Macro Gurus: I've built a nesting macro for my AD&D (1e) game that creates a "spell book" for each classbut I feel like the buttons are pretty clunky. When I remove the "~" from the macro the spell name look is much cleaner, but when I click on it, a new window opens with a "page not found" message. Question 1: Is there a way to use the cleaner look (2nd option) to link to the spells? See macro script and screen shots below. &{template:general} {{name=The Spell Book of }} {{subtag=@{selected|character_name}}} {{**First Level**}} {{[@{selected|repeating_spells_$0_spell_name}](~selected|repeating_spells_$0_spell_roll) }} &{template:general} {{name=The Spell Book of }} {{subtag=@{selected|character_name}}} {{**First Level**}} {{[@{selected|repeating_spells_$0_spell_name}](selected|repeating_spells_$0_spell_roll) }} Question 2: I tried making a character sheet as a spell book for each caster class that the macro would point to. When I select the player token and link to a spell, it casts ok, but I am trying to have it calculate variable parameters, like range or area of effect. When I do so, the calculation is using the template, not the selected character token. Is there a fix for this? See script below. [[0.5*(@selected|level)]] Feet I always appreciate help from those with a higher wisdom (or intelligence???) than mine when it comes to script writing. I've figured out a good bit with macros, but haven't delved into API scripting yet - I've just used availble ones in my game. Thank you! ~Max