&{template:default} {{name=Battle Medicine}} {{Risky Surgery=[[(?{Use Risky Surgery?|Yes,1|No,0})]]}} {{Medicine Check Difficulty= [[?{What Difficult do you want to use?|Trained (DC 15) Suecess =2d8 Critical =4d8,15|Expert (DC 20) Suecess =2d8+10 Critical =4d8+10,20|Master (DC 30) Suecess =2d8+30 Critical =4d8+30,30|Legendary (DC 40) Suecess =2d8+50 Critical =4d8+50,40}]]}} {{If risky surgery is 1 then deal [[1d8]] to target first}} {{Medicine Check: [[1d20+@{character|medicine}]]}} Specifically I want it so that if I select risky surgery it adds a +2 to my medicine check temporarily or for the roll in macro. No idea if this can be done with default macros or if a mod is needed to accomplish this. If it can be done without a mod great, because if I need an mod I might as well get one that makes it easier to accomplish this. Lol