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Allow the GM to delete a line in the chat text

Is this possible?  If not, why not?  Tired of accidentally setting of a skill or monster too early.

Edited 1709157714
The DM/GM can't delete something posted to chat, but they can hide it. Click your cursor to the upper right of the entry and wait for the "Hide" prompt to pop up.
Forum Champion
Note: at this time there is a graphics bug that is preventing the 3 dots for the hide button to show up. However, it is still present as Rick indicated. 

Edited 1709227267
X F.
So I clicked on an ability.  Trying to delete it.  There are no 3 dots.  I clicked all over and nothing happened.
The spot is right about where the yellow arrow is pointing in the screen shot below. There used to be a three-dot icon that popped up when you hovered there but as Gauss said there's a graphics bug that prevents it from showing up.
Thank you!  Found it.
Marketplace Creator
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