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Announcing Roll20 Characters!

SUGGESTION: While editing / creating characters outside the VTT PLEASE make the ART LIBRARY also Available! With this you can just drag'n drop an image from the Library to the sheet to use it and you don't have to reupload it and thus have duplicates in your library.
So how does one brings a character already existing from a game they play in, to their character vault? I can't, for the Love of me, find how to do it... o.O
Neo said: So how does one brings a character already existing from a game they play in, to their character vault? I can't, for the Love of me, find how to do it... o.O If you have 0 characters in your vault, the new page does not yet show the import character button. Easiest way to import your character is to use the 'old' page <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Martijn S. said: Neo said: So how does one brings a character already existing from a game they play in, to their character vault? I can't, for the Love of me, find how to do it... o.O If you have 0 characters in your vault, the new page does not yet show the import character button. Easiest way to import your character is to use the 'old' page <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Ohhh wow... Well thanks m8, wish I had guessed that ;oP
Will there be folders in the near future? Cus Def going to need folders lol.
Andrew Searles said: Ok, we just updated and now you should be able to see the Game Title in a hover. TheMarkus, thanks for your feedback on that. You're right, there is space on that card. For now, we're going to leave it in the hover. We hope this will give you the information you need for now and we'll continue to listen to the feedback on future improvements. I'm not a fan of hiding this in a hover.&nbsp;&nbsp; I would prefer the Game Title to be shown all the time.&nbsp;&nbsp; I didn't even know it was there until I read your comment. If I didn't find that hover text, a lot of other people won't find it either.&nbsp; &nbsp;Even knowing it was there, it was trial and error to figure out where the hover text was hiding.&nbsp; &nbsp; Also, it's kind of a PITA to mouse over, wait for it to show up, etc. when looking for the right character.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;
Okay, the <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; screen appeared for the first time today, but there is no link or button to access any of my characters. As far as I can see, they are all gone and/or inaccessible. Even when I try to edit the URL to remove the word "welcome" it just reloads to the welcome screen. When I try to click "create a character" it goes through a loop and then takes me right back to the welcome screen again. How do we get past the welcome screen and actually access our characters?
Mike B said: Okay, the <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; screen appeared for the first time today, but there is no link or button to access any of my characters. As far as I can see, they are all gone and/or inaccessible. Even when I try to edit the URL to remove the word "welcome" it just reloads to the welcome screen. When I try to click "create a character" it goes through a loop and then takes me right back to the welcome screen again. How do we get past the welcome screen and actually access our characters? When clicking on the link, it just opens the "new" Vault for me. All you need to do to see your characters already imported, is scroll down a little bit. I seriously hope we will get the option to resize those huge menus so that we can see our characters directly... To MOVE a character to an existing game, you now need to click on the topmost Icon for that character and select the game you want it in, BUT as of now, it gets removed from the vault by doing so...
SUGGESTION: When EXPORTING (Moving) a character, show ONLY THOSE GAMES, that use the SAME SHEET as the character in question...
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TheMarkus1204 said: SUGGESTION: When EXPORTING (Moving) a character, show ONLY THOSE GAMES, that use the SAME SHEET as the character in question... I can think of a few instances where that might not be desirable behavior. Such as when moving a&nbsp; Macro Character Sheet , or a spell template character.
If you have no Character sheet selected when creating said Macro character, then of course all games should be available. But if you created a macro character - lets say for DnD 5E - and the macros on said sheet using that template, then the macros won't work in other games as the template is different... or the variables used... keithcurtis said: TheMarkus1204 said: SUGGESTION: When EXPORTING (Moving) a character, show ONLY THOSE GAMES, that use the SAME SHEET as the character in question... I can think of a few instances where that might not be desirable behavior. Such as when moving a&nbsp; Macro Character Sheet , or a spell template character.
Is there a reason for this being no longer a pinned topic?

