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Create an aura behind token

Hello, I have asset's aura in GIF and I'd like to use a macro to make it appear behind a chosen token, to use it for magic concentration. Does anyone know how to do this?
Forum Champion
You won't use a regular macro for this, you'll need to use a Mod Script (formerly called API on here). You might want to re-ask this question in the API Mods sub-forum. I think there is an existing API script that can do this for you but i don't remember the name of it.
Since you have a Pro subscription, you can use the TokenCondition script to do exactly what you're looking for.
I think I misspoke, I'd like to make a macro or an api that will allow me in one click to display a token (GIF) behind the chosen token. (like in the picture) 
Forum Champion
The screenshot helps.  You can (of course) do that manually, no need of a macro or Mod. It sounds like you're wanting a Mod for purposes of letting that Aura to appear-and-disappear quickly, repeatedly, as-needed. It will still be a Mod, it won't be a standard macro, since the standard macro commands have little/nothing to affect Token position, Z-order, or disappearing a token.  It still might be the Token-Conditions Mod that Jarren said, what makes you think that Mod won't be able to? Aside from that one, there are a couple other Mods (i forgot the names) that should be able to do this. It looks similar to the Mount Mod that lets you put a token riding on top of a horse token. 
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
While the API can create that sort of token and position it below a character, if it creates gifs, they won't be playing and you'll have to start it manually.  Dragging from the jounal to create them allows them to start in a playing state.
Gold said: The screenshot helps.  You can (of course) do that manually, no need of a macro or Mod. It sounds like you're wanting a Mod for purposes of letting that Aura to appear-and-disappear quickly, repeatedly, as-needed. It will still be a Mod, it won't be a standard macro, since the standard macro commands have little/nothing to affect Token position, Z-order, or disappearing a token.  It still might be the Token-Conditions Mod that Jarren said, what makes you think that Mod won't be able to? Aside from that one, there are a couple other Mods (i forgot the names) that should be able to do this. It looks similar to the Mount Mod that lets you put a token riding on top of a horse token.  the mount mod ?  do you have a link cause i didn't find anything about it 

Edited 1701113453
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Jarren linked it here: Jarren said: Since you have a Pro subscription, you can use the TokenCondition script to do exactly what you're looking for. I just tested it with a token named: Condition: MagicAura  [below|width:*1.75|height:*1.75] :to make sure it works with animation the way I expected.

Edited 1701114437
The Aaron said: Jarren linked it here: Jarren said: Since you have a Pro subscription, you can use the TokenCondition script to do exactly what you're looking for. I just tested it with a token named: Condition: MagicAura  [below|width:*1.75|height:*1.75] :to make sure it works with animation the way I expected. i follow the token condition script but I must have done something wrong, because the token stays on the bottom and not at the right size (3x3). Condition: Magicaura  [below|width:*3|height:*3]
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Drizzt said: i follow the token condition script but I must have done something wrong, because the token stays on the bottom and not at the right size (3x3). Condition: Magicaura  [below|width:*3|height:*3] Make sure that the default token for the animation does not have sight. That can trump the stacking order. You may also need to turn off explicit player control permissions on it.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Oh, good thinking Keith!
Drizzt said: I think I misspoke, I'd like to make a macro or an api that will allow me in one click to display a token (GIF) behind the chosen token. (like in the picture)  AFAIK  you can do this in EZgif if you’re willing to import all over again.