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Looking for players for a D&D 5e homebrew setting.


Edited 1679328302
I'm a DM who wants to try out a new homebrew setting I have. Wanting to run a bi weekly game on a weekday.  I have a homebrew setting in place. Plan on having the party start at 3rd level so they can incorporate subclasses into backstories. The party will also start as already being members of the same adventurer guild. Magic is more dangerous in this world as casting a spell can accidently summon creatures from other worlds. If you have any questions please ask.
I would be interested in hearing more about this. I have availability most weekday mornings from about 8-12 Eastern US time. I work from home and have been missing gaming, looking for a virtual game to fill my time.
I might be interested in talking to you about this.  I've played classic Forgotten Realms settings as well as homebrew/hybrid settings and I think it's always cooler playing in a more personalized world.  Also I really like the idea of starting at level 3! I have been playing virtually pretty much since COVID lockdowns first started but have been without a party/game the last few months.  I am available most weekdays after work, something like 4pm-Midnight PST.  Holler at me if that's a fit!!
If you decide to run on Thursday afternoons between 6pm and 11pm CST im down to join. im 28, been playing 5e for 7 years now, fine with mature themes, 

Edited 1679372506
Hi; 39 m in the EDT time zone. I would love to play. I’m a very exp player. Although i normally end up as the forever DM. SO being able to play would be a nice change of pace lol. Love to chat.