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Darkness API Intermittence


Edited 1708809260
Marketplace Creator
Howdy. Playing with the Darkness API, and one of my characters (Sunny) seems to be seen as having Devils Sight when he doesn't, and is given control of the token. Here's the rub; the party has a pair of glasses of Devils Sight, and a Warlock who plans to gain it next level from their Pact. Neither are currently in use, but they will be. So I want to get this working properly. --Testing-- I typed Devils Sight into a trait on a different character (Pan), and I saw that Pan was given control of the token, but Sunny wasn't, though Sunny could still see in the ring. Based on the logic, if they were both seen as having DS, wouldn't both of them be given control and sight? I deleted the trait on Pan, and next token spawn gave control to Sunny again, but not Pan, and Pan had limited sight as expected. I don't know how to fix this. At one point, duplicating the character seemed to fix it, but that doesn't seem to be doing it anymore. Something about the character is being read wrong, and I don't know what to change about the character. 'Sight' occurs 4 times in the sheet, but 'Devil' doesn't appear once. --Solution-- For me, I changed the checked text to Devil Vision. That seemed to fix it. const isDevilsSightAttr = (t) => /.*devil.*vision/i.test(t); If there's a way for me to get y'all the character so you can work out what's happening, let me know, but for now, that's what I can do. I don't know enough about JavaScript to even try to guess what's up.
Nick O.
Forum Champion
Hi Essen - can you invite me to your game, please? I can take a look and see if I can puzzle out what's going on.
Nick O.
Forum Champion
Hi Essen - I think it might be because all players can be controlled by Vigilem Camera. I didn't want to change any of those settings, but if you remove Vigilem camera from the list of players who can edit & control the character, does that fix it?
Marketplace Creator
I tested it out real quick without changing anything, and it's working fine, and it's scaling to the 2.5 grid properly when it wasn't before. Not sure if you changed script, but it seems to be all good now, even with the camera account. 
Nick O.
Forum Champion
I did change one other bug that I'd found previously, so if that's what was doing it, cool! Happy gaming!