I've run into a situation that I'm having some difficulty writing a sheet worker for and was hoping for some help. I have a repeating section that looks basically like this: <fieldset class="repeating_implantsneural"> <select name="attr_imp_styleneural"><option value=1>Cyber</option><option value=2>Biogen</option></select> <select name="attr_imp_neuralfeature1"><option value=0>---</option><option value=1>thing1</option><option value=2>thing2</option></select> <select name="attr_imp_neuralfeature2"><option value=0>---</option><option value=1>thing1</option><option value=2>thing2</option></select> </fieldset> I'm looking to get a count the total number of features that are not set to '---'. also, as a bonus looking to NOT count any feature set to 'thing 2' if imp_styleneural is set to 'biogen' so if the repeating section had these values: imp_styleneural imp_neuralfeature1 imp_neuralfeature2 cyber thing1 --- cyber thing1 thing2 biogen thing1 thing2 The returned count would be 4. 1 from the first item 2 from the second item 1 from the third item (since it is biogen, ignore the thing2 feature) I think I should be able to do this with a sheet worker (something like <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/5376553/repeating-section-count-up-items-that-match-criteria" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/5376553/repeating-section-count-up-items-that-match-criteria</a> ) but I haven't had success yet. Any help would be appreciated!