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New Player LFG

hoping to join a quest, this evening if possible, even a one shot is fine, ive played once before but am still trying to learn! help!
I'm running a fallout type game with magic. Monday, 5 to 8:00 PM Eastern Standard time Send me an IM if you're interested.=
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Chiefbeet, it helps us if you tell us your time zone, so we know what you mean by “evening”. For example, my games run in the evening in Sydney Australia, so they’re no use to folks in the Americas. 
Currently running a 3.5e campaign with all new players. Full homebrew world but we sticking to all the 3.5e and 3e books. I have two sessions looking for players, an all monster characters group on monday at 3pm/6pm PST/EST. And a sunday group same time that are currently all either half or full fire giants. World is in its age of mythos. Let me know if you would be interested!