I'm a GM in GURPS and there are a few powers that have cooldown in "real time", 15,30,60min of gaming time. Most of the player characters have a few of these and keeping track is starting to become cumbersome. For in-game time I can put in items on the turn order track, but some sort of real time indicator is desired. Ideally I would like a token I can pull out of a list with custom icons/descriptions onto the map which counts down "Gonzo Luck 15min: 04:20" and stops at 00:00 but could also work with a count-up and when it passes 15min I can delete it. (To cut down lag a refresh every 10 seconds is fine until <10sec.) A similar function would be something I can set in chat which would count the appropriate time and cause a pop up in chat "Gonzo countdown: Luck15min complete!" would be great. (I have tried the API GameTimer but it causes so many screen updates our browsers tend to crash every 10min or so.)