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The New Toolbar is Now Available to All Users


Edited 1705562857
The new UI has all the layers the old one had: Token (aka Object) Layer, Map Layer, GM Layer and Dynamic Lighting Layer. The only NEW thing is, that there are now Buttons to click on to select the Layer you want to use... If you had assets on the GM Layer, just switch to it and move them to the Token Layer. I think I read that they want to implement new layers someday. But as of now they focus completely on the Redesign and their Operation Jumpgate... Vandylizer said: Hmm, so this new UI doesn't have BG (background) nor FG (foreground) layers, or am I missing something? How can I move my assets that I had in the BG to the Token layer? Right now they're stuck and I can't move them. Can someone help?
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Hi Vandylizer! The controls to move your focus between layers are now at the bottom of the toolbar, lower left. They have the benefit of being always visible, so you know what layer you are on. To move objects between layers you can either copy from one and paste to the other, use the hotkeys / advanced hotkeys , or the right-click sub menu.
Im having problems changing the type of dice or the amount of on the advanced diceroller. E.g I cant change d20 to d8 and I cant roll beyond the alloted 8xd20. If I want to roll a 20xd20 Im stuck.
Forum Champion
Hi Steve B.,  I can confirm the advanced dice roller's drop down menu for dice selection is not working. However, I was not able to confirm the number of dice problem you are having. Clicking the up and down arrows correctly changed the number all the way into the 30s for me (where I stopped). Could you provide reproduction steps?  Steve B. said: Im having problems changing the type of dice or the amount of on the advanced diceroller. E.g I cant change d20 to d8 and I cant roll beyond the alloted 8xd20. If I want to roll a 20xd20 Im stuck.
Hey folks -- we just put out a quick update and now the Zoom settings to hide the zoom controls or use the percent-only controls to get rid of the zoom slider should now appear for everyone in their Settings tab without needing to be opted in to the Beta. Thanks!
Groch said: Riley D. said: Groch said: Hi, With the old UI being removed, there is still one feature missing kind of, we used to be able to set RGB colors for circles and such, but if you used rgba, it worked too, and it have been pretty usefull for highlighting some areas Can we have that in the new UI too ? i can see the color picker recognize it but the input is rejected when i press enter We're tracking this, and we think we should be able to add support for this again pretty quickly. I'll keep you posted. Awesome ! Thanks :) Just wanted to update that we will be able to support this, the change is in testing now. I think it's unlikely that it goes out ahead of the weekend, but likely first thing next week it should be live. Thanks for the feedback on this!
Riley D. said: Thanks for letting us know! We have a few bugs related to the New Compendium and Compendium Sharing we are tracking now, I'll let you know when they are fixed (hopefully today) and we'll see if that solves the problem. Riley, as long as this is NOT fixed, can you please set the OLD compendium as STANDARD if one enables BETA FEATURES? THX

