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February Roll20 Reserve | The Quiet Year

Roll20 Reserve &nbsp;is a monthly, curated reward for Pro Subscribers. This month’s reward is: The Quiet Year by Avery Alder This popular module is part of our Cozy Games Month and is an $8.99 value! It was also just updated with new high-resolution card art and rules adjustments. About "The Quiet Year" The Quiet Year is a map game. You define the struggles of a post-apocalyptic community, and attempt to build something good within their quiet year. Every decision and every action is set against a backdrop of dwindling time and rising concern. The game is played using a deck of cards – each of the 52 cards corresponds to a week during the quiet year. Each card triggers certain events – bringing bad news, good omens, project delays and sudden changes in luck. At the end of the quiet year, the Frost Shepherds will come, ending the game. For 2 to 4 players one of whom also acts as the facilitator. Games should last from 2 to 4 hours. How to Claim Navigate to&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and click "Claim Now." After claiming, you will see a pop-up window inviting you to create a new game with your reward. Enjoy!
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Awesome! I played a modified version of this last year to help create a campaign world. Fun game!
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keithcurtis said: Awesome! I played a modified version of this last year to help create a campaign world. Fun game! I like that idea, and I hope to do something like that in the future.&nbsp; I have a game instance set up for running Ex Novo for that purpose, but haven't had the chance to use it yet.&nbsp; I'll have to look through this offering and see how they compare and which might work best for me.
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keithcurtis said: Awesome! I played a modified version of this last year to help create a campaign world. Fun game! The Adventure Zone podcast did that as part of their Ethersea 'season', it was an intriguing way to kickstart collaborative world building... will definitely have to give it a go now :D
Forum Champion
Oh, fun! Great way to introduce the Roll20 drawing-tolls in a collaborative way. Also excellent use of Card Decks feature for something other-than plain Playing Cards.&nbsp; We've just been playing a variation of The Quiet Year incorporated with Swords &amp; Wizardry on Roll20, creating a town environment where the adventuring party spent downtime.&nbsp; Great to see this card-deck and rule-set in every Pro's collection. You certainly can play The Quiet Year standalone as its own game with a group (does not need to be tied into a D&amp;D campaign backstory at all, doing this is more of a stretch-experimental idea that tends to come up on Roll20 because you still have The Quiet Year in your collection and can transmogrify the Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter card decks into "other" game tables, other-games, in the long run after trying the game as it plays on its own. I would recommend expecting to read this game's (fairly easy) rules and try it the first time, on its own, before going on to use concepts (and possibly Cards) from it as a campaign companion in RPG's.&nbsp;