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Roll20 is coming to Discord as an Activity!


Edited 1713979802
Roll20 Team
Get ready for the ultimate crossover event! Roll20 is teaming up with Discord to bring the full Roll20 experience to life as an embedded Activity within Discord!  Roll20 Pro subscribers get to be among the first to try it out in an exclusive beta test launching next week (on April 30th).  This means you and your gaming group can summon a full-featured virtual tabletop complete with maps, tokens, character sheets, and all the Roll20 tools you know and love – and play within the Discord interface. The best part? You can keep using Discord’s voice and video chat while rolling dice, moving tokens, and traversing your campaign world together. No more juggling between apps and windows – just one seamless role-playing experience. Roll20 Pros will get first dibs on this game-changing integration. And to celebrate this collaboration, first-time subscribers can try Pro (and the Activity on Discord) at our lowest price ever! For the next week, you can lock in your first year of Pro Annual for $79.99, or your first month for $7.99 – a 30% discount. Starting April 30th, all Pro subscribers will be invited to a private Discord server to beta test the Roll20 Activity. Within Discord, you’ll still have access to all the features and content you love: The full virtual tabletop with maps, tokens, layers, etc Integrated character sheets, 3D dice, and compendiums All your current campaigns, assets, and marketplace content Access to official modules for D&D, Pathfinder, Marvel, Fallout, and more Dynamic lighting (Pro/Plus only) Built-in video/voice chat via Discord Not only will Pro subscribers get to put the beta Roll20 Activity on Discord through its paces, but your feedback during testing will directly shape the development and fine-tuning of features for a global launch to all users later this year. Check your inbox for more details on joining the beta test (and sharing your feedback) next week! Read the full announcement, including Frequently Asked Questions on our blog:  HERE . 
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This is going to be a huge deal for a lot of folks!
Really looking forward to trying this out.  
What does this mean for the likes of the DND Beyond VTTs and such as i use them quite frequently will they still be used without the roll20 webpage being open?
What does this mean for Roll20’s integrated voice and video? Thousands of Roll20 users count on our integrated voice and video, and we have no plans to sunset that feature. It will remain available on for the foreseeable future. To avoid confusion and redundancies, integrated voice and video is not available within the Activity . Does this mean the player icons (or names, etc) will no longer be seen on the map (default on the bottom)?
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Feyte said: Does this mean the player icons (or names, etc) will no longer be seen on the map (default on the bottom)? They are positioned at the top in the screenshot above. The nameplates will almost certainly still be there—they are used for features other than voice/video.
This is amazing! The post says Pro subscribers will be invited to a private Discord server to test it. Does this mean I wouldn't be able to test it with my own game and group?
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Cielidor said: This is amazing! The post says Pro subscribers will be invited to a private Discord server to test it. Does this mean I wouldn't be able to test it with my own game and group? I believe you will be able to run your own game and group on that beta server.
The invite link will let you invite all of your group as well. Basically unless you're a Pro user if you launch the Activity you just won't see any actual games. Once the game is up and running in the call though you can invite whoever you'd like.
keithcurtis said: Feyte said: Does this mean the player icons (or names, etc) will no longer be seen on the map (default on the bottom)? They are positioned at the top in the screenshot above. The nameplates will almost certainly still be there—they are used for features other than voice/video. By default in Discord it's set to Names Only (to save on screen space), but you are free to modify that as you'd like if you want to see the avatars.
Sheet Author
Wow,  this is a cool idea! One note : I use discord activity while playing on Roll20 to share music with youtube activity, I guess we cannot run multiple activities at the same time, can we? Else I'll need to make a choice, eager to test it :D
Cool, I guess? I don't mean to be obtuse, but I am struggling to see how this will improve my Roll20 experience, over what I already do: Run Roll20 in a browser, and use Discord for in-game voice chat. This feels like a solution looking for a problem, but I would be glad to be shown how I am wrong.
When does the new Pro pricing start and when does it end?
Forum Champion
Jay M. said: When does the new Pro pricing start and when does it end? Based on "For the next week, you can  lock in your first year of Pro Annual for $79.99, or your first month for $7.99  – a 30% discount." I would say it is for one week, and probably starts being available on April 30th due to " Starting April 30th, all Pro subscribers will be invited to a private Discord server to beta test the Roll20 Activity."
Seems cool I guess, but not sure how it benefits most users that already use Discord as a separate app and roll20 in a web browser.  Should we expect improved performance?  Enhanced Integration between Roll20 and Discord message chat?  I can see how it could help some people on screen real estate, I just don't get it.  As a Pro subscriber I'll definitely try it out.  
At least one of my groups will NOT be able to test this since we use Teamspeak in combination with Roll20. Other than that, I am not sure how much of an impact this will have on my campaigns and IF we are going to use it ever in the future...
Big deal. I quit Discord long ago because they annoyed me. Do something actually useful and make a user compendium that we can add our home brew stuff to.

