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D&D 3.5 Sheet upgrade

July 28 (3 years ago)

Edited August 01 (3 years ago)

Hi, I'm going to add some new features to the standard D&D 3.5 sheet, some of these are already published, some others not yet.

This is the list:

  • Already published
    • new class section where specify each levels/dv type/hp for all classes and prestige classes(PC and NPC sheet);
    • new Turn Undead section: under the section "Skills" there are two ability "Turning check" and "Turning damage" (PC sheet);
    • added combo box "Wisper GM" in Skills section: id you select "Yes" the ability check is "whispered to GM" (/w gm) (PC sheet);
    • new Spell section:
      • for divine and arcane spells is now possible add all spell stats (like range, duration, ...) (PC sheet);
      • add new section for Psionic Powers (PC sheet);
      • add new section per Warlock Invocations (PC sheet);
      • add new section for Maneuvers and Stances (Tome of the battle) (PC sheet);
      • add a specific section for spell-like abilities (PC sheet);
  • To be published
    • new tab "Summon", here you can add all your familiars, favored shapes, special mount, or something else (PC sheet);
    • add new field to Weapons section:
      • new field for damage (PC and NPC sheet);
      • new filed for variable damage (like snake attack) (PC and NPC sheet).

When I modify the sheet I preserve all existing fields, so no data will be lost.

Please give me some feedback or suggestions.

Hi Hoyer!  Thanks for improving the sheet.

Please for the love of Pelor, acknowledge in some way that Cleric DOMAINS exist.

I know it can be put under the "class" section but it just seems strange to not have it under the spell section.

Barbarian Rage toggle of some kind.  At this point willing to accept anything.

More suggestions coming.

July 28 (3 years ago)

Edited July 28 (3 years ago)

A question about the domain: do you need a place where add all domains you choose, or mark a spell in domain list?  

The Barbarian rage is a problem for this reason: the rage modify 2 different section Stats and AC, but usually you use it in combat scenes when you are in Weapon tab.   I should create a specific section "Rage", and add these field:

  • Str bonus
  • Con bonus
  • AC malus

Where can I put this section?

July 29 (3 years ago)

Edited July 29 (3 years ago)

For the Domains, there is no place to indicate a spell is your Domain spell *slot*, additionally, no place to indicate if you're a focused caster and have different types of spell slot modifications.

The way the spell section has been redone looks a lot worse than the old presentation - why did you change this? My last 3.5 campaign concluded JUST as this was changed so I have not had a chance to *use* the spell section with the update, but, my initial reaction is unfavorable - it's nice that you added a Psionics/Maneuver/SLA section though so I do applaud that.

I definitely think a "Rage/Ability Boost" section would be helpful - as there are a bunch of different Rage/Berserk/Frenzy/etc types of common buffs, you should allow the player to select what stats are being modified and by how much.  Once they setup how their particular "Rage/Ability Boost" works, then it should just be a toggle ON/OFF imo.

Suggest the first page aka Stats section as it modifies stats.  Perhaps you can add a tab for the "Epic Saves/Epic Attack Bonus" section so you can hide that to save space because if you're not playing Epic it has 0 usage and just takes up space on that first page which is the most important IMO.

Just looked through everything, or at least I think I did. Now that I know I haven't lost my marbles and things didn't just vanish, I can throw out some feedback.

I like that you can now add in multiple classes, my players will as well.
An official spot to list your chosen Cleric domains, granted powers and domain spells would be awesome.
Excited about the idea of a built in spot for wild shape stats and similar shifting, even though I know I could just make a dozen NPC sheets for that.
I like the spell tab changes, as far as having them separated so you can just hide what you don't need, not a fan of the look when they are expanded out by level. It feels cluttered to me.

July 29 (3 years ago)

Edited July 29 (3 years ago)
  • Domains section:

beardymagics said:

For the Domains, there is no place to indicate a spell is your Domain spell *slot*

I can add a check box to each spell, so you can indicate the domain spell.

Nick S. said:

An official spot to list your chosen Cleric domains, granted powers and domain spells would be awesome.

I can add a dynamic section, like spell list, with two fields: name, granted powers.   But this would be an empty section, and you should add your Domains; because add all Domains from all books it's not easy.

  • Spells section:

beardymagics said:

The way the spell section has been redone looks a lot worse than the old presentation - why did you change this? My last 3.5 campaign concluded JUST as this was changed so I have not had a chance to *use* the spell section with the update, but, my initial reaction is unfavorable - it's nice that you added a Psionics/Maneuver/SLA section though so I do applaud that.