Edited 1701544502
Sheet Author
Is there a known bug where the Import option is missing?&nbsp; I was helping another user (Pro sub) to use the Characters tool to import a sheet and export to another game and they did not have the import option at all... I had to send them the link to the old Character Vault in order import and export. EDIT/UPDATE: apparently this has been pointed out earlier here . Fix forthcoming?
To-note, other than the AMAZING suggestions to use <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> as a work-around (which worked for me), I'm still getting stuck in a loop on the "welcome" screen and cannot access any of my characters the "normal" PLEASE do not get rid of the vault before all the bugs are worked out of the system, Roll20? Thanks.
Mike B said: To-note, other than the AMAZING suggestions to use <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> as a work-around (which worked for me), I'm still getting stuck in a loop on the "welcome" screen and cannot access any of my characters the "normal" PLEASE do not get rid of the vault before all the bugs are worked out of the system, Roll20? Thanks. I also got that problem. I had to clear cookies and re-login. Then it started working.&nbsp;
Hey Folks, Thanks for this great feedback. We're still on working not redirecting you to the welcome page when you don't have any characters. This will make sure you can still import characters as you need. Sorry about that. Also, I wanted to say that we're still focused on the "Add to Game" feature that will allow you to connect characters to games without them being removed from your list of characters. This change requires a LOT of database work to ensure that a character's data source is clear and well-maintained. As a result, we also released another change that we hope will make things easier in other ways. Now when managing your characters outside of the VTT, your changes to your character will be automatically saved. You no longer have to worry about losing your changes to your character. This is a simple step towards our end goal of keeping character data in sync whether it's open in the VTT or open outside of it. Thanks again for your feedback. I'll let you know when we have more updates.
I moved my character into a 1 shot.&nbsp; Forgot that it was an actual Roll20 character (not DND Beyond) and, like normal left the game afterwards.&nbsp; Now, even though I rejoined the game, I cannot re-import my character.&nbsp; It is lost.&nbsp; Advice (other than don't use roll20 characters)?
File a Help Center Request to let the Devs know about this. Other than that I highly recommend you either use the Classic Character Vault OR copy your character while still IN the characters Feature before moving it as moving removes the character from the Characters feature... Rees said: I moved my character into a 1 shot.&nbsp; Forgot that it was an actual Roll20 character (not DND Beyond) and, like normal left the game afterwards.&nbsp; Now, even though I rejoined the game, I cannot re-import my character.&nbsp; It is lost.&nbsp; Advice (other than don't use roll20 characters)?
Hey Folks, Happy to say that we fixed the issue where you can't import a character if you don't already have a character. Now, when you visit Your Characters List and you don't have any characters, you won't be redirected to the marketing page. Instead, you'll see a simple message that you don't have any characters and you might consider making one. This gives you access to the import button. Sorry about that inconvenience. Thanks for the feedback. It really does help.&nbsp;
So you still need to make a character in the "new Characters" first before you can import one? Andrew Searles said: Hey Folks, Happy to say that we fixed the issue where you can't import a character if you don't already have a character. Now, when you visit Your Characters List and you don't have any characters, you won't be redirected to the marketing page. Instead, you'll see a simple message that you don't have any characters and you might consider making one. This gives you access to the import button. Sorry about that inconvenience. Thanks for the feedback. It really does help.&nbsp;
TheMarkus1204 said: So you still need to make a character in the "new Characters" first before you can import one? Andrew Searles said: Hey Folks, Happy to say that we fixed the issue where you can't import a character if you don't already have a character. Now, when you visit Your Characters List and you don't have any characters, you won't be redirected to the marketing page. Instead, you'll see a simple message that you don't have any characters and you might consider making one. This gives you access to the import button. Sorry about that inconvenience. Thanks for the feedback. It really does help.&nbsp; Oh No, sorry if that wasn't clear, you can import without having to first create a character now.
It was suggested I should mention this issue related to the new Characters feature:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I've submitted a bug report as well. TL;DR: New character feature doesn't save default token settings.

