Hello All, Joshua N helped me with this macro and I need a little more help to get it finished. I am wanting [$CritDmg] to equal [&WeaponDamageDieSize] on an attack roll of 20 (Critical Hit) such that on a natural 20, the damage output would be 1d8 + Dexterity + 8. If a roll other than a natural 20 is rolled, [$CritDmg] would be equal to 0. Would anyone be able to help me finish this macro?? Thank you! !scriptcard {{ --/|VARIABLES TO SET --&TargetACAttribute|AC --&DamageAbilityMod|AbilityModifier --&WhateverTheHellDSISAttribute|DS --&WeaponDamageDieSize|8 --&PoisonDamageDieSize|6 --/|ScriptCard settings use # and nominmaxhighlight is like the cf<0cs>20 flags used in the original and is coded as --#nominmaxhighlight|1 --#title|Monster Bite! --#rightsub|5 ft Range --/|Set the source and target tokens --/|These are used by the [*S] and [*T] to reference attributes --#sourceToken|@{selected|token_id} --#targetToken|@{target|token_id} --=Atk|1d20+@{selected|Dexterity_Mod} --/|Output the static Atk roll variable with the target's AC value --+Attack|[$Atk] vs AC [*T:[&TargetACAttribute]] --/|If the Atk variable is less than the target's AC jump to the end of the script and exit --?[$Atk] -lt [*T:[&TargetACAttribute]]|Done --/|If the Atk variable is higher present a button to query for the crit rolls and damage type like the original asks for --/If you wish to create a pulldown bar for damage type use |q;weapondmgtype;Damage type|bludgeoning|piercing|slashing --=CritDmg|[&WeaponDamageDieSize] * [&critrolls] --=WeaponDmg|1d[&WeaponDamageDieSize] [Weapon Damage] + [*S:[&DamageAbilityMod]] [MOD] + [$CritDmg] [CRIT] --=PoisonDice|1 --=PoisonDmg|[$PoisonDice]d[&PoisonDamageDieSize] --=TotalDmg|[$WeaponDmg] + [$PoisonDmg] --:Display| --+|[$WeaponDmg] [&weapondmgtype] [b]piercing[/b] damage plus [$PoisonDmg] [b]poison[/b] Damage for a [b]total of [$TotalDmg] total damage![/b] --:Done| }}