Who am I?: My name is Rick, I'm 19 and I've been playing TTRPG about 6 years. My experience as a DM is minimal but I ran a homebrew 1 shot in May of last year that had really good success. Since then I've been TTRPG free due to time and mental health, I'd like to get back into it and actually use that massive shelf of books I own. My Systems: As a player I'm familiar with Lancer, WoD, Pathfinder 1e, Starfinder, Vampire 5e, and Dungeon Crawl Classics but as a DM I have familiarity with Call of Culthulu, Pathfinder 1e, Starfinder, and DnD3.5. There are other systems I've touched or know alot about but typically what happens is I read the book, We make an attempt at a bi-weekly schedule, and then we play three times before it's bust. Between the one-shots and false starts I've hosted I'm looking to helm a real campaign for the first time, I feel I finally have the time and experience to deliver something great and have a great time. Open Slots: 5/5 (Weekly Players), 1/1 (Co-DM) What I'm looking for is less-so players for a game and more-so players for my table. I've been playing TTRPG a long enough time to know that what I enjoy about TTRPG gaming is the sense of purpose, belonging, and accomplishment that can come from these communal group efforts. Some people like to heavily prioritize aspects of these games to the benefit of their enjoyment. I have found that the less you can allow yourself to focus on the game itself the more enjoyable of a time you can have. This is a gaming table not an improv group, As much as you may desire to method act and a satisfying weekly narrative payoff at my table you'd be no different than a Min/Maxer. I can respect a power gamer just as much as I can a wannabe thespian, My games walk a line I say is down the middle on rp and game but lean to the game side. These games are more about who we spend our time around at the end of the day so as long as you can describe your playstyle as "Relaxed" in some manner...feel free to apply. The Table: I'm looking to DM some classic Pathfinder 1e Modules and Adventure Paths at a bi-weekly basis for a group of 6 players. I will be beginning with "The Curse of the Crimson Throne" module but I have a large collection of classic Pf1e adventures as well as ones in other systems. What I plan to follow this up with is Oriental Adventures and the RazorCoast Adventure path's. Each week that I am not running Curse of the Crimson Throne Co-DM will be running a game of their choice. This will allow me and Co-DM to both see playtime as Players and prep for our sessions. Not to mention the benefit of variety. This is an 18+ group with an expectation of adult themes but not ERP, With that said though I'd like a table comprised of similarly aged people (18-28). But don't be discouraged, Every table has room for a veteran. (Adopt a forever DM today) Co-DM: While some seat the term Co-DM as just someone who helps keep a game running smoothly in supplement to the DM in this context I mean something different. The seat of Co-DM at this table is one of equal importance to mine of DM. Each week we will trade off on running our game of choice for the table and play in each other's game while we use that time to prep for our next session. Your game would be all yours and any involvement I have in it's running is up to you. I expect to at times ask you for help with aspects of my game due to my poor ability to multitask and inexperience with DMing. Co-DM applicants need not have much experience but brand new DM's please do not apply. Players: Player applicants can be of any experience level but need be able to routinely make it to a weekly session and be comfortable playing in multiple systems. If you struggle to pick up game mechanics and don't enjoy studying game lore on your own perhaps you aren't a fit. While RP voices and tough combat are both things I can certainly deliver on if I desire they aren't my aim or desire, my strengths lay in delivering strong cohesive narrative experiences, Asking meaningful character questions that help them grow, and Setting a stage of classic fun to reward unconventional take's. The Curse of the Crimson Throne is a pretty classic "Dungeon" crawl but as the Co-DM is currently Unknown I have no Idea what the pairing game will be for the time being. (Will update once we know more) I do not shy away from the darker themes that appear in modules when they do. I take full accountability for anything that takes place at my table and don't ever let realism trump cool. That said- I enjoy the accompanying themes of war and horror that find their way into even somewhat unsuspecting piazo works and don't tend to ever cut them out fully. If you're one to enjoy harsher character treatment and a need to be cautious this is the table for you. Time and Frequency: I'm unemployed and in the process of moving. I have the free time and option of choice to play on any day I want. The time is undecided but my timezone is EST. We'll see what applicant availabilities look like but I'd like a game that meets Thursday, Saturday or Sunday that meets for 3-4 hours once a week. Start time 7:00 pm EST (Alternating game each session) Co-DM player application Form:&nbsp; <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdoZmcw6U95ZrkbdB0WkLXcnR142uiXCnK3Hvgf40eTX15j6A/viewform?embedded=true" rel="nofollow">https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdoZmcw6U95ZrkbdB0WkLXcnR142uiXCnK3Hvgf40eTX15j6A/viewform?embedded=true</a> " Player application Form:&nbsp; <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2fr2sZUR-uFS0-1srMDjHjkWiUbSy5sIpnJ1lmdGKT6kpSA/viewform?embedded=true" rel="nofollow">https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2fr2sZUR-uFS0-1srMDjHjkWiUbSy5sIpnJ1lmdGKT6kpSA/viewform?embedded=true</a> " (Please only apply to one Form, The Co-DM application Form has almost all the same questions but it's a little different)