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Announcing the New Character Sheet for D&D 2024

February 12 (1 year ago)
Roll20 Team

2024 is Dungeons & Dragons' 50th anniversary, and Roll20 is supporting it every step of the way! You can already play every edition of D&D on Roll20, and soon D&D 2024 will be on the list.

We are thrilled to share an early first look at our new D&D character sheet, built specifically to support both Fifth Edition and D&D 2024:

We’ve been listening to your feedback over the years and will be launching an all-new character builder. We’re adding more automation, extra customization, improved spell and inventory management, and compatibility between 5e and 2024 rules. Read all the details!

We have plenty in store for you to celebrate the anniversary, including special bundles, sales, and exclusive features you won't find anywhere else. 

Plus, pre-orders are now available for Vecna: Eve of Ruin, the newest release for D&D!

tbh it looks so much better than the current one

February 13 (1 year ago)

Edited February 13 (1 year ago)

The new coat of paint is very welcome, and the first iteration is looking snazzy.

I have one huge worry about the new sheet from images posted in the article, and that's the new spells section on the player sheet having a ton of padding and UI bloat, and each spell taking up a huge amount of visual space.

Only being able to see 4 (to proably 6, depending on character sheet window size) spells at a time is not at all ideal when playing a caster with a ton of options.

Below is the spell section of my recently-retired lv. 1-20 cleric, and even disregarding unprepared spells (as it seems like there is also an interface for that I cannot yet judge), and the fact that high level characters are rarer, a layout like the one proposed above would not even get though all my cantrips at once visually. Having to scroll that much to even get a glance at what is available at any given time is unfortunate as a person who is very visual, and likes seeing an overview of all my options, as we can do on the current sheet.

Even if high-level play is not the norm, it should still be considered in your design philosophy. Even casters at level 10ish start having quite a lot of spells to sift through, and I anticipate this being a pain point.

Some kind of compromise to condense Spells and their information (casting time, range, VSM, Concentration, etc) to a single line would be ideal (or two with the spell text snippet). DDB does a fine job of that, if you're looking to emulate them further.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing your progress on this, and I hope it leads to a much more easy to use player experience down the road.

February 13 (1 year ago)
Roll20 Production Team

Even if high-level play is not the norm, it should still be considered in your design philosophy. Even casters at level 10ish start having quite a lot of spells to sift through, and I anticipate this being a pain point.

Absolutely second this seeing how much space a single spell takes up makes me nervous to play any caster beyond level 10 with this UI. The current spell page is the best designed part of the current sheet when it comes to high level play and I think that having a secondary page for spells akin to the current spells page and then having some spells show up in the actions tab would be ideal.

February 13 (1 year ago)

Wow, I'm very excited for this update! The fresh coat of paint, change in layout, and redoing of spells will be very welcome.

Any idea on how this might impact APIs? I use quite a few to do things like automatically handle cash, re-roll initiative every round, and tick down homebrewed abilities, so I'd be curious if we should expect any downstream gameplay consequences.

February 13 (1 year ago)

How customisable will it be for 5e variant content?
Should I continue writing an Arcanis 5e character sheet or will we be able to customise this sufficiently that I can stop wading though the spaghetti code of the old 5e legacy sheet?

As for the spells a better way to display those would be tabs for each spell Level! (A tab for Cantrips, for Level 1, 2, ...). At least with this you would NOT need to scroll that much... As it is right now, I agree 100%. They are taking up way too much space!

KatValkyrie said:

The new coat of paint is very welcome, and the first iteration is looking snazzy.

I have one huge worry about the new sheet from images posted in the article, and that's the new spells section on the player sheet having a ton of padding and UI bloat, and each spell taking up a huge amount of visual space.

Only being able to see 4 (to proably 6, depending on character sheet window size) spells at a time is not at all ideal when playing a caster with a ton of options.

Below is the spell section of my recently-retired lv. 1-20 cleric, and even disregarding unprepared spells (as it seems like there is also an interface for that I cannot yet judge), and the fact that high level characters are rarer, a layout like the one proposed above would not even get though all my cantrips at once visually. Having to scroll that much to even get a glance at what is available at any given time is unfortunate as a person who is very visual, and likes seeing an overview of all my options, as we can do on the current sheet.

Even if high-level play is not the norm, it should still be considered in your design philosophy. Even casters at level 10ish start having quite a lot of spells to sift through, and I anticipate this being a pain point.