Edited 1714166148
Instead of this, what happened to the Dungeonscrawl Integration? How far has this progressed? It seems no one cares about this anymore, BUT this would be of MUCH more interest to me than the Discord Activity integration! The Thread for it here in the forums is closed! When creating a campaign-Map, where is the option to integrate Dungeonscrawl?
Having these two applications integrated into one is excellent news. Looking forward to trying this.

Edited 1714051714
Roll20 Team
Jay M. said: When does the new Pro pricing start and when does it end? The discount is available for new subscribers as of yesterday. You can access it: HERE . 
I also don't see the benefit, but I know that people have been asking for it. Personally, I have too much other stuff going on in Discord while playing (private chats, a music player, player posts that aren't game related, etc.) to dedicate a discord window to a VTT display. Brett said: Cool, I guess? I don't mean to be obtuse, but I am struggling to see how this will improve my Roll20 experience, over what I already do: Run Roll20 in a browser, and use Discord for in-game voice chat. This feels like a solution looking for a problem, but I would be glad to be shown how I am wrong.
Seems a good idea, however, the main groups I DM for uses the roll20 voice/video which has been flawless for us, so probably won't use this myself.  If a game I'm playing in uses it I'll give it a try.
I will admit, when I first heard this I thought "Fantastic!"... however the more I think of it, I just do not understand the benefit of it.     I do use Discord for voice, but I do not understand how this is more beneficial than just running both programs.   If anything, having them integrated hurts on screen space because now you have your normal Roll20 stuff with all of the discord channels on the left side.   Will hold off too much judgement until I see the finished implementation and any additional benefits that it may hold.
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I think the main benefits will be for those who also use video on discord, and want a place that supports ad-hoc images and other attachments. And those who use other features of discord to run the campaign side of the game.
Pat S.
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Sheet Author
Depending on how it is implemented, I will be curious how it will handle pbp games ran on discord.
Seems like a useful thing. I don't know if my group would really transition to using discord only, rather than Browser + Discord. I could see it being more convenient for some groups.

Edited 1714191989
Sheet Author
Seems kind of like the old roll20 google hangouts integration that we had 10 years ago...  Curious if performance will be better for roll20 having all within Discord vs Browser + Discord.
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vÍnce said: Seems kind of like the old roll20 google hangouts integration that we had 10 years ago...  Curious if performance will be better for roll20 having all within Discord vs Browser + Discord. That was fun, mostly because Hangouts had some useful video plugins.
When will we have discord server available to Pro users? or is it the Reddit Roll 20 server?
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Dwilla said: When will we have discord server available to Pro users? or is it the Reddit Roll 20 server? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;said: Starting April 30th, all Pro subscribers will be invited to a private Discord server to beta test the Roll20 Activity.
Will there be a Discord to log into, or Do I log into my discord and select activities. However there is no activity yet for Roll 20 RPG tabletop?
I need a Yootoob video showing how this all works and how to set up becaws I am stoopid!
Forum Champion
I think this feature will attract some of the Discord regular-users who didn't know Roll20. From the perspective of being on Discord and you search Activities for D&amp;D or RPG, and suddenly a full-featured VTT pops up? That'd be thrilling. Another use will be like keithcurtis and others have said, for games that use Discord chat posting-features (multiple chat rooms at the same time, spoiler tag on images, and so-on). I bet this will prove useful for Notifications in asynchroneous, turn-based games. This new technology will probably even spawn some new gameplay methods and ideas, servers, campaigns, that weren't previously possible.&nbsp; But, for a power-user of Roll20, or for anyone who is already accustomed to running Discord and Roll20-web-browser at the same time, like me, I probably wouldn't want to switch to a smaller Roll20 window that's smashed into the Discord activity interface. So for most cases I won't use it, but I'm hopeful that it creates new gaming opportunities and draws in new players/games/groups.&nbsp;

