Our gaming group just started a 3.5 campaign and have started to use Diana's renowned character sheet but we've run into some snags and we are sure it must be user error. Is there an instruction page for the character sheet? (NOT the macro wiki page, we are not coders, we do not understand code/macros/mods)
- Typing in PC class by hand rather than a pull-down, check-box, etc. Because we are doing it by hand, proficiencies aren't populating
- Typing in spells by hand. Regardless of which spell is cast, first, a concentration check box appears, then a box prompting the user to type in target, then cure minor is cast no matter what 0 level cast button is pushed. First-level spells do not cause a pop-up concentration check box, instead, a black and red box appears, instructing the user to click on the selected target. No token or space is targetable and no spell is cast.
Thank you!!