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February 2024 Roll20 Reserve | DMsGuild Select: 295 Maps for 5E Campaigns

Greetings and happy Reserve Day! As Roll20 continues our celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Dungeons &amp; Dragons, we are thrilled to present one of our largest Reserve offerings ever: a Bundle of THREE top-selling DMsGuild titles, formatted for use on the virtual tabletop and ready to enhance your favorite 5E campaigns! About DMsGuild Select:&nbsp;295 Maps for 5E Campaigns Level up your campaigns with alternative maps designed for the recently remastered&nbsp; Curse of Strahd ,&nbsp; Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden , and&nbsp; Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus . Thoughtfully organized into page folders corresponding to the chapters of the official campaign books, maps feature stunning visuals, Doors, Windows, and Dynamic Lighting on featured scenes.&nbsp; This Package Contains 113 Maps for Curse of Strahd : Includes maps for the preludes, the Village of Barovia, Vallaki, Krezk, Berez, the Wizard of Wines, Yester Hill, and many wilderness encounter maps for the different terrain types. 92 Maps for Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden : Includes maps for Ten Towns, Icewind Dale Wilderness Encounters, Destruction's Light, Auril's Adobe, and Ythryn, + tokens for the mounts and vehicles of the Dale such as the Sled Dogs and the Goblin Wagon 90 Maps for Descent into Avernus : Includes maps for A Tale of Two Cities, Elturel Has Fallen, Avernus, Sword of Zariel, Arkhan’s Tower, Zariel’s Flying Fortress, a 96x20 Endgame Gauntlet, and 7 locations from the Baldur’s Gate Gazetteer, + tokens for Infernal War Machines. View all maps formatted for the Roll20 Virtual Tabletop from Tessa Presents&nbsp; on DMsGuild . How to Claim Navigate to&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and click "Claim Now" After claiming, you will see a pop-up window verifying your claim. Clicking the "Create Game" button will randomly add one of the ten Addons to a new campaign, so we suggest manually adding the Addon you want to use to a new or existing campaign. Visit the "Game Addons" section of the campaign page and utilize the drop-down menu.&nbsp; Enjoy!&nbsp;
Wait... So this is an Addon? Not an art pack?!? Man... -.-
Neo said: Wait... So this is an Addon? Not an art pack?!? Man... -.- It's an add-on because Tessa has done all the dynamic lighting. I am pretty sure I have all these maps already, and they're excellent for the specific campaigns and most can be used in lots of other campaigns.

Edited 1707245949
Dr DM said: Neo said: Wait... So this is an Addon? Not an art pack?!? Man... -.- It's an add-on because Tessa has done all the dynamic lighting. I am pretty sure I have all these maps already, and they're excellent for the specific campaigns and most can be used in lots of other campaigns. I created a new game and imported the 3 addon's, and I can confirm all maps I checked randomly (maybe a dozen?) all have dynamic lightning to them. The thing that bugs me is, adding that many maps (~100) per addon is slowing down an existing game, for anyone that would like to use just 2-3 maps in their current game. I would have been happy(er) with those 3 addons as map art in the "Art Library", is what I'm saying -.- P.S.: Cute maps though ;oP
Neo said: Wait... So this is an Addon? Not an art pack?!? Man... -.- Confirming that the February Reserve specifically provides maps optimized for Roll20 virtual tabletop. If you're interested in alternative options, Tessa offers a comprehensive catalog on DMsGuild with various formats such as PDF, JPG, etc. This could be an option for anyone requiring individual assets for their campaigns. Also worth calling out that after the Reserve period, any Pro Subscribers who have claimed the Reserve title and also possess a DMsGuild account will see VTT versions of these three titles appear in their DMsGuild library as owned items. This enables those folks to upgrade to the Bundle that includes both versions at a discount. Example Bundle:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
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Neo said: Dr DM said: Neo said: Wait... So this is an Addon? Not an art pack?!? Man... -.- It's an add-on because Tessa has done all the dynamic lighting. I am pretty sure I have all these maps already, and they're excellent for the specific campaigns and most can be used in lots of other campaigns. I created a new game and imported the 3 addon's, and I can confirm all maps I checked randomly (maybe a dozen?) all have dynamic lightning to them. The thing that bugs me is, adding that many maps (~100) per addon is slowing down an existing game, for anyone that would like to use just 2-3 maps in their current game. I would have been happy(er) with those 3 addons as map art in the "Art Library", is what I'm saying -.- P.S.: Cute maps though ;oP Hi Neo! You are right that adding them all directly to a game would be prohibitively detrimental to game size.&nbsp; I would say that the best way to use these is to create a new game with only this addon. Then use the transmogrifier to move whichever maps you want to use into the game that you want to use them in. I am playing in an Icewind Dale: Rime of the Forstmaiden game currently. I host the game for the GM. I created an Icewind Dale map game, invited them and promoted them to GM. If they see any maps they like, I can transmogrify them into the game.&nbsp; If the maps were only an art pack, they would be lacking a huge value in the time required to size and dynamically light them.