Nick S. said:

I like the spell tab changes, as far as having them separated so you can just hide what you don't need, not a fan of the look when they are expanded out by level. It feels cluttered to me.

this is the idea behind this section:

When we play we don't want to check all spells info from manual or internet, so I added all standard field to define a spell.   But I agree, is not clear, how can I improve it?

The first version of this section was different: all field are on the same row.   But in this version each field was too small.

You can find this version here: Test scheda

  • Combat section:

beardymagics said:

I definitely think a "Rage/Ability Boost" section would be helpful - as there are a bunch of different Rage/Berserk/Frenzy/etc types of common buffs, you should allow the player to select what stats are being modified and by how much.  Once they setup how their particular "Rage/Ability Boost" works, then it should just be a toggle ON/OFF imo.

I'd like to re-draw the "Weapon section":

  • split the weapon list in two parts: melee weapon and ranged weapon;
  • above the weapon section add a "Bonus section", and add here all combat bonus (rage, power attack, spell bonus), and modify the current macro to take the combat bonus from this section, but keep the generic field "Additional Attack Bonus?".

As of tonight, it seems that the Spells tab is totally broken and reset. Everyone in the game I'm in are missing their spells now after the latest update. Anyone else?

July 29 (3 years ago)

Edited July 29 (3 years ago)

No, I'm in several game (created by me and not by me) but all spells are already present.

Is the spell name also empty?

Hoyer said:

I'd like to re-draw the "Weapon section":

  • split the weapon list in two parts: melee weapon and ranged weapon;
  • above the weapon section add a "Bonus section", and add here all combat bonus (rage, power attack, spell bonus), and modify the current macro to take the combat bonus from this section, but keep the generic field "Additional Attack Bonus?".

This sounds good to me but would like to know what other players think about this.   I understand the need for the weapon attack macro the way it is; 3rd is a lot more complex and has a lot more variables.  However, once you add up all the variables the *RESOLUTION* is Roll a 20 and add a single number.  When you make a weapon attack, it should be PRESS ONE BUTTON on the character sheet - there should be an area where your modifiers go that is easy to access and modify and then you don't have to press the button 5x on the roll macro.  Hopefully others will think this is a better way to do it.  I definitely think you should REMOVE "Additional Attack Bonus?" as a *pop up confirmation window* but put that on the re-done "Weapon Section".  Hopefully you understand what I mean - have weapon 1, weapon 2, weapon 3 etc but above that have "Current Melee Attack" and "Current Ranged Attack" and those areas would be where you have your modifiers. So that on the player end they click ONE BUTTON to make an attack - not several clicks.

July 29 (3 years ago)

Edited August 01 (3 years ago)

beardymagics said:

So that on the player end they click ONE BUTTON to make an attack - not several clicks.

Yes, this is exactly my idea: configure all bonus in a general section and then roll the macro, but I'd keep the option "Additional Attack Bonus?" for two reasons:

  • here i'd show the sum of all bonus
  • If you forget to configure a bonus in the "configuration attack area" you don't need to re-roll the attack, you can modify "on the fly" the total bonus, without re-run the roll.

but this is only my idea, we can wait more feedback.

July 29 (3 years ago)

Hey Hoyer,

I have noticed that my Spell-Like Abilities are completely missing (I had two typed up). No name, no code, nothing except an "add" button.

You will still need the "Additional Attack Bonus?" for other things, like Bardic Music (can give +1 or higher to attack and damage rolls (I have two Bards in my current game)), or if one of the many other bonuses from the PHB are in effect (or other spells)

I'm not sure about the spell section (I'm playing a Wizard) yet, will probably post after our next game this weekend. In saying that, what does the area "ST" used for?


A player absentmindedly forgetting about a bonus is NOT a good reason to add more clutter to a character sheet OR to make someone have to click 2 times when 1 click will do.  I think it's a lot easier to have the following situation: PC makes attack roll: "18 total with my bonuses, oh wait I forgot +1 from Bless..."   DM: Okay so you got a 19, make sure you update your Attack/Stat Bonuses section.

That's how it works IRL in paper and we do that often enough online as well.

July 29 (3 years ago)

Edited August 01 (3 years ago)

Roddles said:

I have noticed that my Spell-Like Abilities are completely missing (I had two typed up). No name, no code, nothing except an "add" button.

