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World of Wrestling : Old School Wrestling shows

Hey  all looking for a players for an upcoming campaign for the system  World Of Wrestling Spots: 2/4 but can have up to 6 Player wrestler We use roll20 to roll and show carector. and discord for voices and socallize.  Time 12 am UTC + 1  what day it is we will discuss when we have enough player.  Game concept: Mark and  Megan Stew are the co owners of Circus Classic Wrestling or better known as CCW. The are not new and has roots in an old carnival tradition  the Great granfather Adam Stew hat a travling circus and carnival and wrestling shows.  Later in the 50s and 60s Andy Stew  took the  circus into the bingo halls and onto the cabel televesion.  Showing the larger than life carector to all the fans. And the people loved it.....Sometimes to much. Now almost 100 years after the  Carnival shows Megan and Mark with the backgound in media. tv and television has decided to take it to the internet and gives the fans a chance to catch the magic form the days where kayfabe was kept behind the curtain
played something similar and was alot of fun. IM me and lets discuss