Edited 1705675961
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
TheMarkus1204 said: Riley D. said: Thanks for letting us know! We have a few bugs related to the New Compendium and Compendium Sharing we are tracking now, I'll let you know when they are fixed (hopefully today) and we'll see if that solves the problem. Riley, as long as this is NOT fixed, can you please set the OLD compendium as STANDARD if one enables BETA FEATURES? THX So we put out a few updates to this already yesterday. In particular: If you have more than one item in a filter list (e.g. the sources you are filtering on) we made it so that you can always see what you're typing as you add more things. Fixed a bug where we weren't properly blocking books in games where Compendium Sharing was set to No. Fixed a bug where folks with lots of content would sometimes get timeout errors when searching for things. As noted previously, we fixed a bug where sometimes you were only getting the first part of a set of results when scrolling down the list. Can you let me know if you're still seeing the issue in that game where you aren't seeing the content you should be?
Yes. STILL seeing this Bug AND also noticed something strange: Bookindex for PATHFINDER? But clicking on it opens the right Book for Dragonbane! Still "RULES" is the only thing I see and inside nothing else but to be seen on the Screenshot above! Riley D. said: TheMarkus1204 said: Riley D. said: Thanks for letting us know! We have a few bugs related to the New Compendium and Compendium Sharing we are tracking now, I'll let you know when they are fixed (hopefully today) and we'll see if that solves the problem. Riley, as long as this is NOT fixed, can you please set the OLD compendium as STANDARD if one enables BETA FEATURES? THX So we put out a few updates to this already yesterday. In particular: If you have more than one item in a filter list (e.g. the sources you are filtering on) we made it so that you can always see what you're typing as you add more things. Fixed a bug where we weren't properly blocking books in games where Compendium Sharing was set to No. Fixed a bug where folks with lots of content would sometimes get timeout errors when searching for things. As noted previously, we fixed a bug where sometimes you were only getting the first part of a set of results when scrolling down the list. Can you let me know if you're still seeing the issue in that game where you aren't seeing the content you should be?
Bring back old UI! The new dice roller is super glitchy.
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FDH said: Bring back old UI! The new dice roller is super glitchy. Hi FDH! What problems are you having with it?
There are Problems with it as Riley already acknowledged, but they are aware of it and on it. FDH said: Bring back old UI! The new dice roller is super glitchy.
Um, I have a Macbook with an M1 and I have no problem with the new UI. Troy N. said: How come you guys keep breaking things for x64? Anyone with a MacBook with an M1 or newer is bricked
Since the update, I have repeated crashes. Keep losing my map image, etc. I have hardware acceleration on. I'm running on a Surfacebook 2, so really shouldn't be having any issues, but very buggy and very slow. R2O previously ran fine, even with lots of stuff going on.
@Gauss - My mistake! The number of dice rolled seems to work in the Advanced Roller (I was mixing it up with the Basic Roller) but being able to change the Dice Type problem still stands and is fairly fundamental to roleplaying.
Hi, I just used the first time the new version of dice roller and unlike the previous version it doesn't allow you to reroll a formula that you entered directly in the chat, you can only reroll rolls you made with the dice roller. That's bit annoying since now if you have roll that you can't enter with the dice roller (which tend to be the more complicated rolls) you have to constantly reenter it.
Hey. There are many good features that I can see and overall the UI seems a bit more clear. But it's really infuriating to drag your mouse down to bottom left and switch layers every time. I tend to play a lot with different layers in my games and these options being here separately doesn't feel intuitive at all. They used to be under one button that opened up to one neat menu, linked with the rest of the toolbar options on the top left. Could you please move them back there or at least give an option to move them? Kind regards
P.S: Sorry for the double post. The picture didn't upload, but these are the one's I meant
Forum Champion
KyberPunk, Do you not love the feature of being able to see which layer you're ON, at all times, due to the highlighted Layer at the lower left? I think that is such a great improvement, for me. I understand your request to revert it back or offer the option of menu placement for the layers menu. My advice (not that you asked for it), but use the new method for a few hours and see if you get used to it. For me it's a lot faster than the old way that required opening a sub-menu.  As a workaround, not what you're asking for, but if you want the Fastest possible access to changing Layers, try enabling the Advanced Keyboard Shortcuts and learn the keyboard key command for each layer. 