Some kind of compromise to condense Spells and their information (casting time, range, VSM, Concentration, etc) to a single line would be ideal (or two with the spell text snippet). DDB does a fine job of that, if you're looking to emulate them further.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing your progress on this, and I hope it leads to a much more easy to use player experience down the road.

February 13 (1 year ago)

Looks very nice, but how what is the experience on smaller screens? Please test that. 

In my experience at least half of first time players use an old laptop or desktop with at most a full hd screen. And then that screen needs to be shared with discords and notes. 

February 13 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Regarding spell display, the blog does say this:

For spells specifically, we are exploring ways to allow you to customize how you sort items on your sheet in either a card or a list view; this way, by switching to list view, you’ll be able to condense details down into a single line to optimize your screen real estate. 

I suspect that there was no preview image of this since they are still "exploring ways".

February 13 (1 year ago)
Roll20 Team

Hey Everyone! Happy to hear the excitement from everyone about our new sheet, we're super excited too! We also love this feedback, so please keep it coming. Going to answer what I can:

KatValkyrie said:

I have one huge worry about the new sheet from images posted in the article, and that's the new spells section on the player sheet having a ton of padding and UI bloat, and each spell taking up a huge amount of visual space.

What Keith said is 100% correct, we will have 2 different views for users to choose from (the icon next to the "all" drop down is the way to switch between views), the one you see and a condensed version which will only be 1 line per spell so you can see way more. The condensed version is still WIP and being tested, but I'll be sure to share screenshots when we have them!

DM Robert said:

Wow, I'm very excited for this update! The fresh coat of paint, change in layout, and redoing of spells will be very welcome.

Any idea on how this might impact APIs? I use quite a few to do things like automatically handle cash, re-roll initiative every round, and tick down homebrewed abilities, so I'd be curious if we should expect any downstream gameplay consequences.

APIs and Macros are currently getting updated as well in order to work with our new Beacon infrastructure. Our goal is backwards compatibility to limit disruptions; we'll have more on this topic in particular in a future blog once we sort through all the requirements. 

Nicola B. said:

How customisable will it be for 5e variant content?
Should I continue writing an Arcanis 5e character sheet or will we be able to customise this sufficiently that I can stop wading though the spaghetti code of the old 5e legacy sheet?

One of the main goals of the rebuild is to make the sheet as flexible as possible to accommodate a variety of different rules/play styles, so that's a huge focus for us. 

TheMarkus1204 said:

As for the spells a better way to display those would be tabs for each spell Level! (A tab for Cantrips, for Level 1, 2, ...). At least with this you would NOT need to scroll that much... As it is right now, I agree 100%. They are taking up way too much space!

That will be possible as well. The "All" dropdown you see in the designs is for exactly that: picking if you want to see all spells or just spells for a specific level!

Martijn S. said:

Looks very nice, but how what is the experience on smaller screens? Please test that. 

In my experience at least half of first time players use an old laptop or desktop with at most a full hd screen. And then that screen needs to be shared with discords and notes. 

Responsive sizing is another main focus of the rebuild; we are absolutely testing designs across different break points and ensuring the user experience is tailored for that screen width (if you take a look at our Candela Obscura sheet, you can get a sense of how we are thinking about responsiveness across all our sheets). Tablet & Mobile designs are another update we have planned for a future blog post, so keep an out there for the latest!

Please keep the feedback coming!

February 13 (1 year ago)

Edited February 13 (1 year ago)

Feedback/Suggestions while the sheet is still being developed:

A lot of these ideas are being repeated from the 'D&D 5th Edition by Roll20' thread in the Character Sheets forum.

Consistency between roll templates

Some of the templates still use {{desc}}, while others use {{description}} for example.

Also, PLEASE adjust the roll templates so that they are not set to such a small fixed width.


I'm guessing that a lot of the attributes are not going to change (there's no reason to change the 'experience' attribute that I can think of), but there is definitely a lot of bloat and unused 'legacy' attributes on the current character sheet.  For instance, there are a ton of 'npc_*****' attributes on the sheet, that may as well be the same as the non-NPC values and just have a single attribute that is used whether the sheet is set to PC or NPC. There are other issues, such as the 'class' versus 'multiclass1' attributes and they show on the sheet versus how they combine into 'class_display'.

Allow 'numerical' fields to accept non-numerical inputs or attribute calls

That way features could accept a modifier, such as Initiative adding Dex plus Proficiency Bonus.

