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Organising library - Help

Seeking a better method to efficiently organize my extensive collection of tokens and handouts on Roll20! With over 300 items accumulated over the years, I'm eager to categorize them into folders for seamless navigation. Although I've tagged them all via the marketplace, I'm struggling to find a way to select and relocate them into folders, either within a game or directly in the library. Am I overlooking a feature or is there a workaround I haven't discovered yet?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can create folders and manually drag them into those folders. Selecting and dragging items can be tricky if you don't know the trick - is this the issue?

Edited 1712753180
It would be convenient to carry in bulk. I also have handouts in the library, and I'm already tired of dragging everything one by one. I would like to structure everything somehow, because I like there to be order. I once read <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and it inspired me to create some thematic categories. I dedicated an entire section to Beowulf. Now I make folders "enemies", "allies", "locations" and then drag and drop.