Scenario: I am playing a Druid in 5e. I have many Wild shape forms, many summons, etc. In order to manage these, I have to create a character sheet (no issue), and a token (no issue). However, then I have to "bother the dm" to do the following: a) resize token to Large (if needed) b) link token HP bar to HP of character sheet c) move the token into the appropriate folder (ie wildshapes folder) to keep things less cluttered. Thinking this over, from a programming aspect, it might be the most simplest option of having a setting (somewhere), in which the dm can flag certain players as "trusted". For example, in our group, we've been playing for years ... and we all take turns dming .. so we have no real issues with "cheating" or other such things. So if there was a flag, which the DM can mark certain players as "trusted", it could then give that player certain "dm-like" privs on tokens/handouts/etc. Maybe not full visibility ... but if you can see it .. you can edit it kind of thing . This would take a lot of time off the dm's hands, and put it back into the (appropriate) player's hands when it's doable.