Edited 1705790093
Please let the drawing tool use a regular mouse cursor. Trying to use the new pen tool to draw dynamic lighting walls has become way more difficult, the pen-styled cursor isn't precise at all. I also agree with KyberPunk, showing what layer you're on all the time is unnecessary and clutters up the screen. It's another thing I wish was optional for those of us who don't want it.
We have been enjoying the upgrades to the UI but have noticed that the advanced dice roller won't let us change the dice we are trying to roll in mass. (ie. when I try to bring the drop-down menu up to change the type of dice it just changes the direction of the arrow and doesn't show the options.)
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I think this new interface is a good improvement over the old version :)
Gold said: KyberPunk, Do you not love the feature of being able to see which layer you're ON, at all times, due to the highlighted Layer at the lower left? I think that is such a great improvement, for me. I understand your request to revert it back or offer the option of menu placement for the layers menu. My advice (not that you asked for it), but use the new method for a few hours and see if you get used to it. For me it's a lot faster than the old way that required opening a sub-menu.  As a workaround, not what you're asking for, but if you want the Fastest possible access to changing Layers, try enabling the Advanced Keyboard Shortcuts and learn the keyboard key command for each layer.  Hi Gold, thanks for taking the time to answer and thank you for your advice. I didn't have any problems seeing which layer I was on prior to this update and moving the options to the lower left and ditching the sub-menu choice made it less logical to me. I took a look at the advanced keyboard shortcuts, but I was left disappointed at the fact that you can't customize them at all (please correct me if I'm wrong). Kind regards KyberPunk
I used to be able to set the drawing's opacity by adding a number at the end of the hex code like #ffff00xx with xx being a number between 00 and 99, but now it's no longer working. The opacity number just disappears. Please re-enable this as it has removed a very useful function.
For those of us that don't have memory problems, it would be nice to not have the layers obscuring the screen at all times. I don't need any reminder what layer I'm on, thanks.
Miha.DM said: I used to be able to set the drawing's opacity by adding a number at the end of the hex code like #ffff00xx with xx being a number between 00 and 99, but now it's no longer working. The opacity number just disappears. Please re-enable this as it has removed a very useful function. We have a fix for this that will be coming out early this week (hopefully Monday).  Jessica B. said: We have been enjoying the upgrades to the UI but have noticed that the advanced dice roller won't let us change the dice we are trying to roll in mass. (ie. when I try to bring the drop-down menu up to change the type of dice it just changes the direction of the arrow and doesn't show the options.) We're tracking this as well and I'm hoping we can get this fixed early next week, too! Thanks for the continued feedback everyone! It is appreciated.
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Hi Riley! That color picker exists in many different places throughout the Roll20 interface. (There are still a few outliers, IIRC). Will it update to include rgba wherever it appears?
The new toolbar is ugly, big, has a bunch of blank space on it, takes up extra space from the actual screen, bumps over all the player names/macro bar. You thought this was a good idea?
Forum Champion
Premier666 said: For those of us that don't have memory problems, it would be nice to not have the layers obscuring the screen at all times. I don't need any reminder what layer I'm on, thanks. Don't forget, you can Hide it with the Collapse << button:

Edited 1705867289
Also now when you drag distance, you can't drag and pan the map, which is necessary moving tokens large distances on large maps while zoomed in. This is a downgrade in functionality. And you thought this was going to make things easier?

Edited 1705868480
Forum Champion
Rachel said: Also now when you drag distance, you can't drag and pan the map, which is necessary moving tokens large distances on large maps while zoomed in. This is a downgrade in functionality. And you thought this was going to make things easier? Hi Rachel,  My understanding is that the switch to right click = waypoint rather than right click = pan during measuring is an intentional design change.  The Devs enabled the third mousebutton (wheel click for some of us) to turn into pan, but I find that to be unworkable as my fingers cannot hold the left button while clicking the middle button (mousewheel click).  As a workaround, you can still scroll around the map using the mousewheel or shift+mousewheel. It is what I use in this circumstance.
Yeah being an intentional design doesn't make it good. My fingers have a hard time middle clicking while right clicking. How awkward. Almost impossible. And this is supposed to be better?
Forum Champion
Rachel said: Yeah being an intentional design doesn't make it good. My fingers have a hard time middle clicking while right clicking. How awkward. Almost impossible. And this is supposed to be better? I am not a Dev, I cannot speak for them. I am a user like yourself. 
I haven't checked because the UI change caused a MASSIVE ocular migraine that lasted for a WHOLE day. I am too afraid to actually go in and troubleshoot because I don't want that to happen to me again. Since it hasn't happened again since. If I had to guess its a combination of icon size for the new taskbar, the opacity lowering when on the map, and now that entire side of the screen being occupied. I'm sorry but I will not risk further health issues to troubleshoot beyond the initial look. I wish you'd have just stayed true to allowing people to use both. Riley D. said: Goat said: I have neurological sight based issues and the new tool bar physically hurts to look at, especially in night mode. I have 6000+ hours invested into this site. Now I basically cannot use roll20 without pain. The old one didn't cause me as much pain (eye strain + headaches), but this was almost instant. It's clunky as HELL on mobile too, but mobile traditionally has been. Now the bar's in the way. And again, it physically /hurts/ to look at. Can you let us know a little more about what specifically we could do to improve that? Is it the color scheme (and neither light nor dark mode is working well), or?
BUG! With Cache & Cookies CLEARED (no extensions!) THIS is what I see after joining a campaign! Sidebar is in LIGHTMODE while Rest of the VTT is in Dark Mode! WHY is this the case?! Shouldn't it be ALL Darkmode or ALL Lightmode?! Or did you finally push the update that those 2 (Sidebar / Rest of the VTT) are independent?

