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Initiative Tracker Plus marker selection

Marketplace Creator
I love ITP but I am running into an issue with the syntax. I am creating a macro for my barbarian player. He can click on the macro and what I want is for it to automatically add the marker and set the duration to 10. Right now it is asking for both. !itp -addstatus Rage:?{Duration?|10}:-1 -marker strong %% rage:
Marketplace Creator
So, I was able to get the duration working but I am still not able to get the marker set on it. Here is what I have now !itp -addstatus Rage:10:-1:
Marketplace Creator
I found a workaround, I created a favorite for the player and then just called the favorite. One thing I wish this one had is the ability to auto-sort the turn tracker. I used to use the Combat Tracker and it did sort, just not sure exactly how it did that.