I wrote this script to build characters for my World War Cthulhu game. The original version goes all the way through without user involvement, generates all the elements and puts them into a character sheet and a handout with further instructions. The idea for this version is to allow the player to roll the various sections and write the results to the chat. They can then reroll until they are satisfied and the final selection will be saved to a character sheet. The results are written to the screen. The saving part isn't done yet. The problem I'm having now, is other than generating the stats, all the other options, which are table rolls, always come up as undefined the first time. If you do it again, you get a result, but not the first time. Suggestions? /**
* Generates World War Cthulhu Characters
* Syntax: !WWCGen option
var WWCGen = WWCGen || {
version: "0.0.4",
output: [],
listen: function () {
on('chat:message', function (msg) {
// Exit if not an api command
if (msg.type != "api") {
switch (msg.content) {
case '!GenStats':
case '!GenNationality':
case '!GenUpbringing':
case '!GenPersonality':
case '!GenPreWar':
case '!GenMilServ':
case '!GenEncounter':
case '!GenRecruitment':
case '!GenIncome':
showHelp: function () {
sendChat("API", "/direct <table style='background: #DCD9D5; border-radius: 20px; font-size: 10px;'>" +
"<thead><tr><th>Help</th></tr></thead>" +
"<tbody>" +
"<tr><td><strong>!WWCGen</strong><br><strong>!fodder help</strong><br>Show this help screen.</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td><strong>!WWCGen core</strong><br>Runs the script.</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td> </td></tr>" +
GenStats: function (msg) {
WWCGen.STR_roll = randomInteger(6) + randomInteger(6) + 6;
WWCGen.CON_roll = randomInteger(6) + randomInteger(6) + 6;
WWCGen.POW_roll = randomInteger(6) + randomInteger(6) + 6;
WWCGen.DEX_roll = randomInteger(6) + randomInteger(6) + 6;
WWCGen.APP_roll = randomInteger(6) + randomInteger(6) + 6;
WWCGen.SIZ_roll = randomInteger(6) + randomInteger(6) + 6;
WWCGen.INT_roll = randomInteger(6) + randomInteger(6) + 6;
WWCGen.EDU_roll = randomInteger(6) + randomInteger(6) + randomInteger(6) + 6;
WWCGen.STR = WWCGen.STR_roll * 5;
WWCGen.CON = WWCGen.CON_roll * 5;
WWCGen.POW = WWCGen.POW_roll * 5;
WWCGen.DEX = WWCGen.DEX_roll * 5;
WWCGen.APP = WWCGen.APP_roll * 5;
WWCGen.SIZ = WWCGen.SIZ_roll * 5;
WWCGen.INT = WWCGen.INT_roll * 5;
WWCGen.EDU = WWCGen.EDU_roll * 5;
WWCGen.SAN = WWCGen.POW_roll * 5;
x = (WWCGen.CON_roll + WWCGen.SIZ_roll) / 2;
WWCGen.HP = parseInt(x);
WWCGen.MP = WWCGen.POW_roll;
WWCGen.Age = WWCGen.EDU_roll + 6;
WWCGen.MOV = 8;
WWCGen.PER = WWCGen.INT_roll * 10;
WWCGen.OCC = WWCGen.EDU_roll * 20;
WWCGen.DODGE = WWCGen.DEX_roll * 2;
WWCGen.RADIO = WWCGen.INT_roll * 2;
WWCGen.LO = WWCGen.EDU_roll * 5;
WWCGen.CR = WWCGen.APP_roll;
d = (WWCGen.STR_roll + WWCGen.SIZ_roll) / 2;
if (d <= 13) {
WWCGen.DB = "-2";
} else if (d <= 17) {
WWCGen.DB = "-1";
} else if (d <= 25) {
WWCGen.DB = "0";
} else if (d <= 33) {
WWCGen.DB = "1d4";
} else {
WWCGen.DB = "1d6";
WWCGen.output['Attributes'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Instructions</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>Are these values acceptable?" + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['STR'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>STR</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.STR + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['CON'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>CON</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.CON + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['SIZ'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>SIZ</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.SIZ + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['DEX'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>DEX</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.DEX + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['APP'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>APP</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.APP + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['INT'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>INT</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.INT + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['POW'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>POW</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.POW + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['EDU'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>EDU</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.EDU + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['HP'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>HP</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.HP + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['MP'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>MP</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.MP + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['DB'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>DB</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>STR+SIZ/10" + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['Age'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Age</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.Age + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['SAN'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>SAN</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.SAN + "</td></tr>";