Forum Champion
To add to what Keithcurtis said, you could add a pack then delete all the maps you don't want.&nbsp;
How about I just switch to another VTT to stop wasting time and money? -.-
I for one am happy with this being as it is.&nbsp; I also think they are cute maps. Personally, I have a game created specifically for add-on content that I transmogrify what I want into my main games (took awhile to initially set up, but now simply add new stuff as I buy it or get monthly).&nbsp; Same reason I have a game titled monster manual, that I have added every monster I bought or homebrewed so I have them at a glance with custom handouts to look them up by type or CR.&nbsp; All on how your perception of life, make things easier for yourself ^__^
Great pack this month. I especially appreciate the way that they're not only pre-lit but organised into chapter folders. I'm not a Ravenloft guy but my itch to run a Frost/Avernus campaign just got a boost.
This is a great premium reserve. Unfortunately there seems to be an issue when transmogrifying them to another game. When I do that the map in the new game is just blank. You can see it in the thumbnail, but when you go to the map there's nothing there.
Hi Gord H I have just tested this with "1-01 Plea for Help" and "2-10 Encounter Forest Road 2" in CoS and those went across fine to a sandpit campaign.&nbsp; Is it a particular map you are having trouble with or have you tried several? What browser are you using and, yes I am being boring, have you cleared cache, restarted or tried a private browsing window or different browser?
Just to test it, I too tried Plea for Help and Werewolf in the mist, both worked fine for me (both map and lighting)
Hi Simon. I'm on Chrome and I cleared my cache. Some maps are working while others are not. The 2 you tried, both worked for me, but 3-01 River Styx, 2-08 Narzugon Cavalier, and 1-12 Holed Up Wolves didn't. I also tried 2-58 Mad Mage of Mount Baratok, 2-10 Encounter Forest Road 2, 2-10 Wilderness 12 Gnolls, and 2-12 Encounter Forest Road 4 and those ones do work.&nbsp; I also made sure to try porting them into a different game than the first one I tried. It looks like there are issues with some maps, but not others.
I must be missing something. I created a new game with&nbsp; Tessa Presents 113 Maps for Curse of Strahd addon enabled and cannot find any of the maps. I have this feeling its just something incredibly simple I'm over looking.
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Erik said: I must be missing something. I created a new game with&nbsp; Tessa Presents 113 Maps for Curse of Strahd addon enabled and cannot find any of the maps. I have this feeling its just something incredibly simple I'm over looking. There are three add-ons you can add to any game you have. You don't have to create a new one. If you type in "Tessa", you will see the three options.
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Erik said: I must be missing something. I created a new game with&nbsp; Tessa Presents 113 Maps for Curse of Strahd addon enabled and cannot find any of the maps. I have this feeling its just something incredibly simple I'm over looking. Hi Erik! Just asking, because this is a common error: Are you looking in the page menu or your art library? They should be in the page menu, separated by folder.
keithcurtis said: Erik said: I must be missing something. I created a new game with&nbsp; Tessa Presents 113 Maps for Curse of Strahd addon enabled and cannot find any of the maps. I have this feeling its just something incredibly simple I'm over looking. Hi Erik! Just asking, because this is a common error: Are you looking in the page menu or your art library? They should be in the page menu, separated by folder. In the Journal tab there is a folder called Tessa Presents Tokens with 8 vehicle tokens (Keep in mind I selected the Strahd map addon, as these tokens look nothing like what would be used in Ravenloft!) There are no maps listed in that folder. I don't mean to seem simple, but I just cannot find it.&nbsp; The AddOn is listed as installed on the game system page with the option to remove it.