Whisper Type

Please include a 'GM only' whisper setting into the sheet/sheetworkers.  It sounds like that is included on the Pathfinder 2E sheet now, so I'm guessing this is already on the roadmap, but I want to highlight it just in case it's not.

Standardized PC versus NPC layout

There are currently some things that can only be done when a character is set to a PC, and some things that can only be done when set to NPC, even though there are times when those features should be available to either type of character.  One example is changing the critical range - it is only possible to set this on the PC sheet, but that should be available to NPCs. Another example is that NPC attacks are created in a static manner, but PC attacks are created dynamically using the character's stats for attack and damage calculations.

Output for all repeating items

Spells currently have an 'output' roll, which is helpful for displaying the content of the spell information/description in chat.  It would be super helpful to have that for all other repeating items on the sheet, including inventory, PC traits, attacks, etc.

Item Mods

The item mods are currently very limited in what they can do.  

Custom skill rolls / Alternate Skill Checks

Currently there is no way to temporarily adjust a skill roll, such as creating a Strength (Persuasion) check (as outlined in the DMG for alternate skill checks). Instead a custom skill has to be created, and then it's listed with tools and proficiencies instead of skill checks.

Also, for any custom skills, there are only options for 'Proficient', 'Expertise', or 'Jack of all Trades' but no way to add a custom skill that is 'Not Proficient'.

Vision & speed settings

A separate attribute for vision and speed types would be helpful.  That way it could be used by scripts (such as TokenMod) to quickly set up a token.  Vision for PCs (such as Darkvision) is currently listed as a Trait, and is only available in text form, but it would be more useful if there were vision attributes that can be set to numerical values.  For NPCs, darkvision is part of the 'npc_senses' attribute, and also cannot easily be used in macros or scripts. Currently for PCs there is only a single 'speed' attribute which is assumed to be walking speed, that does not account for flying, climbing, burrow, or swim speeds. This could also include 'jump' distance.

Name options

I would love it if there was a field for a 'true name' or 'nickname' so that PCs could have their full name listed in one place, but a shortened name referenced elsewhere.  Similarly, for named NPCs, it would be possible to have the nickname display show 'Nobleman' until the players meet the NPC and learn his name is Lord Leremon III.

Conditions / Spell effects

I see there is a 'Conditions' section shown on the sheet.  I hope that can automatically adjust other fields and take custom entries, such as spell effects.  It would be much easier to have 'Bless' listed as a condition that automatically adjusts attack rolls and saving throws, instead of using two Global Modifiers.  This would also be useful for resistances and immunities. It could also be used with Heavy Armor to impose disadvantage on Stealth checks.


Vehicles are not currently supported in any meaningful way.  

Colored indicators/tags for spells, traits, etc.

This idea for different colored 'prepared' icons for spells, and likewise for traits or other repeating items. Or some other way of identifying/distinguishing items in these lists.  That would be easier than modifying each one individually with emojis. It would also be really nice to have some kind of indication if a spell is 'always prepared' due to a clas/subclass feature (e.g. a Paladin Oath spell) or if the item is on the sheet due to an item, etc.


Attunement is not currently included/supported on the sheet.

DM-Only fields within description fields for spells, attacks, etc.

It would be really nice to have a DM-only section of descriptions for pretty much everything.  A good example is a Giant Spider's Web feature.  If the description is shown, then players will see in chat when the attack is rolled what they have to do to get out of the Web.

Inventory 'Containers'

Please include a way for inventory to be 'placed' inside another item, such as a sack, or a Bag of Holding, and allow for the weight to be modified automatically as needed. 

List Ordering for Language Translation

Please ensure that list ordering according to language is implemented.

Alternative Critical Damage Calculations

Many tables allow for alternative critical rules, such as 'brutal criticals'. It would be great if there was an option for that.

February 13 (1 year ago)

I love the overall organization. The space for Resistances, Senses etc. feels very player handy. Love the In Page tabs over multiple pages, Better integrations of Long/Short rests, toggle effects like Rage.

I see the little Wheely Doos by each box and this excites me.  I hope there's a little more customization available on the back end for this character sheet, since there tends to be a lot of custom rule-building in 5e. So my hope is that there's spaces behind said Wheely Doos for lots of custom modifiers/toggles.