WWCGen.output['MOV'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Movement</td><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.MOV + "</td></tr>";
WWCText1 = "<table font-size: 10px;'> <tbody>" +
WWCGen.output['STR'] +
WWCGen.output['CON'] +
WWCGen.output['SIZ'] +
WWCGen.output['DEX'] +
WWCGen.output['APP'] +
WWCGen.output['INT'] +
WWCGen.output['POW'] +
WWCGen.output['EDU'] +
WWCGen.output['SAN'] +
WWCGen.output['HP'] +
WWCGen.output['MP'] +
WWCGen.output['Age'] +
WWCGen.output['MOV'] + "</tbody></table>";
sendChat(msg.who, "/direct " + WWCText1);
GenNationality: function (msg) {
sendChat("API", "/roll 1t[Nationality]", function (result) {
var content = JSON.parse(result[0].content);
var values = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name.split(':');
WWCGen.Birthplace = values[0];
WWCGen.Nationality = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name;
WWCGen.output['Birthplace'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Nationality</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.Birthplace + "</td></tr>";
WWCText3 = "<table font-size: 10px;'> <tbody>" +
WWCGen.output['Birthplace'] + "</tbody></table>";
sendChat(msg.who, "/direct " + WWCText3);
GenUpbringing: function (msg) {
sendChat("API", "/roll 1t[Upbringing]", function (result) {
var content = JSON.parse(result[0].content);
var values = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name.split(':');
WWCGen.Childhood = values[0];
WWCGen.Upbringing = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name;
WWCGen.output['Childhood'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Upbringing</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.Childhood + "</td></tr>";
WWCText4 = "<table font-size: 10px;'> <tbody>" +
WWCGen.output['Childhood'] + "</tbody></table>";
sendChat(msg.who, "/direct " + WWCText4);
GenPersonality: function (msg) {
sendChat("API", "/roll 1t[Personality]", function (result) {
var content = JSON.parse(result[0].content);
var values = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name.split(':');
WWCGen.Personality = values[0];
WWCGen.History = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name;
WWCGen.output['Personality'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Personality</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.Personality + "</td></tr>";
WWCText6 = "<table font-size: 10px;'> <tbody>" +
WWCGen.output['Personality'] + "</tbody></table>";
sendChat(msg.who, "/direct " + WWCText6);
GenPreWar: function (msg) {
sendChat("API", "/roll 1t[Pre-War_Occupation]", function (result) {
var content = JSON.parse(result[0].content);
var values = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name.split(':');
WWCGen.PreWar = values[0];
WWCGen.Job = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name;
WWCGen.output['PreWar'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Pre-War Occupation</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.PreWar + "</td></tr>";
WWCText7 = "<table font-size: 10px;'> <tbody>" +
WWCGen.output['PreWar'] + "</tbody></table>";
sendChat(msg.who, "/direct " + WWCText7);
GenMilServ: function (msg) {
sendChat("API", "/roll 1t[Military_Service]", function (result) {
var content = JSON.parse(result[0].content);
var values = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name.split(':');
WWCGen.Military_Service = values[0];
WWCGen.Service = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name;
WWCGen.output['Military_Service'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Military Service</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.Military_Service + "</td></tr>";
WWCText8 = "<table font-size: 10px;'> <tbody>" +
WWCGen.output['Military_Service'] + "</tbody></table>";
sendChat(msg.who, "/direct " + WWCText8);
GenEncounter: function (msg) {
sendChat("API", "/roll 1t[Mythos_Encounter]", function (result) {
var content = JSON.parse(result[0].content);
var values = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name.split(':');
WWCGen.Mythos_Encounter = values[0];
WWCGen.Encounter = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name;
WWCGen.output['Mythos_Encounter'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Initial Mythos Encounter</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.Mythos_Encounter + "</td></tr>";