Edited 1714283882
Really excited to see how this will work out on tablets and mobile phones.&nbsp; As a pro user that GMs every other day i have a PC setup taylored to play online D&amp;D. &nbsp;this is not the case for new joiners. i run an organized play that welcomes multiple players weekly and new gm’s monthly. Many new joiners just have a phone and an old laptop from the college days.&nbsp;
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
I started using Roll20 inside Google Hangouts exclusively, and switched to Discord when the Google API changed. I'll probably help with testing, but I doubt I'll use it while I GM. vÍnce said: Seems kind of like the old roll20 google hangouts integration that we had 10 years ago...&nbsp; Curious if performance will be better for roll20 having all within Discord vs Browser + Discord.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
This will be great. I'm planning on running a short game for couple people new to roll20 and TTRPGs, and will consider trying out&nbsp; the Discord integration. Accessing Roll20 through discord would simplify things.
This sounds interesting, but I don't think I will use it.&nbsp; We just use Discord for voice and it works fine as is.&nbsp; It's not hard to just click into Discord if I want to upload a file.&nbsp; If there was some massive advantage to integrating them together I might change my mind, but I haven't seen that yet.&nbsp;
Is this launching today?&nbsp; I can't find the activity.
Second that
Forum Champion
Hi folks, just as a reminder when websites or services release something on a given is not usually released at midnight your time. It can be released at any point during the given day. Such as: midnight in some timezone you are not in, noon in some timezone you are not in, 3pm in some timezone you are not in, etc. :) Put another way, there are 24hours in a day, so long as it is released at 11:59 before the last timezone hits midnight, it is still that day.&nbsp; Fun fact: there are 40 time zones on Earth, not 24 like might be expected.&nbsp;

Edited 1714503983
Hey all! I see that the Discord activity has launched based on the multiple social media posts, but I don't understand how to access the feature. I keep seeing references to the Activity Beta server, but I have no idea how to access it and haven't found anything telling me how to do so. I verified I'm a Pro subscriber, I've checked for updates in Discord, and I even tried the playtest and Canary versions of Discord. None of these have allowed me to access the feature. Am I missing something? Or has the feature not actually launched yet? EDIT: I see that Pro subscribers will be invited to the private Discord starting today , but only saw that through this forum post because it wasn't at all emphasized in the community post. Could you update the post to bold that sentence? I think it'll remove some confusion about all of this.

Edited 1714504829
Roll20 Team
Thanks so much for your interest, everyone. The Pro Beta is LIVE! + Reminder, today is the last day to take advantage of our&nbsp; 30% discount on first-time subscriptions, if you'd like to join the Pro Beta.&nbsp; Details and join instructions are in the Roll20 Pro Forums: HERE .&nbsp;
None of the links in the Newsletter are working. I click the link <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And I get this

Edited 1714506067
Follow the Link in Jayme's Post. There you find the Discord Link for that Server. And this Link works. Darryn said: None of the links in the Newsletter are working. I click the link <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And I get this

Edited 1714508764
After testing it I have to say this is NOT optimal for smaller Screens! The Roll20 Window inside discord is WAY TOO SMALL to actually work with! Macros I placed on the Macro bar are displayed only partially because of the very limited space there is... Absolutely UNUSABLE for me! Oh and since Discord has no access to Browser Cookies, ALL settings you changed in Browser are reverted here, so you have to set everything anew! And since Discord does not save those Info, I fear you have to set those every single time you launch the Activity in Discord. I will continue using my Browser for Roll20!
If we do use it to trial can we still revert to the game as normal in the browser?

Edited 1714513012
Jonathan K. said: If we do use it to trial can we still revert to the game as normal in the browser? yes, you can access the game from discord and from the browser. Even at the same time.
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Think of it as a window onto your game.
I'm not sure if it's been asked yet but what about API's? (Ctrl+F didn't find much) My DM for our 3.5e game uses quite a few. Will they still work seamlessly within the Discord Activity or something that can only be done in the web browser?
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I am guessing you will have to manage the Mods page in the browser, but they will run in the discord app.