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Add numbers to display on tokens

I have been thinking about this for a while. If I run an encounter where there are multiple enemies of the same type, I will assign each one a colour dot using the status effects to make it easier for myself and my party to track individual HP and targeting.  However, one of my players is colour blind, so this doesn't work 100% for him. Would it perhaps be possible to add in numbers on the status effects? Maybe 1-9 in white with a black border? It would be so much easier if he could say 'I aim for skeleton 3' rather 'I aim for the blue skeleton? Is it blue? I think it is blue'.  Thank you for reading!
David M.
API Scripter
In the meantime, you can add a number overlay to any installed statusmarker by hovering over the marker in the popup menu and pressing 0 thru 9 on your keyboard, as described here . 
Sheet Author
You can also buy on the marketplace or create and upload your own custom token markers if adding numbers to the color dots doesn't work out for you.
David M. said: In the meantime, you can add a number overlay to any installed statusmarker by hovering over the marker in the popup menu and pressing 0 thru 9 on your keyboard, as described here .  YOU ARE THE GREATEST
You can also look at using custom status markers, either by creating your own, or purchasing a set like this one .
OMG, the workaround (type a number over an applied marker in the marker menu) is so handy.  I never realized I needed this feature until now.  If I have a bunch of the same kind of enemies, I put numbers in the labels so my players can reference "enemy #4", but that requires editing each token, and the players can't see the number unless I display the label (and sometimes I want to hide those). This is so much faster for a quick encounter setup. I'm voting for the idea, because now I'd like numbers without using one of the standard markers (which I use for conditions) as well.  But the workaround is great! Actually, what I'd really like is numbers without markers, just a hovering "12" or similar.  How about "mouse over the token and just type into a 'overlay on token' field", which you could use for numbers or any other text?
I like Ken S.'s idea as well.
Marketplace Creator
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