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Erik said: In the Journal tab there is a folder called Tessa Presents Tokens with 8 vehicle tokens (Keep in mind I selected the Strahd map addon, as these tokens look nothing like what would be used in Ravenloft!) There are no maps listed in that folder. I don't mean to seem simple, but I just cannot find it.&nbsp; The AddOn is listed as installed on the game system page with the option to remove it. I'm not sure where the vehicle tokens are coming from. That sounds like a Descent into Avernus addon. Nevertheless, the Maps will be found in the Page Menu: This will reveal all of the pages, with their folders of maps (Make sure you have the Beta features turned on in your game's settings tab if you want to see folders.):
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Confirmed. The Vehicles are from Descent Into Avernus: Go to your game's home page and check to make sure you have the right addon selected. It sounds like you built a game using the Avernus set.:
Gord H. said: Hi Simon. I'm on Chrome and I cleared my cache. Some maps are working while others are not. The 2 you tried, both worked for me, but 3-01 River Styx, 2-08 Narzugon Cavalier, and 1-12 Holed Up Wolves didn't. I also tried 2-58 Mad Mage of Mount Baratok, 2-10 Encounter Forest Road 2, 2-10 Wilderness 12 Gnolls, and 2-12 Encounter Forest Road 4 and those ones do work.&nbsp; I also made sure to try porting them into a different game than the first one I tried. It looks like there are issues with some maps, but not others. Hi Gord H Yes, I got the same blank pages created for those maps, checked all layers and nothing doing.&nbsp; I then loaded up the original games they were in and the maps are fine, so (this may not have made any difference, but I'm a cardio, check the back seat, seatbelts AND double tap kinda person) I made sure I was not on the map I wanted and transmogrified it across to the sandpit - so pushed rather than pulled if that makes sense?&nbsp; First attempt, no difference, and I didn't get a warning about it already being there either. Second attempt and again no warning, but this time the map appeared next to the flawed one and was fine.&nbsp; One of them I had to push three times in all.&nbsp; Can't say I understand what is going on, but this worked for me.
Simon G. said: Gord H. said: Hi Simon. I'm on Chrome and I cleared my cache. Some maps are working while others are not. The 2 you tried, both worked for me, but 3-01 River Styx, 2-08 Narzugon Cavalier, and 1-12 Holed Up Wolves didn't. I also tried 2-58 Mad Mage of Mount Baratok, 2-10 Encounter Forest Road 2, 2-10 Wilderness 12 Gnolls, and 2-12 Encounter Forest Road 4 and those ones do work.&nbsp; I also made sure to try porting them into a different game than the first one I tried. It looks like there are issues with some maps, but not others. Hi Gord H Yes, I got the same blank pages created for those maps, checked all layers and nothing doing.&nbsp; I then loaded up the original games they were in and the maps are fine, so (this may not have made any difference, but I'm a cardio, check the back seat, seatbelts AND double tap kinda person) I made sure I was not on the map I wanted and transmogrified it across to the sandpit - so pushed rather than pulled if that makes sense?&nbsp; First attempt, no difference, and I didn't get a warning about it already being there either. Second attempt and again no warning, but this time the map appeared next to the flawed one and was fine.&nbsp; One of them I had to push three times in all.&nbsp; Can't say I understand what is going on, but this worked for me. That's interesting. I'll try that, but hopefully this gets fixed sooner than later.
Gord H. said: That's interesting. I'll try that, but hopefully this gets fixed sooner than later. Don't keep your hopes up... #3 from the "Sunless Citadel" maps (Yawnig Portal bundle) was still missing a few weeks ago when I checked -.- P.S.: As multiple other bugs that still haven't been fixed for years...

