Gre̷e̷e̷e̷tings!̵̡͝ I hope you're enjoying your gaming experiences on our platform. As always, we've been hard at work listening to your valuable feedback and making improvements to enhance your gameplay. Here are some notable updates and bug fixes that have been ro ll ed out recently:̶ July 13, 2023 Pathfinder 2e Character Sheet : Fixed a bug where light items stowed within the capacity of a backpack were incorrectly affecting total bulk calculation July 17, 2023 VTT Toolbar Improvements You can now collapse the toolbar if the toolbar is taking up more space than you prefer. There is a new button at the top that you can use to do collapse it with. Go to town! Let us know what you think about it. We heard a lot of feedback that the toolbar was pretty big and takes up a lot of space. When we were designing it, we were trying to make sure that it was accessible for people that need it to be bigger. We revisited the size of the toolbar and we think we can make some changes to make it smaller while still making sure it's accessible for those that need it to be big. Take a look and tell us what you think! You can now ping the map by right-clicking where you want to ping and choosing the "Ping" option from the context menu. You can also do a "Focus Ping" which will move everyone's camera to that point. This makes the ping functionality more discoverable on a desktop and possible on a tablet or mobile device. We have collapsed the toolbar on small screens (mobile phones) by default. While we don't support mobile devices, we are trying to slowly improve the mobile experience where we can. We think collapsing the toolbar by default for Mobile Phones will give users more space. Be sure to let us know what you think. Improved Layer Flyout so that it doesn't completely overlap the names and pictures at the bottom. Now it should stack vertically. VTT Bug Fixes  Fixed a bug that was keeping users on a tablet from long pressing and pinging the map. Now you can show people where you're pointing too while on a tablet! Fixed a bug where the shortcut for previewing as a token didn't work for free users. Now that should work fine. Sorry about that. Fixed a bug where the layer menu was displaying below the names and avatar images. Sorry that we made it hard to change layers with that. It should be fixed now. Fixed a bug where the measure tool would highlight when typing in text areas when using advanced shortcuts. That was super annoying sorry about that. It's fixed now. Fixed some bugs with the layer drawer collapsed too early. That should work as expected now. July 20, 2023 Fixed a bug on the D&D 5e Character sheet where some classes were getting the wrong number of spell slots Please check the  Change Log  for up-to-date information on releases.