Ok, I made a mistake with this section, I try to fix and I try to restore your data.

Could you check the level 10 for Divine or Arcane spell?

Roddles said:

I'm not sure about the spell section (I'm playing a Wizard) yet, will probably post after our next game this weekend. In saying that, what does the area "ST" used for?

"ST" -> Saving Throw: as in spell description you can put "YES", "NO" or something else.

July 29 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

I've updated the wiki page to mention these new changes to the sheet, and a link to this thread:

Might be smart to document something on how the sheet works there. Remember there are now and then people who get confused by some basic stuff related to the 3.5 sheet, but no idea about the details as I don't use it.

July 29 (3 years ago)

Thanks, I'll report all changes in this page.

Hello I would like to have a working example of a macro for maneuvers, as I'm not so good with these macro, I used for maneuvers a macro similar to a spell macro, but if I copy that macro on the space for the maneuver macro it doesn't work and it give me this error

No attribute was found for {@Iarmid|maneuvermacro15} and it send in the chat Iarmid|maneuvermacro15

July 29 (3 years ago)

All Maneuvers Macro fields are empty, you should create you own macro, but in my opinion is useless... I create these fields because are present in arcane/divine spell section.   I don't use the spell macro, but it was in old sheet so I kept them.

If you need I can help you to create a specific macro, but probably is off topic.

Most of my player's always have google running in the background to check spells and other things, though for certain players I know having all the info in one area would be handy.

I went through and made macros for a good chunk of the 3.5 spells, so personally, I need the macro slot to stay, not sure I can share them though since it has spells from all the books, not just the core books. 

The layout in the test sheet definitely looks cleaner on one line, but I can see the issue of not everything fitting reasonably, not sure what the best way to fix that would be, I'll think on it.

When is the Attack/Damage update expected for the NPC sheet? That is super exciting to me, and will save me lots of time when I add new monsters.
July 29 (3 years ago)

Moreover in "Test sheet" the spell section doesn't have macro.

I'm going to complete the NPC section and Summons in a few days.

July 31 (3 years ago)

The feedback from my 3.5 group regarding this update is negative.
The sheet was already overly complicated with far too many fields, tabs, and subtabs. If you have someone new to playing with the sheet, even if they're a 3.5 regular, it requires training just to navigate. If I have to go clicking through a bunch of subtabs to find some info that used to be prominently displayed that slows the game down. Slowing the game down is bad.
Now with the changes you've implemented it has become much worse. None are necessary, and only clutter the sheet without adding anything that improves how the game is actually played. 
Did we really need a dropdown next to the skill to determine if it was a whisper or not? No, but now any skill macros I may have modified are out the window. How often do you change a skill roll to or from a whisper? 
A subtab for Turning above skills? How is this intuitive? Is that a skill? What was wrong with tucking your turn macro into the SLAs, or having on the Attributes & Abilities tab and making it a button?
A subtab for classes? Clutters up the top of the character sheet, and hides info from being accessed at a glance. I never had a problem putting all the information for multiclass characters in the space provided using abbreviations. 
The worst by far has to be the spells tab. It has no flow, and is so cluttered with never to be used fields and subtabs it takes forever to find what is useful amid all the other junk. In addition when you change attribute names, @{spellcastingstat} to @{divinestat} (or whatever you call it now)--for example--you screw up any macros that pull that attribute. (Also an issue with the new classes fields). As someone who has made a compendium of hundreds of 3.5 spell macros, and applied them to hundreds of pre-generated NPCs and monsters this is more than an inconvenience. You don't use spell macros though. That tells me you're out of touch with what a lot of this community uses the character sheets for, especially the Spells Tab. 
Do you know of anyone who has played a character with Arcane & Divine Spells, Invocations, Psionics, AND Maneuvers/Stances? There is no need for all these fields since they aren't all being used at the same time by anyone and there was more than enough places to put all that info before, even if you had a multiclass Arcane/Divine Caster with SLAs. (I would know. I have one. He's awesome) 
And you're planning more so I guess we have that to look forward to. (facetious) Every change you propose will be fixing something not broken, and cause more of the problems I've already mentioned before. 
As I read the messages above it is clear that you are modifying the sheet because either it makes it more useful for yourself, or more likely it's just a pet project so you can try to include as much stuff as possible. This is fine, but when you do it on a community sheet that undoubtedly hundreds or thousands of games are based on it causes a lot of headache to those GMs and players. It would be better for you to start a new 3.5 sheet for the GMs who run games that allow multiclass Wizard/Cleric/Warlock/Psion/(whatever uses maneuvers/stances)s.
I understand I could switch to a simplified 3.5 sheet, they exist; but then I lose everything I built for the last 7 years.
Please change it back, or at least make it less ridiculous. Think of the new players. They're going to take one look at this mess and go running back to 5th ed. 

