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[LF5P] Feral Adventures - Playtest [PF1e][Sat. 8:00pm][Eastern Time]


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Heya folks! Tobias Fox here (server owner) and amateur TTRPG content creator.  Some of you may be aware that I've spent a great deal of time creating a new set of rules for Pathfinder 1e to fill in the gaps regarding shapeshifting, Playing as Animals, or even as Familiars/Companions/Mounts.   If this sounds Furry, that's because... well I am a furry.  But shapeshifting is a part of fantasy and one need not be a furry to participate, just tolerant of them. This includes several new races, two new templates, a pair of new classes and feats, traits, drawbacks and flaws spread liberally about as flavor! Races: Halfhill Felid, Shae Centaur; Template: Redwillow Werefoxes (were-vixens) and The Cursed (can be used to create interesting characters tropes such as the frog prince or the swan princess. Classes: Battlemorph: Cross between a Druid and a Fighter that hyper focuses on their ability to shapeshift, Karmic Assassin: An assassin that eschews the use of 'lethal' force in favor of permanent transformations to 'remove' their targets. This first game will be testing how well it works at starting level 1-4.  This game will modify Strange Aeons Book 1   Then if all goes well, moving on from there playing 4-6.   If that in turn goes well, I shall begin testing some of the more advanced rules from the book such as Pheromone Casting, extra deities, Playing as a familiar or Animal Companion and so on. And finally, although the first few games are play test games, I will be trying to run them as if they were an actual game.  Which means, bring your A game.  Be awake, polite, ready to roleplay as well as roll-play.  And generally make sure you're interested in this kind of game; a game that focuses heavily on animals, transformation, and perhaps even some furry jokes. Details This is more of an interest check.  The full details of the who what where when and how of the game will be forthcoming.  That being said, some things are already known. Date/Time/Duration:  Saturday or Sunday EVENINGS (8pm) (US EASTERN TIME) +5 Age/Maturity: +18 or older Please.  Since this is a Playtest Game, Experienced Players Only.  (Don't have time to both teach and playtest at the same time). System: Pathfinder 1e, Core Rules plus any content available on PFSRD or Nethys.  No Words of Power or Dreamscarred Press.  (Both are really cool, but beyond the scope of what I'm trying to test). Play Test Document:   Feral Adventures GDoc's Folder  Access to the folder and document will need to be granted manually for security reasons. Extra Rules: Elephant in the Room allowed.  Please no custom races, race creator or wacky classes. Game Location: Roll20 (with character sheets). Microphone/Voice: Audio quality must be respectable and you must be clearly understandable.  Furthermore, since the game will be streamed please be respectful, no loud eating, watching YouTube/Anime, or loud noises in the background.  Set phones to vibrate and try to limit interruptions.  (Real Life happens and I get that, if you need to depart, message me quietly, and then message me when you return quietly.) For those interested in the game please reply here, and a link will be provided to GoogleDocs where the Play Test File will be located.  Due to me being overprotective.  I will require an email to log into my docs and have access to the Word File.

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Character Creation Rules Game Link:   Feral Adventures Playtest #1 Level:  1st Ability Scores:  Point Buy 20 Races: Medium  or Smaller animals (as using the Players as Animal Rules). Classes:  Battlemorph, Karmic Assassin, or any of the PF Core Classes + Alchemist, Magus, Oracle, Summoner (with unchained spells), or Witch. Class Rules:  We need at least one Battlemorph for the playtest; Archetypes may be allowed upon review, but no 3rd party, Hybrid or Homebrew in this Playtest.  They will be permitted in future ones.  Synth Summoner is permitted, as is Unchained Rogue and Barbarian if desired. Extra Rules:   Elephant in the Room , no custom races or race creator.  Some sanity rules may also be included depending on the nature of the game, Although, if you have races to suggest or wish to add to the book, I'd be happy to consider them for the next playtest.

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So far we have two (2) confirmed person to have joined the game with 3-4 slots still open. Unchained Rogue - Very Small Creature - Filled - Undecided Class/Animal Open - Size Open - Size Optionally Open - Size Additionally here are some answers to questions I've gotten since posting this LFP Post: Why do I need to log in to GoogleDocs to see the Playtest Document? Because this is a playtest for a game I would eventually like to monetize (publish on rpgNow or DrivethroughRPG).  I have to be a little bit paranoid about to whom I offer access. Is this theater of the mind?  You said it was just Voice AND said it would be on roll20.  Which one? This game will use Discord for voice and roll20 for rolls and Maps.  My indication that its just voice means that no FaceCam (webcams) will be required for this game. I love the game idea but I cannot do Saturdays at 8pm.  Is there any chance that could be changed to a different time? No.  But, I will be running a second playtest game at some point on Sundays.  Feel free to reach out to me about that game instead.
We are still seeking play testers! Come be a part of something fun and different!  Play as a medium or smaller, intelligent animal along with all the challenges therein.  See above posts for details and feel free to message TobyFox2002#1527 on Discord for details! Perks: A free copy of the final release pdf and possibly a free print copy as well (free, not including shipping; if a print copy is produced).
Hi I have been interested in learning the Pathfinder system for nearly 3 years now but I have yet to find a game at a time that is good for me (Sydney Australia GMT+10) I am Interested in the Pathfinder system and if it is Ok I would be more than happy to sit in. I know you stated you preferred "Veteran players" but hope I can assist in filling in a slot all the same. My discord is ScruffyMadman67#9792 If I fit the bill