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Out of memory

I recently changed a grid cell distance in one of my maps to be too small and now the game won't launch (i get "out of memory" on Chrome and a crash notice in Firefox) Is there a way to change maps settings without loading into a game because as of now, that is impossible. Thank you!
Forum Champion
Hi Storyteller,  Your best bet is to file a bug report with the Devs via the Help Center . They will probably be able to fix the issue. 
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Hi Storyteller! You should be able to get into the account and fix the issue so long as the player flag was not on that page by following these steps: Create a  Dummy Account Promote that account to GM Log in under the dummy account. The account should load into whatever page the flag is set to. So long as that is not the problem page, you can edit the settings for the bad page through the page menu, without actually navigating to the page. Fix the bad setting Try loading under the new account. If this does not fixe the issue, then Gauss' suggestion of the  Help Center Request  is your best bet.
Forum Champion
Good call Keith, forgot about that workaround. 

Edited 1709051958
Keith!!! You’re a hero!!! Thank you! That work fixed and the game I’ve been working on for a year has been salvaged! Thank you so much!

Edited 1709059483
Sheet Author
Stealing that trick for sure. +1 Keith Gauss said: Good call Keith, forgot about that workaround.