I'm probably more excited for the new "Beacon" 5E sheet (which doesn't have a release schedule yet, apparently) than the under-the-covers Jumpgate changes, particularly as a player.
Don't get me wrong: I think Jumpgate is a great idea, and overdue in many ways. And I'm hopeful that my more hardware-limited users will have a better experience because of it. I've lost a couple of people to one too many frustrations.
But if Roll20 was a house, its a bit like repairing a cracked foundation verus remodeling the kitchen. The kitchen has curb appeal, an unrepaired foundation just kills the sale. The former matters to buyers (players and DMs), and the latter is really to allow the seller (Roll20) to stay in business. Which, I'll admit, is something I do consider worthwhile.
So, I've read the nearly content-free hype post about the new 5E & "D&D 2024" sheet. When's it coming?