Hey everyone - hoping someone could help me find the issue causing this. Custom sheet repeating section works fine, however when I click Modify the move/trash icons are misaligned. Screenshot prior to Modify: Click Modify : Here's the HTML and CSS: div.sheet-line { border : none ; padding : 0 ; clear : left ; margin-top : -.5em ; font-family : 'Merriweather' , Arial , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-weight : 400 ; } /* Equipment */ div.sheet-vs1 , input [ type = text ] .sheet-vs1 , div.sheet-vs2 , input [ type = text ] .sheet-vs2 { float : left ; text-align : left ; margin-bottom : .8em ; font-size : 90% ; } div.sheet-vs1 { border-bottom : .1em solid transparent ; border-top : .1em solid transparent ; } div.sheet-vs2 , input [ type = text ] .sheet-vs2 { border-bottom : .1em solid transparent ; border-top : .1em solid transparent ; margin-bottom : .5em ; } div.sheet-vs2 , input [ type = text ] .sheet-vs2 { margin-bottom : .5em ; } .repeating_equipment { padding : 0 ; margin-top : 3.5em ; border : .1em solid transparent ; background-color : transparent ; box-shadow : none ; font-size : 90% ; text-align : center ; border-bottom : .1em solid black ; font-family : 'Merriweather' , Arial , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-weight : 400 ; } .repcontainer [ data-groupname = repeating_equipment ] > .repitem .repcontrol_del { font-family : "Pictos" ; font-size : 0.5em ; padding : 3px 7px 2px ; } .repcontainer [ data-groupname = repeating_equipment ] > .repitem .repcontrol_move { font-size : 0.5em ; padding : 3px 7px ; } < div class = "line" > < div class = "vs1" style = " width:80%; font-weight:bold" > Inventory </ div > </ div > < fieldset class = "repeating_equipment" > < div class = "line" > < input type = "text" class = "vs2" name = "attr_equipment" value = "" > </ div > </ fieldset >