Hi! I'm resurrecting a campaign that I created previously, hence why I don't remember the logic of some of the things I created. It used to be that this macro would roll a specified amount of times on a table and output the result: !rt [Delimiter:BR] /w gm &{template:default}{{name=Random Encounter}}{{The players encounter:=[[?{How  many rolls?}t[Random-?{Table? |forest|hills|mountain|grassland|swamp|river|roads|animals|animals-behavior|animals-complication}]]]}} However, as of today, it seems like either I have somehow joshed it up, or there was some update or something, but the first "!rt [Delimiter:BR]" part seems to make the macro unusable. However, if I remove it, the ouput becomes just "2" in the case of "2d4 harpies" (as if its trying to roll it, but the results always seem to be the same), and I would have to mouse over to get the full output. Anyone know why this might have occurred and how to fix it?