Ok, I see the potential value in this, but I think you've really handled this "beta" wrong. After a summer of letting us opt-in to changes, this appears to be forced, with no way back to the old Character Vault while you work out the bugs. It's not a beta if it's mandatory. Big Time Fail, Folks!
As others have said, deleting on export to a game is a problem. But @Andrew Searles, I think you missed part of the point. You seem to be planning (based on the launch announcement) that a character copied from (or to) a game is linked to that game, ultimely live. And that defeats the purpose of the Vault as a backup. I want a clean copy, unlinked to any game, which I can, with my DM's permission, export back into the game if the old sheet gets corrupted (which the VTT sometimes does when there are network problem or similar). I probably want more than one, so I can fall back to an older backup if the most recent is also corrupted.
As a DM, I'm going to want to block any transfer of characters from this system into my game, EXCEPT when starting a new character from scratch or to fix a data corruption problem, which is how I handle Vault-to-game exports today. I make edits to my players characters in between games (to reflect downtime activities and correct errors), and I don't want them overwriting that. So a live link to a copy only they can edit doesn't work at all for my style of play, unless there's a way to say "this external character is also editable in-game and changes flow both ways but you cant import some other character in its stead" (which may be where you're headed, I can't tell). Ideally I'd want to be able to enable "create one new character and send to game", but disable any future send-to-game changes, even for the same character.
Some other thoughts:
- As someone noted, these need to be dated so multiple copies of the same character can be told apart. That's not just needed for backup purposes. I know players who play separate instances of the same character (same name and class, but different levels and other details) in separate DM's games, because they're really fond of that one character archetype. Love it or hate it, it's a valid way to play.
- Per the above, a linked character needs to be labeled with the game it's linked to, and if not linked then the game it came from (so I can tell Thud the Barbarian from DM A's Phandelver from Thud in DM B's Yawning Portal).
- The per-character buttons (tiles, whatever you call them) are much too large, even if you're reserving room for additional data later.
- The delete button is uncomfortably close to the others, it should be set off to avoid accidents.
- Folders, my God does this UI need folders!!
Now, on the plus side, you did launch with 11 games supported, and that's a big improvement over the one-game-at-a-time rollout of the earlier Vault character creation.
And I like the concept of "character outside the VTT but playable". I can see that working very well with a tablet at a table-top session, where the VTT isn't needed or wanted. Just don't take away the character-backup capability we previously had in the process, or break the way some of us presently play using the VTT.