Whats up with tokens looking like absolute ass after the recent new interface update? This token was taken straight from the compendium that I purchased so I expect it to work out of the box without modifications. The map scale is defaulted at 1 and the zoom is at 100%. What gives? I've been running a Westmarch campaign for nearly 3 years without issue and this NPC has been present since the beginning. Why is Roll20 constantly devolving? Dynamic lighting was such a resource hog and prone to memory leaks that my players kept crashing and it needed to be removed, and now this? If Roll20 didn't have a near monopoly on VTT, they'd be bankrupt with updates like these. **It was my fault** I told my players that am not running a game until this issue is fixed and if it isn't resolved by the next billing cycle I will just cancel my sub altogether.