Truly my one critic but maybe it's already been addressed somewhere but i'd love a version with either a white background or just a lighter background. The color choices feel right for a Dnd sheet but i feel like some of the print disappears if I don't stare it down like a weeping angel. Also I stay up for 36 hours at a time some days watching my human child then try and do this shit on my 37th hour so that may be a factor. 


February 13 (1 year ago)


  • Would be nice if the PB could be customized with an actual piece of code on that "new" sheet. Bonus points if it actually works this time.
  • Would be nice if it was possible to customize the number of spell slots per caster level for multiclass characters.
  • Would be nice if we were able to toggle spell slot progression / recharge for warlock between long rest and standard spellcaster progression and RAW.
  • Would be nice if we could finally have color coding for spell prepared, to distinguish from Classes, Racial, Domain, and so on and so forth.
  • Would be nice if we finally had proper inventory management, with containers and stuff.
  • Would be nice if "Ability Checks +n" item modifiers would actually apply to Attribute checks, Skill Checks, Tools Checks, and Initiative Checks as per RAW.
  • Would be nice if it was possible to call for a Spell and/or an Item Description from an attack.

I could keen going all week, but you know... -.-

February 13 (1 year ago)

Great Job so far. Is there a non-dark mode version? 

February 13 (1 year ago)

Edited February 13 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion

Jarren said:

Another example is that NPC attacks are created in a static manner, but PC attacks are created dynamically using the character's stats for attack and damage calculations.

I think the reason behind NPC stats being static is because they are not derived in the same way as PC stats. This is as per the rules in the DMG. An attack bonus might be related to PB and the Strength or Dexterity modifier of the creature, but could be arbitrarily set. Any number of creatures's attacks etc. cannot be reproduced if you ran them through PC calculations. 

With that said, I would like to see the option for a calculation for things like NPC HP, Saves, Skills, etc. as a number of NPCs are part of a PC's class and derive bonuses from the PC (such as attack bonus being the spell attack bonus). 

February 13 (1 year ago)

Gauss said:

Jarren said:

Another example is that NPC attacks are created in a static manner, but PC attacks are created dynamically using the character's stats for attack and damage calculations.

I think the reason behind NPC stats being static is because they are not derived in the same way as PC stats. This is as per the rules in the DMG. An attack bonus might be related to PB and the Strength or Dexterity modifier of the creature, but could be arbitrarily set. Any number of creatures's attacks etc. cannot be reproduced if you ran them through PC calculations. 

Agreed! But I've seen enough posts and questions about creating NPCs that it would be nice if the attack bonus was able to be set as default by Strength or Dexterity mod, but able to be adjusted using the DMG table as desired.

February 13 (1 year ago)

Edited February 13 (1 year ago)

Jarren said:

Agreed! But I've seen enough posts and questions about creating NPCs that it would be nice if the attack bonus was able to be set as default by Strength or Dexterity mod, but able to be adjusted using the DMG table as desired.

Part of why I stopped buying stuff from Roll20, because I have to redo everything myself properly from scratch anyway... -.-

To Hit: "+@{dexterity_mod}[DEX] +@{npc_pb}[PB]"

On Hit: "1D6 +@{dexterity_mod}[DEX]"

With "1" set in the "Proficiency Bonus" field on the Goblin's NPC sheet.

February 13 (1 year ago)

Please keep supporting older versions of D&D and their character sheets. AD&D 1e, AD&D2e, 3.5, etc.

February 14 (1 year ago)
David M.
API Scripter

Nice list, Jarren! The DM-only description would be pretty righteous. This has always bugged me. I know I could make custom macros to do this, but having it integrated would be a real time-saver.

Jarren said:


DM-Only fields within description fields for spells, attacks, etc.

It would be really nice to have a DM-only section of descriptions for pretty much everything.  A good example is a Giant Spider's Web feature.  If the description is shown, then players will see in chat when the attack is rolled what they have to do to get out of the Web.

February 14 (1 year ago)

Patrice said:

What Keith said is 100% correct, we will have 2 different views for users to choose from (the icon next to the "all" drop down is the way to switch between views), the one you see and a condensed version which will only be 1 line per spell so you can see way more. The condensed version is still WIP and being tested, but I'll be sure to share screenshots when we have them!

I am glad there is going to be a toggle option, however, just to be clear about my feedback, the difference between the "New Expanded " (3 Line Spellcard with Spell text Snippet) and "New Condensed" (1 line, Spellcard, like DDB) is negligable to me, as they're both long scrolling lists of spells that you can't see all at once and having a toggle between the two seems not to make enough visual difference to justify having both from a UI/UX perspective.