Edited 1707707498
Forum Champion
Hi Neo, Which image is missing for you from Sunless Citadel? I just checked mine and none were missing.&nbsp; Have you tried re-installing the add-on? Sometimes the process of adding an addon doesn't complete properly.&nbsp;
Gauss said: Hi Neo, Which image is missing for you from Sunless Citadel? I just checked mine and none were missing.&nbsp; Have you tried re-installing the add-on? Sometimes the process of adding an addon doesn't complete properly.&nbsp; Hey Gauss, You know the room numbers going from #1 to #I-can't-remember? Well the #3 is missing. Or has been missing up to a few weeks ago that I can confirm. I had to transmogrify the map from another module from the "Yawning Portal" bundle, in order to copy/past the #3 from one of the other map, to "Sunless Citadel". Easy to miss I guess, but it's still been missing for years... -.- When was that module first released on Roll20 again? o.O
Forum Champion
So a map image isn't missing, just a room number?&nbsp;
Just the room number token #3, yupp. Has been missing for years... -.-
Forum Champion
That isn't a programming bug, it is a conversion issue. Sometimes images in a player's game or an Addon/Module go missing and that is often the result of some error in programming, the Devs have to go in an fix the missing elements.&nbsp; Other times it is the result of the converter missing it. My guess is that in this case it is a missed conversion. Alternately, it may not even be present on the original WotC product, and if it is not there generally it won't be in a Module/Addon either.&nbsp;
From the PDF I got:
From the game I just created with the module:
Considering the #3 clearly shows in the PDF, and no matter how many times I create a new game with the exact same module, the exact same room number token ends up missing (#3), I have no other choice but to politely call BS -.-

Edited 1707726784
Forum Champion
I am not sure what you are calling BS on. I did not say it was an error of adding the Addon, I said it might be.&nbsp; I did not say it was not present in the PDF. I said it might not be.&nbsp; Or are you calling BS on it being a converter mistake? The image that converters work with is not the same image that is in the PDF. They use the raw image, not the flattened one that gets published.&nbsp; In any case, the problem you are citing appears to have nothing to do with the problem that others are having, that of maps not loading. That problem appears to be on some occassions of adding the addon, and not others. That falls under the 'sometimes the addon isn't correctly added' problem, which is a known problem with a known possible solution: do it again and see if it fixes it.&nbsp; If that doesn't fix it the next step is to file a report with the Devs via the Help Center .&nbsp;
This may well be a known thing, but I was just checking through Tessa's maps for CoS as our party should be stepping into the mists soon.&nbsp; Several of the maps in 5 did not want to load in properly, they remained blurred as if over enlarged (6 maps in total).&nbsp; Zooming the whole page in by 10% using the VTT Zoom and then returning to 100% resolved it.&nbsp; Just in case anyone else experiences the same thing.&nbsp; My internet is defintely fast enough for Roll20 and my PC is lovable, AC Valhalla on max settings no problem, so not my setup AFAIK.
Our devs identified a bug with the&nbsp; Transmogrifier and have restored its previous functionality. If you still run into issues&nbsp; transmogrifying pages and page folders, please submit a help ticket . Thanks for your reporting!&nbsp;
keithcurtis said: This will reveal all of the pages, with their folders of maps (Make sure you have the Beta features turned on in your game's settings tab if you want to see folders.): Great content this month. I have a question as a follow-up to Keith´s post. When I added any of three addons, they were not added in a form of a folder (including all the 100 maps), but I have them all on the top level out of any folder. How do I add them in the folder form? (I have the new UI on). Second thing, they are not sorted &nbsp; alphabetically / &nbsp;numerically. Is it possible to sort maps this way?&nbsp;
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Hi PJ! I'm not sure why they did not add in folder form. Did you have the new UI on at the time of import. I shouldn't think it would make a difference, since the data for the folder structure should be there, regardless. Do you get the same behavior in a brand new game? As for the second question, I don't think alphabetical sorting is a feature at this time. It might be possible in the future with a Mod Script, if the appropriate attributes were exposed.