Edited 1706375443
The fact that the characters are now linked with one (and only one) game is NOT what I want. I like to copy my characters into a game so I can modify the sheet per the specifics of the game (add Auras from other characters, etc.) I want to copy my character into multiple games ahead of time to allow DMs to peruse the sheet and prepare. Right now, that requires me to pollute my Character vault with multiple copies. If I copy my "linked" character so I can put it in another game, it copies the modified version (I want an original copy, not a modified copy). Maybe some people want this "one and only one" behaviour, BUT I DON'T. I like the behaviour of the old character vault. BTW. I play many Adventurers League games, not home games. So I am often jumping from Roll20 game-to-game (DM to DM). I'm not playing in a single Roll20 game long-term (if that's the assumption you're working on when building this tool).
Sheet Author
Not sure if this is a bug or just my ignorance of Roll20 Characters; Imported a pc to roll20 Characters from game A. Then I transfered that character from roll20 Characters into game B. I then used transmaogrifier to copy that character from game B to game C. I want to delete the character from game C. There isn't an option to "Delete Item/Character" in game C. only "Remove from Game" which doesn't appear to actually do anything when I click on it...?&nbsp; Game B has 2 options, "Remove from Game" and "Delete Item" but I am fine leaving the character in game B. How can I remove or delete this character from game C? TIA
vÍnce said: Not sure if this is a bug or just my ignorance of Roll20 Characters; Imported a pc to roll20 Characters from game A. Then I transfered that character from roll20 Characters into game B. I then used transmaogrifier to copy that character from game B to game C. I want to delete the character from game C. There isn't an option to "Delete Item/Character" in game C. only "Remove from Game" which doesn't appear to actually do anything when I click on it...?&nbsp; Game B has 2 options, "Remove from Game" and "Delete Item" but I am fine leaving the character in game B. How can I remove or delete this character from game C? TIA Hey&nbsp;vÍnce, Thanks for that information. I've filed a bug report about it. What should happen is when you transmogrify a character, no matter where that character was created or comes from, it should copy that character and sever any links that it had to anything. By doing this, you will be able to delete the character from game C. Sorry that's broken, we'll get it taken care of.

Edited 1706561780
Sheet Author
Thanks Andrew.&nbsp; I filled a bug report as well.&nbsp; Not sure if it matters, but game C is a sandbox game.&nbsp; I transmoged another character into game C last night and I'm experiencing the same issue where I cannot delete or remove said character.
Sheet Author
Never received a confirmation for my bug report... so I'm just checking back on the status for not being able to delete/remove a transmogrified character that originated from Roll20 Characters/Vault. Thanks
Sheet Author
Shouldn't we be able to use "Add to Game" to add a character to any of our games? I just created a new game, "Macro &amp; Template Vault".&nbsp; I've opened the game and exited the game.&nbsp; It shows up at the top of my current games list.&nbsp; When I open the Roll20 Characters/Vault, and try to "Add to Game", I am only seeing a VERY limited list of my games and "Macro &amp; Template Vault" is missing as well.&nbsp; I've tried clearing closing/reopening the browser and clearing the cache. There are a few more if I scroll down the list, but I should have like 30+ games. Thoughts?
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Is the list filtered by the games' sheet type?

Edited 1707432815
Sheet Author
keithcurtis said: Is the list filtered by the games' sheet type? Not sure how to filter the vault. Is that possible? Kind of... I have lots of different "things" in there for various sheets.&nbsp; Most of them came from Custom games... Only characters that have been added since the changeover have a "transfer to game" option and appear to show all of my games. But the older ones only have "add to game" but a limited list. Some of these "characters" are actually spell templates, macro mules, old custom sheets, etc. I would like to move them out of the vault directly. It appears like I'm going to have to play leap-frog using transmogrifier to get them into a game of my choosing. Or maybe not... I know that the game is called "BlindChecksPFCommunity.js", but that was just a test game I was using when making the BlindChecksPFCommunity mod. It's not actually a js file. I just picked one of the options on the limited list in the hopes I can clear out some the vault then use transmogrifier to copy them into the games I would actually like to use to store them.
