Feedback/Suggestions while the sheet is still being developed:
A lot of these ideas are being repeated from the 'D&D 5th Edition by Roll20' thread in the Character Sheets forum.
Consistency between roll templates
Some of the templates still use {{desc}}, while others use {{description}} for example.
Also, PLEASE adjust the roll templates so that they are not set to such a small fixed width.
I'm guessing that a lot of the attributes are not going to change (there's no reason to change the 'experience' attribute that I can think of), but there is definitely a lot of bloat and unused 'legacy' attributes on the current character sheet. For instance, there are a ton of 'npc_*****' attributes on the sheet, that may as well be the same as the non-NPC values and just have a single attribute that is used whether the sheet is set to PC or NPC. There are other issues, such as the 'class' versus 'multiclass1' attributes and they show on the sheet versus how they combine into 'class_display'.
Allow 'numerical' fields to accept non-numerical inputs or attribute calls
That way features could accept a modifier, such as Initiative adding Dex plus Proficiency Bonus.
Whisper Type
Please include a 'GM only' whisper setting into the sheet/sheetworkers. It sounds like that is included on the Pathfinder 2E sheet now, so I'm guessing this is already on the roadmap, but I want to highlight it just in case it's not.
Standardized PC versus NPC layout
There are currently some things that can only be done when a character is set to a PC, and some things that can only be done when set to NPC, even though there are times when those features should be available to either type of character. One example is changing the critical range - it is only possible to set this on the PC sheet, but that should be available to NPCs. Another example is that NPC attacks are created in a static manner, but PC attacks are created dynamically using the character's stats for attack and damage calculations.
Output for all repeating items
Spells currently have an 'output' roll, which is helpful for displaying the content of the spell information/description in chat. It would be super helpful to have that for all other repeating items on the sheet, including inventory, PC traits, attacks, etc.
Item Mods
The item mods are currently very limited in what they can do.
Custom skill rolls / Alternate Skill Checks
Currently there is no way to temporarily adjust a skill roll, such as creating a Strength (Persuasion) check (as outlined in the DMG for alternate skill checks). Instead a custom skill has to be created, and then it's listed with tools and proficiencies instead of skill checks.
Also, for any custom skills, there are only options for 'Proficient', 'Expertise', or 'Jack of all Trades' but no way to add a custom skill that is 'Not Proficient'.
Vision & speed settings
A separate attribute for vision and speed types would be helpful. That way it could be used by scripts (such as TokenMod) to quickly set up a token. Vision for PCs (such as Darkvision) is currently listed as a Trait, and is only available in text form, but it would be more useful if there were vision attributes that can be set to numerical values. For NPCs, darkvision is part of the 'npc_senses' attribute, and also cannot easily be used in macros or scripts. Currently for PCs there is only a single 'speed' attribute which is assumed to be walking speed, that does not account for flying, climbing, burrow, or swim speeds. This could also include 'jump' distance.
Name options
I would love it if there was a field for a 'true name' or 'nickname' so that PCs could have their full name listed in one place, but a shortened name referenced elsewhere. Similarly, for named NPCs, it would be possible to have the nickname display show 'Nobleman' until the players meet the NPC and learn his name is Lord Leremon III.
Conditions / Spell effects
I see there is a 'Conditions' section shown on the sheet. I hope that can automatically adjust other fields and take custom entries, such as spell effects. It would be much easier to have 'Bless' listed as a condition that automatically adjusts attack rolls and saving throws, instead of using two Global Modifiers. This would also be useful for resistances and immunities. It could also be used with Heavy Armor to impose disadvantage on Stealth checks.
Vehicles are not currently supported in any meaningful way.
Colored indicators/tags for spells, traits, etc.
This idea for different colored 'prepared' icons for spells, and likewise for traits or other repeating items. Or some other way of identifying/distinguishing items in these lists. That would be easier than modifying each one individually with emojis. It would also be really nice to have some kind of indication if a spell is 'always prepared' due to a clas/subclass feature (e.g. a Paladin Oath spell) or if the item is on the sheet due to an item, etc.
Attunement is not currently included/supported on the sheet.
DM-Only fields within description fields for spells, attacks, etc.
It would be really nice to have a DM-only section of descriptions for pretty much everything. A good example is a Giant Spider's Web feature. If the description is shown, then players will see in chat when the attack is rolled what they have to do to get out of the Web.
Inventory 'Containers'
Please include a way for inventory to be 'placed' inside another item, such as a sack, or a Bag of Holding, and allow for the weight to be modified automatically as needed.
List Ordering for Language Translation
Please ensure that list ordering according to language is implemented.
Alternative Critical Damage Calculations
Many tables allow for alternative critical rules, such as 'brutal criticals'. It would be great if there was an option for that.