They do! If you load one of the Modules (or all three) to a game, they do appear in Game in folders! My assumption is, that PJ wants to Transmog all maps in one folder at once, which is sadly NOT POSSIBLE up until now! One SUGGESTION for Roll20 in this regard: WHILE Maps DO appear in Folders, it is NOT CLEAR, what maps belong to WHAT Addon... Why is this the case? Folders are just named "Chapter 1: ..." etc. but NOT: "Avernus: ..." / "Frost: ..." etc. which would be WAY Better! keithcurtis said: Hi PJ! I'm not sure why they did not add in folder form. Did you have the new UI on at the time of import. I shouldn't think it would make a difference, since the data for the folder structure should be there, regardless. Do you get the same behavior in a brand new game? As for the second question, I don't think alphabetical sorting is a feature at this time. It might be possible in the future with a Mod Script, if the appropriate attributes were exposed.
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TheMarkus1204 said: They do! If you load one of the Modules (or all three) to a game, they do appear in Game in folders! My assumption is, that PJ wants to Transmog all maps in one folder at once, which is sadly NOT POSSIBLE up until now. Possibly. But I have to go by what is being said, without jumping to that conclusion. They come in as folders for me as well, when added as an addon. PJ just said "When I added any of three addons" and indicated that all ~100 maps were added. That suggested addon rather than transmogrifier. &nbsp;PJ, are you adding them as an addon on your Campaign Details page, or transmogrifying?

Edited 1708159092
Yes, I have been adding it as an addon. I have created a new game and added only the addon (no other content). However, now I realize there is a problem with the UI. I have the new toolbar on the left side, but the page toolbar is the old one. I have been playing with the new UI (opted in) about a month ago (creating folders and everything) than I had a break. Yesterday I came back, I wanted to check out the February Roll20 Reserve. I considered when I create a new game there will be the new UI already. However, I am noticing now that there is the new toolbar on the left there, but the page toolbar is the old one. I am looking under the setting where I was activating the new UI before (to "restart it"), but I do not see it there ... Can you advice me where the Opt In/Out to the new UI &nbsp; is &nbsp;located now? Is there a default setting that new UI is there for all new games?

Edited 1708159459
And with regard to the second question. Still it surprised me that the maps with addon were added in a chaotic order. Is it common or they should be in a numerical/alphabetical order?&nbsp;For example when you have it in the folders.
Hi PJ There was a low level of disorder, Ch5 Tessa and Ch 2 Tessa did not sit alongside their respective chapters, but it tooks seconds to drag them where I wanted them.&nbsp; This is how it looks for me (I have opted fully in terms of new UI etc)

Edited 1708180024
My issue (as a Plus Member) with this agreement with WoTC and I have the same towards Foundry is that you have decided to work for&nbsp; company who, last year tried to remove the OGL licence, lay off several people last chrismas and have cancelled the Dragonlance TV Show. I know that the world is not black and white but do you not worry about the fact that it could make people leave your platform ? I am still running as a DM a D&amp;D5 game (in a third editor setting, not in any sanctionned WOTC setting) but I never will buy any so called D&amp;D 2024 core books dedicated to replace products who are still good and I would prefer runing Dragons (Agate) or Tales of the Valiant (Kobold Press) in the future that pay WOTC who don't respect their player base.
Hi PJ, with regard to the UI, go to settings:
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As further insight to the order of maps, currently, there is an entirely different data structure used to sort maps in the new page menu, that is incompatible with the old. You can sort for the new menu while designing, with folders, or the old menu, which is a simple flat list. Moving items around in one can disturb the order in the others in unexpected ways. This is a transitional pain. Eventually, the old menu will be deprecated and this issue won't exist.&nbsp;
Thank you all for the feedback. Just to confirm (and to help anybody else fixing&nbsp;this problem), turning on the "Beta Features" under settings fixed it. It turned on the new page menu / toolbar. It also displayed all the maps in the respective folders and sorted them alphabetically.