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How do (or can) you move the PLAYERS label between folders?

I decided to be organized, and decided to arrange all of my maps into folders, down to grouping maps for particulars stages of the adventure into separate folders (e.g., a folder for the gate house, a folder for the main building, etc.). However, this week I wanted to move the players from one folder of maps to another, and couldn't figure out how to do that: it does not appear to be possible to drag the PLAYERS Label (yellow tab) onto a folder from a specific map. Am I missing something?

Edited 1707597520
Open the folder then move the ribbon from the right side of the bar above the folders to the desired map. This goes for maps already visible as well; you can move the ribbon from one map to another or from the bar to a map. Also, if you open the dropdown by the ribbon in the bar, you can move specific characters from it to any map.
Forum Champion
Hi Vince,  You can drag and drop from the top right corner ribbon as shown in the image. 
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
That upper right ribbon area will also contain extra ribbons if you Split the Party. Also, I usually keep the folders list open on the right, to make it easier to drill down into sub folders for quicker access:
Forum Champion
And another method is, type the Title of the Page in the text-search bar, at the top of Page Folders. This will surface the Page regardless of what sub-folder it's in. 
It was far too obvious for me ... I saw the icon at the top right beside the list of players, but didn't realize that it could be dragged again once it was already in place ... thank you, all!
If you open that flag drop down, you can move players individually. Those players then get their own flag. You can regroup them by clicking on a button in that menu or by just dragging them to the main flag... Vince G. said: It was far too obvious for me ... I saw the icon at the top right beside the list of players, but didn't realize that it could be dragged again once it was already in place ... thank you, all!