Problem: working on existing sheet code with an attribute that defaults to "10". Although this attribute is often changed to a different value, it's common for this value to remain "untouched" as well and retain a value of "10". I would like to change the default value to "8" for all new sheets, but I've noticed that after changing the default to "8", existing sheets change any "untouched" version of this particular attribute from "10" to "8". I thought maybe I could do a version check(sheetworkers)... if this is a new sheet, do nothing. If this is an old sheet, test for the old default value. ie output.foo = (currentValue === 10) ? 10 : currentValue . But it seems that an "untouched" attribute is updated to "8" (per the HTML) before I can do a check with sheetworkers. I've left the default at "10" for now, but I'm curious how one might approach this? Thanks