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Spell save DC toggle?

Hi there!  First-time poster, so I hope this is in the correct place. For context, I am using the 'D&D 5E by Roll20' sheet. I have a warlock using 'Rod of the Pact Keeper +2'   ,  which 'While holding this rod, you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your warlock spells. This bonus is determined by the rod's rarity.'   I have worked out how to make the toggle for the spell attack rolls, but I don't see a way to make a toggle for adjusting the saving throw DC?  Is there a way to make one?  Cheers in advance!
With the 5e sheet by Roll20, you can do this within the rod item itself. Item mods like so: MODS: Item Type: Rod, Spell DC +2, Spell Attack +2 Then the toggle is equipping or unequipping the item. More info, potentially out of date but hopefully helpful still,  on the 5e sheet wiki
Ah, that's fantastic! It's working like a dream! Thank you so much for your help ^_^