July 31 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Joe said:

The sheet was already overly complicated with far too many fields, tabs, and subtabs. If you have someone new to playing with the sheet, even if they're a 3.5 regular, it requires training just to navigate. If I have to go clicking through a bunch of subtabs to find some info that used to be prominently displayed that slows the game down. Slowing the game down is bad.

Yeah this is one of the larger problems with sheet development, introducing more features without increasing complexity/usability for existing users, or rearranging . Options to hide some new advanced features from the sheet can somewhat mitigate it, but don't think it's always possible.

If the sheet where to be refactored to use CSE, some of the features introduced there could help in sheet development.

I agree with what Joe said as I'm currently one of his player and i have a druid with lots of spells which the new character sheet updated split half of my spells into arcane and Divine spells. I never heard of Arcane Druid before. If there was an option to revert to the older sheet can you please include that option to have either new or older existing character sheet? Then here that Class subtabs, I think that is Ridiculous. Why you have to make it harder like that. I had to spend 10 minute just looking for that subtabs. Quite frankly, Hoyer. Please revert the sheet back to what it was before or at least add in option to revert to that version.
July 31 (3 years ago)

Edited August 01 (3 years ago)

Thanks Joe and Markus for your feedback, probably a negative feedback is more important than a positive.

Before start to let me say this: Diana did an awesome job building this sheet, but some (D&D 3.5) feature missing.

When I made these changes I followed these guid lines:

  1. I made change for all type of players and games (even if i I don't use/like a functionality);
  2. Keep the sheet clear;
  3. Make the game-experience easier;
  4. Don't loose old data.
  5. Not all players know how to edit macros

Andreas J. said:

Yeah this is one of the larger problems with sheet development, introducing more features without increasing complexity/usability for existing users, or rearranging . Options to hide some new advanced features from the sheet can somewhat mitigate it, but don't think it's always possible.

If the sheet where to be refactored to use CSE, some of the features introduced there could help in sheet development.

This is not a technical upgrade/refactor, next time; but if is possible all new feature can be hidden.

Joe said:

Think of the new players. They're going to take one look at this mess and go running back to 5th ed. 


One last thing before I try to answer your criticisms: thank you for calling my work, in which I spent several hours, ridiculous.

Class section

In D&D 3.5 almost every PG have more than 1 class, often 3 or more. This is the game.

Before the was only 1 field where you can put only 20 characters, the previous field was useless. Now i created a hideable section and I kept all previous fields with the same name. You two don't like this feature, but other player do (read the previous post, and there are other posts)

Does it break anything?   If yes please tell me, i can fix it.

Is it clutter?   If you hide it, you see only 1 word: "Classes"

Turn undead section

Again: this is a hideable section, if you don't use it no problem, hide it; but if you are a cleric with the previous sheet you cannot turn undead. I put these two macros above skill section, because it's check it's quite similar to a skill check.

Don't you like the position?   No problem, i can move it, it's very easy!

Does it break anything?   No, it's impossible.

Is it clutter?   If you hide it, you see only 2 words and 1 Dividing line. Joe, you play from 7 years, but for a new player a button is better than a custom macro.

Skill section

In the base sheet, some skills have a different macro, in this macro the check is "whispered to GM", to change this you must modify the macro.   It's easy, but not all player know to do it.   I added a combobox, for each skill, on the right margin of the sheet; and now these macros are change at runtime as needed.

Does it break anything?   If yes please tell me, i can fix it.

Where is the problem?   The size of the section is always the same, i checked, I added a combobox with two values "Yes"/"No".

Talking only about these three modifications.

I ask you some questions:

You have been playing for years with the same sheet, but this sheet is not complete, are these changes really a problem?

Do they break anything?   

Have you lost any data?

For the Spell Section I'll create a dedicated post.

