An established group of 5-6 players are looking for a DM to begin a new campaign with. We have a mixed group of experience from years to several months and enjoy a balance of roleplay, combat, exploration, and intrigue. We have known each other and have been playing DND together for close to four years with one recent addition several months ago. So we know each others play styles and RP very easily with one another. Open to a long term or short term game (but do want more then a one-shot) While our base rule set is always 5e we are open to homebrew rules/concepts. A pre-written, faerun based, or completely homebrew setting/campaign are all welcome. A little more detail and what we are hoping for: We just wrapped up a 2.5 year campaign and would like to give our DM a break to allow him to play, and thought a fresh face with new ideas would be a wonderful addition to our group of gamers! We use roll 20 to play and discord for voice chat and off session RP Currently we meet for 4-5 hours every other Saturday starting at 1pm est. The next scheduled game would have been Sat. the 23rd (so every other week from there.) This time was set as it is the only time we are all available. Our age range of players is 24-51 so we would like someone smack in the middle of that to round out all of our references and jokes :) If interested or for more information you can let me know here or PM on discord (which I will check way more often) at mrs.fudrucker