BUG! If you hover over the date in this Characters Feature, you only see "Created in Roll20 Characters" which is NOT the case given a) the date the character was ADDED to the character vault and b) that by far not that many character sheets are supported by now! Thread in Bugs Forum:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Hey TheMarkus, You're right. That broke recently when we made some changes to how the import works. We'll get that fixed right away. Thanks for pointing that out!
Sheet Author
Not sure if this is related with Roll20 Characters, but I'm now having issues even using the old vault to copy/move characters.&nbsp; As pointed out in my posts above I cannot move many of my existing vaulted characters into games of my choosing.&nbsp; This seems like an unresolved bug.&nbsp; ;-( As a workaround I have tried using the old vault which I have never had issues with in the past. Until we find that world, the old vault exists just as it always did and we're continuing to maintain its functionality so that you don't HAVE to use the new Roll20 Characters system. Unfortunately, I'm now having issues doing that as well. Perpetual "Please Wait..." when trying to export to a brand new game.
Hey Vince, I think I've reproduced the issue and you're right it is a bug. I think it's related to adding a character sheet that is not the same the sheet that the game is set to use. That was something we added in Roll20 Characters to ensure that things don't break for characters, but for your use case with a Spell template, It makes sense what you're trying to do. And you're also right that the Old Vault use to work this way. We're working on a fix and should have something soon. I'll let you know. Thanks for that report!
Sheet Author
Thanks Andrew.&nbsp; Good to hear we may get some of that functionality fixed/back.&nbsp; Much appreciated. Any update how to delete characters from a game that were imported to the vault, transferred to a game, and then copied to another game using transmogrifier?&nbsp; from above: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> BTW: these games are all using the same sheet and were all handled post-Roll20 Characters update. Thanks
Is the BUG with Characters fixed? It does NOT show any Characters for me! (I don't see the Banner regarding the issues with it as well) Andrew Searles said: Hey Vince, I think I've reproduced the issue and you're right it is a bug. I think it's related to adding a character sheet that is not the same the sheet that the game is set to use. That was something we added in Roll20 Characters to ensure that things don't break for characters, but for your use case with a Spell template, It makes sense what you're trying to do. And you're also right that the Old Vault use to work this way. We're working on a fix and should have something soon. I'll let you know. Thanks for that report!
Hey Vince, The Transmogrifier should now let you move characters like normal. Let me know if you have any other problems with it and we'll talk a look. vÍnce said: Thanks Andrew.&nbsp; Good to hear we may get some of that functionality fixed/back.&nbsp; Much appreciated. Any update how to delete characters from a game that were imported to the vault, transferred to a game, and then copied to another game using transmogrifier?&nbsp; from above: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> BTW: these games are all using the same sheet and were all handled post-Roll20 Characters update. Thanks
Hey Markus, We are still experiencing some problems. Refreshing enough times seems to help, but ultimately it's related to our new Characters API. We are putting some protections in place on that service to make sure that you can reliably get to your characters again. Sorry about that. TheMarkus1204 said: Is the BUG with Characters fixed? It does NOT show any Characters for me! (I don't see the Banner regarding the issues with it as well)

Edited 1708029974
Sheet Author
Andrew Searles said: Hey Vince, The Transmogrifier should now let you move characters like normal. Let me know if you have any other problems with it and we'll talk a look. vÍnce said: Thanks Andrew.&nbsp; Good to hear we may get some of that functionality fixed/back.&nbsp; Much appreciated. Any update how to delete characters from a game that were imported to the vault, transferred to a game, and then copied to another game using transmogrifier?&nbsp; from above: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> BTW: these games are all using the same sheet and were all handled post-Roll20 Characters update. Thanks Thanks for the update Andrew. The bummer is that many of the characters in my "vault" were created either with a live sheet e.g. Pathfinder Community sheet, but I also have many games that are Custom games that are actually variations of the Pathfinder Community sheet.&nbsp; I even have characters in the vault that did not use a sheet template at all (marketplace purchase that can be used with multiple sheets/systems)... I would like to add characters from the "vault" to those games and/or go from a Custom game to another sheet.&nbsp; This doesn't seem possible now.&nbsp; Is that correct? How do I add a character to a game? When you are ready to use a character in a game, click the "Add to Game" link next to the right side of the character on the main Roll20 Characters page. You will be presented with a list of eligible games to add the character to. You can only add characters to games if the following requirements are met: You are the game creator You are a player in that game and the game creator has activated the "Allow Players to Import Characters" setting on the Game Settings page for that Game. (Free users in Limited Access games) The game has not reached its transfer limit Perhaps the Roll20 Characters documentation should include a 4th criteria; Characters can only be added to or transferred between games that use same sheet template.