July 31 (3 years ago)

Spell Section

Keep in mind these things:

1- you can be a divine/arcane caster (there are many Prestidge Classes, eved for Druid/Arcane, for example the Fochlucan Lyrist), in this case the field spellcastingstat is useless, because this classes use different stat;

2- Psionic Power, Maneuver, Invocations and Arcane/Divine spell, are completely different, you cannot use the Spell fields for Maneuvers....

So, I create a sheet that can be used from all kind of players, not only from you.

But this section is not definitive, I need your help to complete it, and make it usable. Give me your suggestions, not close your mind to this new sheet! I knew there would be problems, but tell me what those problems are, specifically.

Even the previous sheet had several problems, for example: what do you do if you have a PC Cleric/Mage, @{spellcastingstat} should be Wis or int?

I certainly don't want you to lose the work of seven years, I wish your job could be improved.

However, I am making another modification on this section, to handle this problem, I hope you appreciate it more.

July 31 (3 years ago)

These changes seem a bit... Excessive. My recommendation is take the existing sheet and make a copy, and apply your changes to THAT sheet. Then upload it as a separate sheet so if people want these kind of enhancements, they can take them and not be required to use your changes. That's what I'm doing with Diana P.'s sheet.

July 31 (3 years ago)

Edited August 01 (3 years ago)

Adam K. said:

These changes seem a bit... Excessive. My recommendation is take the existing sheet and make a copy, and apply your changes to THAT sheet. Then upload it as a separate sheet so if people want these kind of enhancements, they can take them and not be required to use your changes. That's what I'm doing with Diana P.'s sheet.

You are right, this is my first idea, but is not possible, Roll20 staff told me that there can only be one sheet.... in a few day i release a more backward-compatible "spell section", both from a graphical and macro point of view.

As I told before, this is not the last version, we can find a new solution together.

July 31 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Adam K. said:

These changes seem a bit... Excessive. My recommendation is take the existing sheet and make a copy, and apply your changes to THAT sheet. Then upload it as a separate sheet so if people want these kind of enhancements, they can take them and not be required to use your changes. That's what I'm doing with Diana P.'s sheet.

Roll20 prefer to not have several near-identical sheets in the repo, so this would likely be a case where they would reject a submission of the forked sheet, in favour of having the updates being integrated to the new sheet.

OTOH, there is only one 3.5E sheet, so they might approve it.

July 31 (3 years ago)

I sent the new version of this section, in a few days will be active: now you can choose your favorite version, moreover if you start to use one version and thad you want try the other one, all data are copied between the two sections.

Here you can find a preview: Test sheet

August 01 (3 years ago)

Edited August 01 (3 years ago)

When you hover over a new field in the template, you see what looks like an attribute name (ex: divinecasterlevel). Unfortunately, these values are not included under the sheet's Attributes, and therefore cannot be accessed within macros. Are you planning to add these attributes in the future?

August 01 (3 years ago)


I have to agree with Joe, Andreas, Adam, Marcus. Please revert the sheet ASAP! Many community members like myself have running games on roll20 older than you have been on roll20. Total chaos on my game tonight, I do not appreciate it! A change to the community sheet is unnecessary and unsolicited. The fact that I had to add the "casterlevel" attribute on the fly for a new player tonight was very frustrating. Please change immediately. 

August 01 (3 years ago)

Edited August 01 (3 years ago)

Mikaluka said:

A change to the community sheet is unnecessary and unsolicited.

I disagree with you, I'm sorry but that's not true, for me and other players it's necessary.

But I understand your frustration, and I understand that you are an "old" player and don't want to change for several reasons.

Please read my last post:

Hoyer said:

I sent the new version of this section, in a few days will be active: now you can choose your favorite version, moreover if you start to use one version and thad you want try the other one, all data are copied between the two sections.

Here you can find a preview: Test sheet

The change is already done, we have to wait for the staff to make it active.

August 01 (3 years ago)

Gaia Nostra said:

When you hover over a new field in the template, you see what looks like an attribute name (ex: divinecasterlevel). Unfortunately, these values are not included under the sheet's Attributes, and therefore cannot be accessed within macros. Are you planning to add these attributes in the future?

Hi, probably this is a mistake, I'll try to fix in a few days.   Thanks for your report.

August 01 (3 years ago)

Gaia Nostra said:

When you hover over a new field in the template, you see what looks like an attribute name (ex: divinecasterlevel). Unfortunately, these values are not included under the sheet's Attributes, and therefore cannot be accessed within macros. Are you planning to add these attributes in the future?