Were there to be a toggle between two spell display options, I personally would want a view like the Traditional Overview (Current 5e spell sheet and it's paper analogue, where you can see all your spells on one page - no scrolling, typing, or filtering needed, unless you expand the text), and then New Condensed as the option for people who like how DDB does it (which is not me).

Then you actually have two distinct options from a player perspective, and is familiar to both those who are transitioning over from paper and from other digital toolsets.

February 14 (1 year ago)

First of all, I would like to thank the team for their hard work.  Second, I would like to ask if it's possible to opt out or if we'll have any way to edit the layout of the sheet in any way?  I greatly appreciate the effort but not a fan of the layout.  If each section was dockable and movable that would be magnificent.   I have poor eyesight (almost legally blind) and also am super old and resistant to change but most of the locations of stuff doesn't make sense to me.  So if we could move things around to suit our needs that would be awesome.  I'm not sure if that's possible but will give high marks if it can be done.  Thank you.

awogg said:

First of all, I would like to thank the team for their hard work.  Second, I would like to ask if it's possible to opt out or if we'll have any way to edit the layout of the sheet in any way?  I greatly appreciate the effort but not a fan of the layout.  If each section was dockable and movable that would be magnificent.   I have poor eyesight (almost legally blind) and also am super old and resistant to change but most of the locations of stuff doesn't make sense to me.  So if we could move things around to suit our needs that would be awesome.  I'm not sure if that's possible but will give high marks if it can be done.  Thank you.

I suspect their layout is mimicking what the official D&D 2024 sheet looks like. So that's probably not something that's going to be optional.

TheMarkus1204 said:

As for the spells a better way to display those would be tabs for each spell Level! (A tab for Cantrips, for Level 1, 2, ...). At least with this you would NOT need to scroll that much... As it is right now, I agree 100%. They are taking up way too much space!

That will be possible as well. The "All" dropdown you see in the designs is for exactly that: picking if you want to see all spells or just spells for a specific level!

So you are saying there will be a menu where I can select the Spell-LEVELS I want to see? Lets Say I select Levels 0 to 4. Will they all be displayed below each other so that I need to scroll to see all of them? OR will they be displayed like on the OLD sheet, where you can see ALL of your Spells at once? OR will there be a TABBED view for Cantrips, Level 1, Level 2 and so on? I'd Prefer the View of the OLD Sheet OR the tabbed view! Cause other than that Playing casters will be a nightmare!

February 14 (1 year ago)
Marketplace Creator

Any information (that I might have missed) on when this will be made available for testing and/or use?

February 14 (1 year ago)
Please, please, please still include the option to print it out. 
February 14 (1 year ago)

When will these sheets be live to use? 

February 15 (1 year ago)

I'm very interested in this, from the little data revealed here and in the blog post.  So, like others have said, when is it coming?

I'm pretty much in agreement with all of Jarren's list of desirable features. And in particular, you haven't said much about inventory. Nestable containers please, and a way to transfer items between players ("I'm giving X my potion of healing") would be much appreciated.

I also second Starr Saphyre's suggestion for dockable/moveable (and hideable or at least "collapse to an icon") sections to allow customizing the layout.  Sure, default to standard D&D format, but let us adjust what we show and highlight, and what we don't show, to match our form of play.

February 15 (1 year ago)

My guess is the sheet will be released in September, along with the WotC/DDB release of the 2024 PHB. If that’s the case then there’s still about 7 months of development, testing, and user feedback time. 

February 15 (1 year ago)

Whatever you do, just please don't break the APIs/Scripts. Getting a new sheet wouldn't be worth loosing hundreds of useful scripts. I really hope that doesn't happen.

February 15 (1 year ago)

Would be fantastic if for a NPC sheet it would be possible to add class features like divine domains (e.g. for a priest NPC) or feats. 

It would speed up NPC generation I believe :D

And am wondering about the short rest and long rest buttons on the new character sheet 2024, how customizable will rests be? 

February 15 (1 year ago)

Functionality for tracking damage to Max HP without losing what the original Max HP value was? And getting it back on a long rest or whatever?

Also, temp HP and Current HP as represented on a token. Could they be added together but damage taken from Temp HP first when applying through a token bubble?

February 15 (1 year ago)

Edited February 15 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi Doug!

Doug E. said:

Functionality for tracking damage to Max HP without losing what the original Max HP value was? And getting it back on a long rest or whatever?