Sheet Author
Andrew Searles said: Hey Vince, The Transmogrifier should now let you move characters like normal. Let me know if you have any other problems with it and we'll talk a look. vÍnce said: Thanks Andrew.&nbsp; Good to hear we may get some of that functionality fixed/back.&nbsp; Much appreciated. Any update how to delete characters from a game that were imported to the vault, transferred to a game, and then copied to another game using transmogrifier?&nbsp; from above: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> BTW: these games are all using the same sheet and were all handled post-Roll20 Characters update. Thanks My original issue cannot delete characters from a game that were imported to the vault, transferred to a game, and then copied to another game using transmogrifier is still not resolved.
Hey Vince, Perhaps I'm missing something. We took another look and it seems to be working as expected.&nbsp; Here are the steps we took. Create 2 new games named "5e1" and "5e2" Create a character in the VTT in the game "5e1". Navigate to the Vault (Tools -&gt; Character Vault). Select "Import Existing Character". Select the character from the "5e1" game and Import Character. Verify character is imported into the vault. On the right select the game "5e2" to export the character to. Notice the imported character is displayed in Roll20 Characters in the characters list but IS NOT linked to a game. Notice in the "5e2" VTT game in which the character was exported, you have full access/control of that character. From within the VTT for the game "5e2" these characters can be deleted. What did we miss from the problem you're seeing?
I strongly assume Vince meant the Characters feature, NOT the Vault itself. I do hope though, that by using Characters we are able to export a character to an existing game WITHOUT linking it to said game AND without removing it from Characters itself by exporting! (Safe Keeping of Characters!) Andrew Searles said: Hey Vince, Perhaps I'm missing something. We took another look and it seems to be working as expected.&nbsp; Here are the steps we took. Create 2 new games named "5e1" and "5e2" Create a character in the VTT in the game "5e1". Navigate to the Vault (Tools -&gt; Character Vault). Select "Import Existing Character". Select the character from the "5e1" game and Import Character. Verify character is imported into the vault. On the right select the game "5e2" to export the character to. Notice the imported character is displayed in Roll20 Characters in the characters list but IS NOT linked to a game. Notice in the "5e2" VTT game in which the character was exported, you have full access/control of that character. From within the VTT for the game "5e2" these characters can be deleted. What did we miss from the problem you're seeing?

Edited 1708149343
Sheet Author
Apologies for any confusion.&nbsp; I did not use the Character Vault.&nbsp; I only used&nbsp;"Characters, previously vault" in regards to my issue of not being able to delete/remove a character that was imported into Characters, then transferred to a game, then transmogrified from that game to another game where I cannot delete or remove the character from inside that game.&nbsp; Clicking the "remove..." does nothing. I'll admit, I was only using "Characters, previously vault" because I thought roll20 was/is replacing Character Vault (ie "previously Vault")&nbsp; I guess it's the "previously Vault" text that insinuates that Characters is the new "Vault".&nbsp; ;-P&nbsp; After trying to move my templates and macro mule characters out of&nbsp;"Characters, previously vault" into a game for safe keeping I now realize that "Characters, previously vault" is not the right tool for that job and I should only use the Character Vault for these types of things.&nbsp; Hoping that the Character Vault will either be kept as a separate tool or that "Characters, previously vault" will offer the same options before actually replacing the Character Vault. Regardless, I still seem to have this bug...
