sound through discord if you want to be immersed in beautiful forest backdrop while we explore a beautiful city of cats. 3.) This will be mostly a one shot or campaign if we all agree to it that may possibly turn into a campaign so please keep any backstories you do short. 4.) We will be making characters together during session zero please do not bring characters fully fleshed out to the game and please have 2-3 character ideas so we can have a well rounded party. 5.) This will be a 4 hour game with a 15 minute break at the 2 hour mark. if you need to get up and leave that is fine but try not to be disruptive in the process. 6.) This is a mature game with mature themes this isn't like the Sopranos or Game of Thrones but firmly in PG-13 8) This game is open to any kind of player or any gender or racial background. The goal is the tell a harrowing story/journey filled with mystery, danger, adventure and triumph.  If this interests you reach out to me here or through direct message. I ran this one time and it went extremely well.
Hi there! When are you planning on running this?
Hi! I am brand new to D&D and this sounds like a fun adventure! I’d be interested in joining, but I would need some help/more information. Thanks! 
Monday and Sunday Evening