Also, temp HP and Current HP as represented on a token. Could they be added together but damage taken from Temp HP first when applying through a token bubble?

The first item looks like it will be supported. That functionality exists on the new PF2 sheet, and is strongly hinted at in the blog for this sheet.

Another thing top-of-mind is allowing you to manually adjust modifiers without losing any sheet automation. For example, if your GM has given your table a bonus to AC for some boon in their campaign, you can manually increase your AC to reflect it. You won’t have to worry about recalculating if you change armor later on, since your ad hoc AC value will automatically be accounted for when you make further changes. We recognize that there may not always be a rule that captures everything that happens at your table, so quickly adjusting a score on your sheet will propagate throughout, meaning campaign- or session-based calculations are maintained! 

I can't answer to the second(tracking temp hp on the token—I think that's beyond the scope of a character sheet), but if you are looking for that functionality right now, as a Pro user you can use the Aaron's script here. It's great.

What about Resource boxes? Are they going away? Resource boxes are incredibly useful but I don't see anything in the image that would represent them.

February 16 (1 year ago)

Edited February 16 (1 year ago)

I agree with everything said about padding, UI bloat, and retaining the condensed view of the spells tab.

Keep it like the current spells tab. Keep it condensed. Do not allow UI and padding bloat.

Spells absolutely, without question, need their own full tab.

There are also padding issues throughout the sheet. Reduce padding. Roll20 tends to always increase padding in their new designs, and it's pretty much always a mistake.

February 16 (1 year ago)

Edited February 16 (1 year ago)

ASSUMPTION: They do it, so that users with TOUCH controls can also access the sheet properly! This is - of course - really annoying for others (like me), just cause we need to scroll a lot more to see the infos we like to see and saw before without scrolling...

Also I wonder how the sheet would look like in Light Mode OR if there only is this dark design?

Teller said:

I agree with everything said about padding, UI bloat, and retaining the condensed view of the spells tab.

Keep it like the current spells tab. Keep it condensed. Do not allow UI and padding bloat.

Spells absolutely, without question, need their own full tab.

There are also padding issues throughout the sheet. Reduce padding. Roll20 tends to always increase padding in their new designs, and it's pretty much always a mistake.

Will we be able to keep using the old sheets? This is similar to DND Beyond and is the main reason I don't use that site for anything.

Hi there! This all looks quite promising but I have a question which I haven't been able to find an answer for in any of the posts so far (if I've missed it I do apologize): what will be the fate of existing Character Sheets? Will there be a prompt to re-make them? Will they be "translated" into the news system automatically? I ask because there's plenty of information that can be included in the current sheets that doesn't necessarily have a real place, like random notes in the description of an item or a custom item or spell.

And of course it would be a shame to potentially lose entire characters due to an oversight or a bit of forgetfulness on the player's part.

February 16 (1 year ago)

Edited February 16 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion

Just a little mad said:

Will we be able to keep using the old sheets? This is similar to DND Beyond and is the main reason I don't use that site for anything.

There are over 1000 character sheets of the old style across various game systems. I cannot imagine they would be removed just because a few have the new technology of character sheet. 

I also don't expect the current D&D 5e by Roll20 will get any further development, so any bugs and issues with it will remain. 

However, I am not a Dev so cannot state any of that with certainty.

Cantaloupe said:

Hi there! This all looks quite promising but I have a question which I haven't been able to find an answer for in any of the posts so far (if I've missed it I do apologize): what will be the fate of existing Character Sheets? Will there be a prompt to re-make them? Will they be "translated" into the news system automatically? I ask because there's plenty of information that can be included in the current sheets that doesn't necessarily have a real place, like random notes in the description of an item or a custom item or spell.

And of course it would be a shame to potentially lose entire characters due to an oversight or a bit of forgetfulness on the player's part.

As stated above, the existing Character Sheets should still be there. 

If the Devs implement a conversion from the Old to New D&D 5e character sheet I am 99.9999% sure it will be an option, not forced.
And the conversion will be on a GM level, not player level because you cannot have two different character sheet types in one game. 

February 16 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion

My need is for Roll20 to allow the Monsters/NPC to use the D&D sheet, and the PC's to use a different Character Sheet (such as a simplified Custom Sheet, or an Old-School D&D sheet). 

The problem with letting my Players use the simple character sheet that they need is, it ruins the Monsters from any D&D Modules from Roll20 Marketplace.

