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Wisdom and Intelligence No Longer On Character Sheet; instead its Willpower and Psionics

Wisdom and Intelligence are no longer on the 5e Character Sheet; instead its Willpower and Psionics 

Edited 1680028250
Same issue here! Just about to start a session too.
Same issue as well on every campaign i run??
Do we know when this will be fixed?

Edited 1680029580
Forum Champion
The Devs are aware of this issue, it may be related to Esper Genesis which uses a slight variation of the 5e sheet.  A fix should be out before too long. 
Hi everyone! Thanks for bringing this to our attention, the Developers are taking a look right now. I'll keep you updated! 
Okay, Character Sheets should be fixed! Take a look, and let me know here if you're still experiencing any problems.