I fixed the problem, and i sent the request to Roll20.

August 01 (3 years ago)


You point out that to you and "other players" find these changes are necessary. After spending about two (2) hours reviewing the 3.5 character sheets references in these forums, I do not find that true. Would you please link some of the examples of community input in these forums that Diana P. did not address? 

Hoyer said:

Mikaluka said:

A change to the community sheet is unnecessary and unsolicited.

I disagree with you, I'm sorry but that's not true, for me and other players it's necessary.

But I understand your frustration, and I understand that you are an "old" player and don't want to change for several reasons.

Please read my last post:

Hoyer said:

I sent the new version of this section, in a few days will be active: now you can choose your favorite version, moreover if you start to use one version and thad you want try the other one, all data are copied between the two sections.

Here you can find a preview: Test sheet

The change is already done, we have to wait for the staff to make it active.

Thank you for placing the toggle to return the original format, which was stable for approximately six (6) years in my personal experience. However, I'm disappointed that to continue moving forward on my own game, I would have to customize the sheet under my pro status, a step you could have undertaken and not affected my and others' games as cited above in this forum. 

Thank you in advance for your input and replies. 

August 01 (3 years ago)


First of all: No, not seriously. No one is leaving 5th ed for 3.5. That's why we need to snatch up the noobs before they know better.

Second. I have an idea that may solve all this, but not sure if it's possible since I'm not a sheet author. As things stand now, at the top of the sheet there is a toggle between PC and NPC sheets. What if you added a third toggle for Ridiculous PCs? (I couldn't resist) So the player could chose from between the legacy sheet and your sheet. I presume if you did this most of the attributes could be shared between the 2 layers so if a player wanted to switch to or from they could do it without having to refill that stat blocs.

And now looking at the test sheet I see you already did this for the Spells Tab, so shouldn't be a problem right?


The original 3.5 community sheet is definitely lacking.  The fact that it had one tiny area for Class and Level is proof of that.  Everyone that is finding fault with the idea of improving the sheet only plays single class characters with ***no PrC***?  That seems strange to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am also not a huge fan of the spell section changes as I already commented above.  However,  adding in areas specifically for Maneuvers, Invocations etc is a good thing.  I also use spell macros and have 100s of them so I would not want them removed, but, the existing sheet is not great.

I love the idea that Joe has proposed of having a separate tab denoting "Advanced Characters", and, maybe that's the perfect way to have our cake and eat it too - to advance the sheet in one way while keeping the foundations the same so as not to disrupt existing games, macros, etc.

No one else seems to have commented on the "Attack Bonus/Ability Bonus" proposal that Hoyer wants to implement and I think it's definitely needed and highly useful rather than the existing attack macro which is good for 1 off attacks, but, unnecessarily slow for repeated actions.

August 01 (3 years ago)

Edited August 01 (3 years ago)

I am sorry that some players were disappointed, but some others appreciate that the sheet has been improved.

Duplicating the entire sheet...I don't think that's a good idea, at this moment I have duplicate only the spell section.   Is it really necessary to duplicate the whole tab?

beardymagics said:

No one else seems to have commented on the "Attack Bonus/Ability Bonus" proposal that Hoyer wants to implement and I think it's definitely needed and highly useful rather than the existing attack macro which is good for 1 off attacks, but, unnecessarily slow for repeated actions.

I'll probably do the same for the Weapons Section: a button to switch between the standard and new Weapons Section.

If I add a "switch" for each section, instead instead of a global "switch", you can choose to activate only the section you prefer.

August 01 (3 years ago)

Edited August 01 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Hoyer said:

I sent the new version of this section, in a few days will be active: now you can choose your favorite version, moreover if you start to use one version and thad you want try the other one, all data are copied between the two sections.

Here you can find a preview: Test sheet

This is fantastic, giving people the option to choose. I'd suggest you'd also implement for this toggle, so that GMs can "Apply Default Settings" and change all sheets in the game to use whichever version they prefer.

If I add a "switch" for each section, instead instead of a global "switch", you can choose to activate only the section you prefer.

Yes, create a switch for each section, rather than a global one. And having these list of toggles accessible on a single place would also be smart. But duplicating the toggles to also exist by each section could make sense.

