Concerning the skills section: I see a few things have been discussed/mentioned earlier, for example being able to hide skills, which would be a nice feature, but probably on the more time intensive side to add. More thoughts of mine on some of the matter:
Synergies: Having the sheet calculate and add in Synergies automatically would be a
nice feature. Or a list similar to Other skills with ["Synergy Bonus
for" (drop down menu with all the skills and actually adding it to the
selected skill)] ["Synergy Bonus from" (a text field is better here I
think. Makes it easier to expand on synergies as a GM, which I do for
example. Since it's a always a +2 modifier this can be set fix)
It would clear up some tracking issues of "where do I get this Bonus from again" when you just ahve a +7 in the Misc. Mod field and the only place to differentiate it are your notes in the note field, which then in turn is always posted in chat when the skill is used... not my favourite solution)
Skill List: So, having a skill list with the more normal skills that are actually
widely used and leaving the rest to be added under Other Skills by the
players themselves would be more important, imo, than making a huge list of all skills.
I recommend going of the skill list listed in the SRD tool for this ( )
(I would still omit Truespeak, since it is widely accepted, that the whole Truenamer and Truespeak stuff is utterly unplayable crap, to put it mildly).
Iaijutsu Focus I've never seen before it was added to the sheet, since it is a niche setting, that it was taken from (Oriental Adventures, which also has some new Knowledges if you wanna go for a complete list of skills).
Control Shape, although not needed on the most standard of skill lists either (imo) is probably still used more than those two.
Even the psionic skills are niche for a huge amount of games, or when psionics and spells are handled the same way (Psionics-Magic Transparency) I've seen Psicraft omitted and Spellcraft used instead sometimes and Use Magic Device = Use Psionic Device with that variant rule. (here the opinions will be split though I guess, which would make the hiding skills option great again.
Same goes for more lines of Perform since 3 Perform Skills are to few for most ambitious Bards/Entertainers. (really a side note, can be added under Other Skills)
The most important thing missing is Speak Language to track skill points used to learn new languages. It can also be a class skill (Bard, Beguiler, Factotum) so i would really add it below the skill list since it doesn't need rolls for it to be made, but tracking all skill points spent on one page seems prudent still.
Which brings me to Skill Tricks, which have been mentioned. Simple solution: also just one line similar to Speak language to just track the Skill points invested and the total number of tricks taken and maximum possible (since you can only take one every 2 levels without extra feats, it'd be nice to have that at one glance there as well. although dividing the skill points by 2 yourself is an ok option ofc, since they always cost 2 SP)
You could ofc make a complex solution and make a section where you can track the SP spent on Skill Tricks as well as having fields for every trick. maybe with a "spent" check box to mark them off, since they can be used only once per encounter mostly. So tracking the used ones and having a seperate note field for each for it's rules text is nice, but not vital.
TLDR: Having a place for Synergies or calculating the SRD ones automatically
Speak Language and Skill Tricks need a place to track the SP spent on them.
Cleaning up the skill list a bit to not confuse newer players and leaving obscure skills to be added under the "Other Skills" by hand.
So after all that said, I can only humbly repeat: thanks for maintaining the sheet =) we use it a lot and there are not many nice tools for 3.5 like this =)