Hello all, I have been working several months on compendium integration for my sheet, and am very close to release, and just remembered about a problem that I left unsolved. I heavily use in my sheetworker the function GetCompendiumPage to prefill data from the compendium database, but it seems that if there is no compendium installed on the game, this function just "freezes". I have tried to emulate the problem by removing the compendium from the game, and a very simple log: getCompendiumPage(cat + values[pre+"Name"].trim(), compendium_pages => { log( "Earthdawn-Autofill : Compendium Search result " + JSON.stringify(compendium_pages)); In the above snippet for a game that doesn’t have the compendium, I never get to the log… meaning my code will become completely non-functional for non-compendium users. What workaround are there ? Is it possible in the sheetworkers to detect if a compendium is installed ? If the JSON with the default parameters of the sheet actually declares a compendium, What actually happens for getCompendiumPage for a user that didn’t buy any expansion ? Does the function return with no result ? Thanks a lot for your support