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See Player View

I use dynamic lighting and it's difficult for me to tell what the players can "see". For hybrid or home games, I have a second account and all player tokens set to "All Players". I log in on a second PC that's hooked to a monitor all the players can see. This works great for those games, but for fully remote games, as a workaround, I basically do something similar, add my player view account to all character tokens, and put this on my second PC. The "launch as player" is not suitable as things are different than actually viewing as a player. I would like to just hit a button and see what the players can see and not use the second PC when the game is fully remote. 

Edited 1684276237
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; also April 24, 2023 Updated the "Preview as Player" keyboard shortcut Ctrl + L. When you use it on a token without vision, you get a popup that will explain that the token does not have vision and will be asked if you would like to give that token vision. Previously, it just indicated that the token does not have vision.

Edited 1684277539
Yeah, that doesn't really work. What I want to see is what the player can see. That gives me an idea of their vision, but I can still see the gm layer, and I cannot tell what's been exposed (aka Explorer Mode). It only shows me their current visible area. I want to see exactly what the players can see. Also, I have to do this for every token. Kind of a pain if you have 7 players and 3 familiars. The only way I have figured out how to do this is the workaround mentioned above.&nbsp;
Ah like a very faint aura that are the sight lines of "All Players" or maybe faintly codded to the Avatar/Ping Color?
Yeah, and I was playing with this last night and it does &nbsp;show the Explorer Mode view, but again, only for a given token. I took one token and ran it through an area then checked the Control L on both tokens. It's a little wonky as you have to sometimes hit it a few times to get it to work - not sure what's going on there, but eventually, you will see the current view and previously exposed view. On another VTT, viewing all the players' views is Control Shift P, simple, no token selecting and instant. Never hurts to steal an idea :-)
"Preview as Player" is flawed, it should be "Preview as Token" because it does NOT show you what the Player sees if it has Vision on several Tokens; it just lets you see what that specific Token can see.
Wyrmwood said: Yeah, that doesn't really work. What I want to see is what the player can see. That gives me an idea of their vision, but I can still see the gm layer, and I cannot tell what's been exposed (aka Explorer Mode). It only shows me their current visible area. I want to see exactly what the players can see. Also, I have to do this for every token. Kind of a pain if you have 7 players and 3 familiars. The only way I have figured out how to do this is the workaround mentioned above.&nbsp; Best would be as often stated to create a dummy account and log into that via private / incognito window. So you can see changes direclty and - if the token in question is assigned to the dummy account, you will see exactly what your players are able to see...
TheMarkus1204 said: Best would be as often stated to create a dummy account and log into that via private / incognito window. So you can see changes direclty and - if the token in question is assigned to the dummy account, you will see exactly what your players are able to see... It's almost as like you read my initial post :-)
Coming soon! Yay!
You have access to this? Or is it from the demo? Wyrmwood said: Coming soon! Yay!
TheMarkus1204 said: You have access to this? Or is it from the demo? From the demo. I asked if I could screenshot it when I saw it!
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