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Combat Master 2.48

I have been using Combat Master2.48 for some time.  Recently I have been having the sandbox crash with error: TypeError: str.split is not a function I have poked enough around to see this occurs when Combat Master is making the next turn announcement. I found the common causes of this error are: - calling split on a non-string -undefined or null values -non-string objects Has anything changed recently that would cause token names to become a non-string? I'm very fond of using Combat Master and would like to find a fix.  Thanks
Marketplace Creator
Something must have changes, as the behaviour is slightly different than before.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
It looks like the main Combat Master thread finally timed out. You can try directly contacting the author,  Victor B.  They may be able to help you.

Edited 1710189104
The path to Knowledge is neither straight nor level. After further experimentation I am fairly certain Combat Master crashing the sandbox is a consequence of having tokens in the turn order with a numeric value instead of name. Oddly this only occurs when I use this script to assign a random three digit number to the token name.  !token-mod {{   --off showplayers_bar1   --on showplayers_name showname   --set bar3_value|@{selected|npc_speed} bar2_value|@{selected|npc_ac} bar1_value|@{selected|hp|max} bar1_max|@{selected|hp|max} bar1_link|   --set layers|objects name|"[[ d1000 ]]" }} If I type a three digit number in the name field on the Token Setting pop-window everything is OK.   I have modified the script to pull a name from a Rollable Table list. !token-mod {{   --off showplayers_bar1   --on showplayers_name showname   --set bar3_value|@{selected|npc_speed} bar2_value|@{selected|npc_ac} bar1_value|@{selected|hp|max} bar1_max|@{selected|hp|max} bar1_link|   --set layers|objects name|"[[ 1t[ListMonsterName] ]]" }} I think I’m back in business, I doubt anyone else would create this weirdly specific error state, but I thought I’d share anyway.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Hmm. Have you looked into TokenNameNumber? It might be able to address the naming issue.