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Have the backdrop color feature be turned off by default

The new backdrop color feature is a cool idea, but having it be turned on automatically for every new map you do is a headache and makes putting in new maps more tedious than it needs to be. I have friends who have had their entire map library for their games affected by this new change, dozens upon dozens of maps that now are an eyesore because now the entire backdrop is some motley green or dark brown. Could perhaps the option by default be that the feature isn't automatically on, so people who don't want to use this don't have to deal with it, and the people who want to use this for one or two maps for mood setting or for aesthetics can choose to turn it on if they want?

Edited 1681394747
Just checked for my campaigns and man... it is really becoming an EYESORE... Just DISABLED it for EVERY Map in my active campaign! EDIT: Just checked: it CAN be disabled in GAME SETTINGS (which I just did)
Daniel S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
I think better off, have it be a switch that can be toggles in the settings bar on the right, instead of requiring an adjustment per page . Personally I enjoy it. It beats white any day, but the added tedium of adjusting is a bit annoying. 
Marketplace Creator
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