Here is the popular Suggestion thread for that, if anyone wants to join me in voting +1 for this,

Gauss said:

And the conversion will be on a GM level, not player level because you cannot have two different character sheet types in one game. 

February 19 (1 year ago)

Some questions:

1) When is this new sheet being released?

2) Will the existing D&D 5e by Roll20 sheet still be available for use?

3) As the existing D&D 5e by Roll20 sheet will no longer be Roll20's primary 5e sheet will they be making the code public?

February 19 (1 year ago)

First like me say kudos to Roll20 for continuing to improve their product.  It is very much appreciated.

As a general rule when designing the character sheet, I would never sacrifice function for form.  I care much less about how the character sheet looks and much more about how easy it is to get at the things I want.  The current sheet manages to cram a lot of information in a small space, and that is a good thing.

It’s probably obvious, but how you use the character sheet really drives what you are looking for in a character sheet.  My group tends to have macro buttons (or token actions) for often-used attacks, initiative, perceptions checks, etc.  So we don’t need super-quick access to those things on the sheet; we set them up once and then never look at them again until something changes.  I can’t remember that last time I made a melee/ranged weapon attack by clicking on the character sheet.  I always use macros.  For spells, even at low levels, I use the Spells tab, since I know that very quickly I will have too many spells to want to use macros or token actions.  Your mileage may vary, of course.

I do have a couple of concerns about the sample sheet.  Foremost is the Spells section, which I know others have also commented on.  For characters like clerics and druids, who have available to them literally every cleric/druid spell in the Player’s Handbook (and potentially other books), it is imperative to be able to see every spell on the same page at the same time, as can currently be done.

I really do not want to have to click on a “Level 1” tab and look at those spells, then click on a “Level 2” tab and look at those spells and then “Level 3” tab and look at those spells, etc.  If it’s tedious for me to write it and for you to read it, imagine how bad it will be to actually have to do it in practice.  Whether I’m deciding what spell to cast at this instant or deciding what spells to memorize after a long rest, I really need to see all the options at once.

I see from comments from Patrice that there will be “a condensed version which will only be 1 line per spell so you can see way more,” so that relieves some of my concern, but it’s important enough that I wanted to stress it.  Even “1 line per spell” would not work well on a small tab that requires me to scroll endlessly or go to sub-tabs for individual spell levels.  I agree with Isabella who said “The current spell page is the best designed part of the current sheet when it comes to high level play.”

The new “Skills” section seems to take up a lot of space.  It is an important section, but it seems to take up twice as much space as on the current sheet.  The horizontal space is good, but the vertical space is too much.

Things like “Senses” and “Proficiencies and Languages” come up a lot less frequently in play, at least in the games I run or play in.  I would not think they would need to be prominently displayed.

Thank you, Roll20, for all your hard work on this project.  Don’t let our critiques and suggestions get you down.

As Machiavelli once said:

     It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.

Good luck and thanks again.

February 21 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

I just noticed that the damage button subtracts from Temp HP before touching current HP. Nice touch!

Will that also be true of damage as subtracted through the token bubbles?

February 21 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Agreement with John, above. Being able to collapse the skills into a narrow sidebar is fine, but it appears this may still require scrolling to find skills near the bottom of the list. It seems like the only reason for the vertical spacing when collapsed is because of the elements that only appear when expanded. Compression of the collapsed list height would be much handier.

February 21 (1 year ago)

It would be nice if, when the skills were collapsed, there were some indication of which skills you have proficiency/expertise in. When playing a lot of games, with different characters, it's hard to remember sometimes. And, when collapsed, you can't see the numbers so it's difficult to tell whether you have proficiency in a given skill. Maybe color them red? I don't know - some indication of which ones you have proficiency/expertise in would be useful.

February 21 (1 year ago)

keithcurtis said:

I just noticed that the damage button subtracts from Temp HP before touching current HP. Nice touch!

Will that also be true of damage as subtracted through the token bubbles?

Are we able to use the sheet somehow? I would love to try it out, but don't seem to know how to locate it.

February 21 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Chris said:

keithcurtis said:

I just noticed that the damage button subtracts from Temp HP before touching current HP. Nice touch!

Will that also be true of damage as subtracted through the token bubbles?

Are we able to use the sheet somehow? I would love to try it out, but don't seem to know how to locate it.

No. We have only seen a sneak preview. The blog has more information, with links and videos