Sheet Author
Update; Upon further testing, I am able to delete other characters that were transmogrified into the game similarly. There is one character that I cannot seem to remove from the game, so it may just be an isolated case. Not sure.&nbsp; When I do try the "remove from game" option from the sidebar/journal I noticed an error in the console log; { "message": "Request failed with status code 404", "name": "AxiosError", "stack": "AxiosError: Request failed with status code 404\n at Rl (<a href="\n" rel="nofollow">\n</a> at XMLHttpRequest.Qo (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)", "config": { "transitional": { "silentJSONParsing": true, "forcedJSONParsing": true, "clarifyTimeoutError": false }, "adapter": [ "xhr", "http" ], "transformRequest": [ null ], "transformResponse": [ null ], "timeout": 0, "xsrfCookieName": "XSRF-TOKEN", "xsrfHeaderName": "X-XSRF-TOKEN", "maxContentLength": -1, "maxBodyLength": -1, "env": {}, "headers": { "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer 9GiiURBiWeCPDcW0dKlSsxZyAs5ahfB_cKwgJW0egRQ.3ASFf8NTEj0xQtYdM0adrSC4XioY3_8W4dvP21WdOFY" }, "method": "post", "url": "<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>", "data": "{\"moveTarget\":null}", "axios-retry": { "retries": 3, "shouldResetTimeout": false, "retryCount": 0, "lastRequestTime": 1708298782635 } }, "code": "ERR_BAD_REQUEST", "status": 404 } Hope that helps.
Please can Roll20 remove the linking of characters in the My Characters section from games! I want to remove characters from the ´My Characters' section without removing them from the games they are in, my My Characters section is rapidly filling as I play the same character on multiple DM's tables!

Edited 1708420043
Matt said: Please can Roll20 remove the linking of characters in the My Characters section from games! I want to remove characters from the ´My Characters' section without removing them from the games they are in, my My Characters section is rapidly filling as I play the same character on multiple DM's tables! Give Feedback via "My Characters" directly to let them know... Other than that, use the Character Vault ;) It works the same way it ever did and you don't have to worry about Characters linking to a specific game...
TheMarkus1204 said: Matt said: Please can Roll20 remove the linking of characters in the My Characters section from games! I want to remove characters from the ´My Characters' section without removing them from the games they are in, my My Characters section is rapidly filling as I play the same character on multiple DM's tables! Give Feedback via "My Characters" directly to let them know... Other than that, use the Character Vault ;) It works the same way it ever did and you don't have to worry about Characters linking to a specific game... I have done, but it is always good to raise these issues publicly as well. Issue is that the Vault is still down to be replaced by My Characters, so whilst its a temp fix, its not a solution.
I know. And as stated, there should be 2 different ways to export a character to a game: by either LINKING it OR by just exporting it and using the "My Characters" (Character Vault) as safekeeping... As long as those are not fully implemented, Character Vault should remain in place... And since Characters STILL has issues, at least we can use the old Character Vault as a workaround... Matt said: TheMarkus1204 said: Matt said: Please can Roll20 remove the linking of characters in the My Characters section from games! I want to remove characters from the ´My Characters' section without removing them from the games they are in, my My Characters section is rapidly filling as I play the same character on multiple DM's tables! Give Feedback via "My Characters" directly to let them know... Other than that, use the Character Vault ;) It works the same way it ever did and you don't have to worry about Characters linking to a specific game... I have done, but it is always good to raise these issues publicly as well. Issue is that the Vault is still down to be replaced by My Characters, so whilst its a temp fix, its not a solution.