Thanks Joe and Markus for your feedback, probably a negative feedback is more important than a positive.
Before start to let me say this: Diana did an awesome job building this sheet, but some (D&D 3.5) feature missing.
When I made these changes I followed these guid lines:
- I made change for all type of players and games (even if i I don't use/like a functionality);
- Keep the sheet clear;
- Make the game-experience easier;
- Don't loose old data.
- Not all players know how to edit macros
Andreas J. said:
Yeah this is one of the larger problems with sheet development, introducing more features without increasing complexity/usability for existing users, or rearranging . Options to hide some new advanced features from the sheet can somewhat mitigate it, but don't think it's always possible.
If the sheet where to be refactored to use CSE, some of the features introduced there could help in sheet development.
This is not a technical upgrade/refactor, next time; but if is possible all new feature can be hidden.
Joe said:
Think of the new players. They're going to take one look at this mess and go running back to 5th ed.
One last thing before I try to answer your criticisms: thank you for calling my work, in which I spent several hours, ridiculous.
Class section
In D&D 3.5 almost every PG have more than 1 class, often 3 or more. This is the game.
Before the was only 1 field where you can put only 20 characters, the previous field was useless. Now i created a hideable section and I kept all previous fields with the same name. You two don't like this feature, but other player do (read the previous post, and there are other posts)
Does it break anything? If yes please tell me, i can fix it.
Is it clutter? If you hide it, you see only 1 word: "Classes"
Turn undead section
Again: this is a hideable section, if you don't use it no problem, hide it; but if you are a cleric with the previous sheet you cannot turn undead. I put these two macros above skill section, because it's check it's quite similar to a skill check.
Don't you like the position? No problem, i can move it, it's very easy!
Does it break anything? No, it's impossible.
Is it clutter? If you hide it, you see only 2 words and 1 Dividing line. Joe, you play from 7 years, but for a new player a button is better than a custom macro.
Skill section
In the base sheet, some skills have a different macro, in this macro the check is "whispered to GM", to change this you must modify the macro. It's easy, but not all player know to do it. I added a combobox, for each skill, on the right margin of the sheet; and now these macros are change at runtime as needed.
Does it break anything? If yes please tell me, i can fix it.
Where is the problem? The size of the section is always the same, i checked, I added a combobox with two values "Yes"/"No".
Talking only about these three modifications.
I ask you some questions:
You have been playing for years with the same sheet, but this sheet is not complete, are these changes really a problem?
Do they break anything?
Have you lost any data?
For the Spell Section I'll create a dedicated post.