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How to Add Map from Purchased Content to Existing Campaign

Not sure if this is the correct spot for this query, but hoping I can get some advice. I just purchased the Kobold Press bundle, and I am hoping to access some of the maps from their adventures to use in my EXISTING campaign. How do I access the maps from the bundle or a specific adventure they've provided, and then link or add it to my campaign? Failing that, how do I open just one map in a Kobold Press bundle and get my PCs over to that map for just one part of my campaign? Any tips would be welcomed. Thanks!
The only way that I know of to copy assets between games is by using Transmogrifier, which requires a Pro account. That way, you would create a game using your new module, then use Transmogrifier to copy assets from that game to your existing campaign.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
There are ways to download the maps and re-upload them, but then you have to add any GM layer or DL elements as well. If you want to pull over characters to the other game and bring them back afterward, that's much easier. The Character Vault feature can do that for you. However, moving large amounts of content is super easy with the Transmogrifier feature that Rick mentioned.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
There might be a clunky method of moving whole maps from game to game if it still works. This only works for the map and nothing else on it so no dynamic lighting, no tokens, etc. The method is just to attach the desired map to a character sheet as a token and use the character vault. Now you will need to rebuild everything else back onto the map. Personally it is worth spending the extra for a month of pro so you can use transmogifier to move what you need over.
Thanks to you all.  Let me think about the extra cost of Pro, and let me review the content I've just purchased to see how much of it might be applicable to my campaign right now.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Warning about Pro: Once you've had a taste of the Transmogrifier and the Mod scripts, it's really hard to go back.
And so I'm clear, if I go to Pro, will I be able to access all the maps and tokens I've set up for that Campaign in other modules and campaigns, and vice versa?
Sheet Author
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The only thing Transmogrifier won't copy over is custom macros and any folder structure that you've set up for your handouts and character sheets. Any folder structure will need to be recreated manually, but for moving my custom macros, I use a script written by Nick Olivio ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;) I export my macros to a dummy character, use the character vault to copy that character into another game, then export them there. (This still require a Pro account because it requires the ability to use API scripts.)
Really wish I could use purchased content in whatever campaign I wish.&nbsp; This feature should not require a subscription.