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Calling all Sheet Developers

Peter B.
Sheet Author
Vsevolod R. said: Hi. I'm unsure I'm not too late for the party, but still. If you need more beta-testers for Beacon Sheet framework (including security testing) I will be happy to help. Also, I will be happy to adapt my VTM v20 sheet to new Beacon Sheet framework ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ), and maybe more sheets if I will have more time. I'm JS &amp; nodeJS dev for 10+ years, mostly specialising in React, though familiar with Vue a lot, and professional bug bounty hunter. Also ex-org of large JS annual conference, was engineering manager/product owner in multiple top-tier companes, now working as CTO of my startup building specialized UI builder similar to Holy Smokes Bartman! That is a lot of words just to say "I am super over qualified!" Looking forward to see the craziness you bring to Roll20! :)
Peter B. said: Vsevolod R. said: Hi. I'm unsure I'm not too late for the party, but still. If you need more beta-testers for Beacon Sheet framework (including security testing) I will be happy to help. Also, I will be happy to adapt my VTM v20 sheet to new Beacon Sheet framework ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ), and maybe more sheets if I will have more time. I'm JS &amp; nodeJS dev for 10+ years, mostly specialising in React, though familiar with Vue a lot, and professional bug bounty hunter. Also ex-org of large JS annual conference, was engineering manager/product owner in multiple top-tier companes, now working as CTO of my startup building specialized UI builder similar to Holy Smokes Bartman! That is a lot of words just to say "I am super over qualified!" Looking forward to see the craziness you bring to Roll20! :) I just hate when combat turn takes 2 hours because players in my party are stuck in their charsheets and formulas and want to help on solving this :D

Edited 1719872575
Andrew Searles
Roll20 Team
Hey Community Sheet Developers, I’m excited to announce that sign-ups for the Beacon Closed Beta are now open. You only need to fill out our Beacon Closed Beta Sign-up form to sign up for access . Everything you need is listed in the form itself. I know it’s been a while since we started our feedback sessions earlier this year, but we’ve made updates and finished our documentation. Now, we’re ready for you to start using it!&nbsp; During this Closed Beta period, we’re interested in your feedback on Beacon SDK and the documentation we’ve created. Our desire is to make this a top-quality tool that will give you everything you need to create the best Character Sheets for your favorite role-playing games. Thank you again for your early feedback and interest. Let me know what you think!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Is it too late to join the closed beta?
Sheet Author
Hi Andrew, I signed up last week.&nbsp; Maybe I missed it, but are we supposed to get some sort of "welcome package" for the beta after signing up? Thanks
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Like&nbsp;vÍnce, I signed up last week, but nothing happened. How do I access the closed beta?
Hey vÍnce and Ulti, I gave your Roll20 accounts access to the sandboxes. These are the same as before, just now you don't need pro access on those Roll20 Accounts to get access to them. Also, you should have gotten an invite link to Discord. Once you join there, you'll be given access to the Community Sheet Developer channels where we've already started answering questions and hanging out! Finally, in the form, you got the link to the Docs and the repos that you'll need to start making a Beacon sheet. If you missed those links, you can get them from the discord as well. Let me know if you have any other questions! a PS: It is NOT too late to sign up! Come join us and start building the next generation of Character Sheets.

Edited 1720810744
Sheet Author
Thanks Andrew.&nbsp; I used the beta sign-up and joined the linked Discord server but maybe I didn't have immediate access to the Community Sheet Development thread..?&nbsp; IDK&nbsp; I do have access to that thread now and I found the link to intro docs there. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks for the follow-up.

Edited 1720813694
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I've signed up but have seen nothing. But I also don't use discord. (Also, for a company that claims to be focussed on accerssibility, Roll20 should really rethink that approach.) Vince, thank you for that link. I hadn't seen it.

Edited 1720813926
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That link Vince supplies shows signs of a copy/paste error. One of the headings is: Step 3: Settings up the Roll20 tabletop sandbox It's not hard to spot the error there.