WWCText9 = "<table font-size: 10px;'> <tbody>" +
WWCGen.output['Mythos_Encounter'] + "</tbody></table>";
sendChat(msg.who, "/direct " + WWCText9);
GenRecruitment: function (msg) {
sendChat("API", "/roll 1t[Reason_for_Joining]", function (result) {
var content = JSON.parse(result[0].content);
var values = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name.split(':');
WWCGen.Recruitment = values[0];
WWCGen.Reason_for_Joining = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name;
WWCGen.output['Recruitment'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Reason for Joining</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.Recruitment + "</td></tr>";
WWCTextA = "<table font-size: 10px;'> <tbody>" +
WWCGen.output['Recruitment'] + "</tbody></table>";
sendChat(msg.who, "/direct " + WWCTextA);
GenIncome: function (msg) {
sendChat("API", "/roll 1t[Income]", function (result) {
var content = JSON.parse(result[0].content);
WWCGen.Income = content.rolls[0].results[0].tableItem.name;
WWCGen.output['Income'] = "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;'>Income</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 5px;'>" + WWCGen.Income + "</td></tr>";
WWCTextB = "<table font-size: 10px;'> <tbody>" +
WWCGen.output['Income'] + "</tbody></table>";
sendChat(msg.who, "/direct " + WWCTextB);
save: function (msg, saveCallback) {
var handout = createObj('handout', {
name: WWCGen.name + ' Instructions',
inplayerjournals: "all",
archived: false
handout.set('notes', WWCPrint);
// },
// save: function () {
var character = createObj("character", {
name: WWCGen.name,
archived: false,
inplayerjournals: "all",
controlledby: "all"
character.set('bio', WWCText);
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'player_name',
current: WWCGen.player,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'recruitment',
current: WWCGen.Recruitment,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'STR',
current: WWCGen.STR,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'CON',
current: WWCGen.CON,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'SIZ',
current: WWCGen.SIZ,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'DEX',
current: WWCGen.DEX,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'APP',
current: WWCGen.APP,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'INT',
current: WWCGen.INT,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'POW',
current: WWCGen.POW,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'EDU',
current: WWCGen.EDU,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'san',
current: WWCGen.SAN,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'hp',
current: WWCGen.HP,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'hp_max',
current: WWCGen.HP,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'mp',
current: WWCGen.MP,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'mp_Max',
current: WWCGen.MP,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'MOV',
current: '8',
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'Age',
current: WWCGen.Age,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'birthplace',
current: WWCGen.Birthplace,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'dodge',
current: WWCGen.DODGE,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'language_own',
current: WWCGen.LO,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'operate_radio',
current: WWCGen.RADIO,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'credit_rating',
current: WWCGen.CR,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'Nationality',
current: WWCGen.Nationality,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'Upbringing',
current: WWCGen.Upbringing,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'Personality',
current: WWCGen.Personality,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'occupation',
current: WWCGen.PreWar,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'milserv',
current: WWCGen.Military_Service,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'mythos_encounter',
current: WWCGen.Mythos_Encounter,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'reason_for_joining',
current: WWCGen.Reason_for_Joining,
_characterid: character.id
createObj('attribute', {
name: 'wealth',
current: WWCGen.Income,
_characterid: character.id
sendChat('', 'Created <a href="<a href="http://journal.roll20.net/character/" rel="nofollow">http://journal.roll20.net/character/</a>' + character.id + '" style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;">WWCGen ' + WWCGen.name + '</a>');
sendChat('', 'Created instructions for completing <a href="<a href="http://journal.roll20.net/handout/" rel="nofollow">http://journal.roll20.net/handout/</a>' + handout.id + '" style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;">WWCGen ' + WWCGen.name + '</a>');
on("ready", function () {