Edited 1705920017
Riley, Do you have any updates regarding the compendium? EDIT: In the Bookindex why is it organized like this? Are those supposed to be PAGE Numbers? Wouldn't it better to make sections like: Your Character with Subsection Races, Abilities etc.?
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TheMarkus1204 said: Riley, Do you have any updates regarding the compendium? EDIT: In the Bookindex why is it organized like this? Are those supposed to be PAGE Numbers? Wouldn't it better to make sections like: Your Character with Subsection Races, Abilities etc.? That would more properly be a question for Free League? To my knowledge, Roll20 neither created or maintains the Dragonbane sheet or compendium.
TheMarkus1204 said: BUG! With Cache &amp; Cookies CLEARED (no extensions!) THIS is what I see after joining a campaign! Sidebar is in LIGHTMODE while Rest of the VTT is in Dark Mode! WHY is this the case?! Shouldn't it be ALL Darkmode or ALL Lightmode?! Or did you finally push the update that those 2 (Sidebar / Rest of the VTT) are independent? I had something similar happen to me yesterday.&nbsp; On my recording screen an ability posted in Dark Mode, but the rest of the screen was in light mode.&nbsp; If I toggled the Dark Mode option, it fixed part of the issue, but not the other: <a href=";t=1395" rel="nofollow">;t=1395</a> The only fix seemed to be refreshing the browser. -Adam

Edited 1705955536
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Hey folks! We just put a quick series of hotfixes with the following: Added functionality to the color picker with the New Toolbar update that will allow you to manually specify alpha values (e.g. you can enter "#00000080" for semi-transparent black). Note as before you cannot add transparent values to lines on the Lighting layer. Fixed a bug where the drop-down to pick dice type was not appearing in the Advanced Dice Roller. Fixed a bug where Dark Mode CSS wasn't loading correctly for some users. Thanks!
keithcurtis said: Hi Riley! That color picker exists in many different places throughout the Roll20 interface. (There are still a few outliers, IIRC). Will it update to include rgba wherever it appears? Unfortunately this fix only applies to the new Color Picker element we used for the New Toolbar, so just for drawings and text.
Riley D. said: Hey folks! We just put a quick series of hotfixes with the following: Fixed a bug where Dark Mode CSS wasn't loading correctly for some users. Thanks! If this was supposed to fix this situation, its still happening (i.e., Dark Mode is turned off, but chat area is acting as though its turned on): -Adam
Riley D. said: Hey folks! We just put a quick series of hotfixes with the following: Added functionality to the color picker with the New Toolbar update that will allow you to manually specify alpha values (e.g. you can enter "#00000080" for semi-transparent black). Note as before you cannot add transparent values to lines on the Lighting layer. This is awesome thank you!
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Riley D. said: keithcurtis said: Hi Riley! That color picker exists in many different places throughout the Roll20 interface. (There are still a few outliers, IIRC). Will it update to include rgba wherever it appears? Unfortunately this fix only applies to the new Color Picker element we used for the New Toolbar, so just for drawings and text. Thanks! It allows for a lot of creative solutions. Crossing my fingers that when (or if) the new color picker comes to auras, light, and vision, it will include alpha transparency.

Edited 1705991566
Not solved for me: Sidebar is Lightmode while Chat and rest is Darkmode! Honestly, I PREFER it the OTHER WAY round... Sidebar (and Menus) darkmode while chat and rest of the vtt in lightmode! Riley D. said: Hey folks! We just put a quick series of hotfixes with the following: Added functionality to the color picker with the New Toolbar update that will allow you to manually specify alpha values (e.g. you can enter "#00000080" for semi-transparent black). Note as before you cannot add transparent values to lines on the Lighting layer. Fixed a bug where the drop-down to pick dice type was not appearing in the Advanced Dice Roller. Fixed a bug where Dark Mode CSS wasn't loading correctly for some users. Thanks!