Hello one and all and welcome to this weeks release notes! We have a few updates in store for you with one literally being a store ( Sorry for the pun! ) -- As many may have noticed already we have just released some updates that allow for you to purchase Dungeon Masters Guild content for use on Roll20! You can check out more information including items to check out and FAQs here!&nbsp; <a href="https://pages.roll20.net/dmsguild" rel="nofollow">https://pages.roll20.net/dmsguild</a> February 13, 2023 The New Voice &amp; Video Beta has been taken out of beta and is now accessible in settings as Integrated Voice &amp; Video. We are no longer actively developing Legacy Roll20 WebRTC and recommend all users switch to Integrated Voice &amp; Video. Integrated Voice &amp; Video is now the default in new games. Added a tour to the VTT that shows players how to use Integrated Voice &amp; Video. Added the ability to perform multi-user whispers in Integrated Voice &amp; Video. Fixed an issue where the selection cursor would have inconsistent behavior when hovering over a token depending on the layer. Fixed an issue where pages without grids were failing to resize when placing an image and additional issues with automatic image/page resizing. Fixed an issue where grouped drawings weren’t able to be moved separately. Fixed an issue with token selection and movement. Clicking and dragging on an unselected token now selects and moves the token regardless of prior selections. UI changes in character vault to allow users to view more characters without scrolling. February 16, 2023 We’ve converted some of the most beloved Dungeon Masters Guild content as instantly playable adventures directly within the VTT. Check the current&nbsp; Roll20 VTT collection on DMsGuild &nbsp;and our Help Center for&nbsp; FAQs . For future product release announcements, you can subscribe to the&nbsp; DMsGuild &nbsp;/ Roll20 newsletters, or follow us on Twitter! ( DMG &nbsp;/&nbsp; Roll20 ). Please check the&nbsp; Change Log &nbsp;for up-to-date information as releases come out!