August 01 (3 years ago)

Edited August 01 (3 years ago)

Umm my caster level won’t change its was 25 before update I lvled so I put it to 26… and all my macro that pull my caster level still say 25 had to go to attributes and abilities in order to change caster level 

It's Simple. Just Roll it back. Ctrl Z , what ever you get the point. And then update it just for your game. Easy Peasy. You are making things way too complicated on yourself. And next time don't change the a Master sheet, just the one for your game. So next time you don't have to waste time replying to everyone on the internet

August 01 (3 years ago)


No it isn't necessary to duplicate the whole sheet, just preferred. I can live with the toggles per section though. Giving GMs the ability to customize the sheets for their games is a good step.

Some suggestions:
On the Chararcters Subtab. Change the HD1 attribute: @{hitdie} to @{hitdie1}. Then include a new field for HD on the header with the attribute @{hitdie} that is the summation of the @{hitdie1} through @{hitdie5}. This is important since many macros (I've made) pull the @{hitdie} attribute, and if it's only getting the first class on the list it will be incorrect. Also putting @{hitdie} on the header allows quick reference of this info without having to open the drop down and add them up.

Regarding your Turning Macro:
The way it is set up now, players will still have to look on the chart in the PHB to see what they can actually turn.
If you update the macro with something like [[floor((1d20+@{cha-mod}+2)/3)-4+@{hitdie}]] for HD turned, it would save the trouble. Also can include [[@{hitdie}+4]] for Max HD turned. Just change that @{hitdie} to whatever attribute you want to use.

Likely more suggestions coming.

August 01 (3 years ago)

Hi Joe, you can check your suggestion here: Test sheet.

I change the macro to calculate max HD turned, but how can I include Max HD turned if it is calculated with the previous roll?

August 01 (3 years ago)

Andreas J. said:

This is fantastic, giving people the option to choose. I'd suggest you'd also implement for this toggle, so that GMs can "Apply Default Settings" and change all sheets in the game to use whichever version they prefer.

Good idea, let me check.

A good Idea would have been not changing it. Just providing additional insight on what good ideas look like. But on the upside, at least you are acknowledging good ideas now. Can not wait to see the progress.

A few notes about the upgrade:

- Character level is no longer available on the heading. Updating level must be done from the 'Attributes &Abilities' tab.

- Updating level does not cause level-related stats to auto update any more.

- All my spells are now gone.

August 02 (3 years ago)

I like the changes to the Classes subtab on the test sheet. Thanks for that. 
Something is not right about the turn macro on there though. I think it's trying to pull @{turningcheckranks} for the @{turningcheck} summation, but should be pulling @{turningcheclevel}.
Maximum possible HD turned is Cleric Level +4, and not calculated from the Turn Check, so it's easy to add another line to the template with this. Also might be a good idea to combine the turn check and turn damage on one template so it all happens with the same button click.

August 02 (3 years ago)

Edited August 02 (3 years ago)

Drgz McDrgz said:

- Character level is no longer available on the heading. Updating level must be done from the 'Attributes &Abilities' tab.

- Updating level does not cause level-related stats to auto update any more.

The new spell section doesn't have a generic attribute "Character level" but a single attribute for each cater type.

A new version is coming, you can test here Test sheet, with this version you can choose between the previous and new version.

Drgz McDrgz said:

- All my spells are now gone.

It's strange, probably they are under another section; however with the new section you should find all your spells.

August 02 (3 years ago)

Regarding my previous suggestion to sum up the HD from all the classes and have that be @{hitdie}. Will this wipe the data for everyone's current @{hitdie} entry? If so maybe this should be manual entry instead of a formula. 

August 02 (3 years ago)

Joe said:

Regarding my previous suggestion to sum up the HD from all the classes and have that be @{hitdie}. Will this wipe the data for everyone's current @{hitdie} entry? If so maybe this should be manual entry instead of a formula. 

I should check ... probably no, because the previous filed @{hitdie} was already created, and the new formula doesn't override the old value, but I'm not sure, I do some tests.

August 02 (3 years ago)
Switching between the two "spell section" modes is active.
August 02 (3 years ago)

Joe said:

I like the changes to the Classes subtab on the test sheet. Thanks for that. 
Something is not right about the turn macro on there though. I think it's trying to pull @{turningcheckranks} for the @{turningcheck} summation, but should be pulling @{turningcheclevel}.

I created a new character, I probably manually edited the macro, now should be ok.

Joe said:

Also might be a good idea to combine the turn check and turn damage on one template so it all happens with the same button click.

Yes, I had already thought about it, I'm doing it