Hi folks, We've got some exc it ing updates for you all this week! Our efforts are continuing to bring more sheets to the Character Vault so you can create and manage characters outside of a game. The latest addition this week is Call of Cthulhu! Keep an eye out here and on our change log as we continue to bring more sheets into this update. Beyond that, we also had a large number of fixes and updates to the Marvel Multiverse RPG Character sheet which you can check out below. Sept 6, 2023 You can now create a character for Call of Cthulhu on the Character Vault. Create your character now! Sept 7, 2023 Since launch the following updates & bug fixes have been made to the official Marvel Multiverse RPG Character sheet: You can now re-roll a die with edge & trouble within the chat log - click on the dice you want to re-roll and choose edge or trouble to get your new result You can now add multiple origins & occupations within the character builder and character sheet You can now edit the Bio & GM Notes section with the character profile You can now see which Power Set a Power belongs to on the sheet Added a toggle to allow you to hide character name from roll templates within sheet settings Fixed a bug where users were able to view a whole character sheet even if they didn’t have edit permissions; users with view access only will now only be able to see the profile view of the sheet Deleting a custom power set while it is being filtered for in the Powers panel now clears the Power Set filter Deleting a power no longer leaves a blank power item in your powers section Tags acquired from origins/occupations are no longer selectable as duplicates in character builder Traits & Tags acquired via Origins & Occupations now correctly persist to the sheet from the character builder Stopped sheets from adding their page navigation to the browser's "back" history: hitting the browser's "Back" button now properly sends users back to the page they were on before entering the VTT Fixed the attack calculation when rolling damage to use the correct modifier Fixed an issue where the builder would break for certain origin selections Fixed a bug on the official Pathfinder 2e Character sheet where empty headers were appearing for spells when specializations choices only grant focus spells (e.g. Druid Specializations); now only focus spells are displayed. Sept 8, 2023 Marvel Multiverse RPG Character sheet updates: Power options within the Character Builder will now correctly apply any mechanical limitations for power selections based on Origin choices (e.g. Atlantean origin) Changes to movement speeds can now be saved by pressing enter on your keyboard Fixed a bug on the D&D 5e Character sheet where some Sub-choices for Subclasses were not working as expected Please check the Change Log for up-to-date information on releases.